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The Official UCF vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

Maybe the most underwhelming blowout i've ever seen. The OL kind of scares me. Not sure if it's because of Braden's return or just a product of UCF being really hyped. Speight played well, though.
Maybe the most underwhelming blowout i've ever seen. The OL kind of scares me. Not sure if it's because of Braden's return or just a product of UCF being really hyped. Speight played well, though.

Speight's been very good. Outside of 1 big over throw early, I can't really think of any fuck ups for him.
You're the only one that can't handle me posting. Just put me on ignore if you can't handle an outside opinion posting. That or you can just go fuck yourself.

Oh that wasn't nice. And I just said something good about you too.
You're the only one that can't handle me posting. Just put me on ignore if you can't handle an outside opinion posting. That or you can just go fuck yourself.

Ok tough guy. Were you flexing in the mirror while typing that?
Guys chill out. Gotime isn't trolling and has actually complimented a few players since he's been in the thread.
He did the same thing last week too. I'm not here to disrespect anyone, but if he wants to be a twat then so be it.

Vic and I met up with him in AZ 'bout three years ago at the Wild Wings Bowl. Some older but still kinda hot drunk Kansas State fan was flirting with him.

I don't know what happened.