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The Official UCF vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

You can't hit a receiver that high. You just can't. Players need to understand this.
What is with all the passes?

2nd and 2, run it down their throat. If you can't, we have big problems.
And I hate this new keyboard. Fuckin thing auto corrects too much and puts in words that are never used.
You can't hit a receiver that high. You just can't. Players need to understand this.

Then shouldn't that hit on the ND player during the Texas game have been called targeting? Hit was clearly to the head. Seems inconsistent.
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Those types of runs are why I like Smith. Too many of his runs are messed up by his lack of speed and agility, though. He can run through arm tackles like nobody else, but that's it.
What is with all the passes?

2nd and 2, run it down their throat. If you can't, we have big problems.

Haven't made any room for the back. Even that last run, Smith had to break tackles behind the line of scrimmage before getting a decent gain.
Then shouldn't that hit on the ND player during the Texas have been called targeting? Hit was clearly to the head. Seems inconsistent.

Yes. It is universally accepted outside of Texas that that was targeting. Refs blew that one.

Look, I'm not saying the rule is good, but as it is written, you can't go that high on a guy. We got fucked twice last year for that shit. I think Minnesota got 3 targeting penalties last week
Love that quickness. If he had been Smith, it might have been a yard or two. The hole closed quick.