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The Official UCF vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

Clemson vs. Troy. 10-10. Wow, who is Troy again, and why are they tied with the #2 team in the country?
Clemson player flippantly dropped the ball at the 1 yd line after making an amazing 75 yd return (supposedly for a touchdown). I say 1st down at 1 yd line, no touchdown. Dumb shit.
Sadly I did not. She said she would meet up after the game but never showed up

Aaah shit. Oh well. Plenty of of older but still hot drunk sluts out there.

Perhaps by now you have settled in with a lovely lady around your own age anyway.

We really never get around to discussing these types of things that much on the board.
163 total yards. I know we've had good field position, but damn. That's pathetic.
Vic and I met up with him in AZ 'bout three years ago at the Wild Wings Bowl. Some older but still kinda hot drunk Kansas State fan was flirting with him.

I don't know what happened.

Yeah and we did at least one shot ..probably more.
Aaah shit. Oh well. Plenty of of older but still hot drunk sluts out there.

Perhaps by now you have settled in with a lovely lady around your own age anyway.

We really never get around to discussing these types of things that much on the board.

Haha I have not settled in at all. Maybe when I grow up