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The Official UCF vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

Early observations:

-This team can't run very well today. Smith's been getting yards basically all on his own. The run blocking has sucked.
-Speight's on the money.
-Other than a blown angle, the D's been great.
Gotta hand it to UCF. Their DL and LBs are playing great against the run.
Yes. It is universally accepted outside of Texas that that was targeting. Refs blew that one.

Look, I'm not saying the rule is good, but as it is written, you can't go that high on a guy. We got fucked twice last year for that shit. I think Minnesota got 3 targeting penalties last week

Okay, just don't like the inconsistency.
This is fucking stupid. You can't do that shit with a running QB without containing him.
And why the fuck is the word running linking to something?
TJ Barret is going to carve us up if we don't do a better job with the QB.
Luckily enough, I think Barrett is the only QB that can really run in the Big Ten. So hopefully they have that stuff ironed out by that game.