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The Official VCU vs ][V][ichigan NCAA tourney thread

So far so good! Keep this energy up in the 2nd and it will be a great game for Michigan.
38-23 halftime. I'll take it. 15 point lead and they still left a lot of points out there on the floor by missing wide open shots from 3 and from 2'

Horrible shooting from 3 so far

so you can say that VCU is shooting badly, but Michigan isn't shooting great either. If they were, they'd be up by 25
That's how you close the half boys! We are so much better when McGary is on the floor.
Great first half. Keep up the strong D.

LOL anyone else watching the game thread on Red Cedar? LMFAO!!! Here's what you're missing...

"Mcgary gets away with so much! If only Nix could get away with that, he'd have 30pts at the half!"

"Illegal screen!"

"Rams suck. How do you get blown out by the weasels?"

"VCU is weak"
Great first half. Keep up the strong D.

LOL anyone else watching the game thread on Red Cedar? LMFAO!!! Here's what you're missing...

"Mcgary gets away with so much! If only Nix could get away with that, he'd have 30pts at the half!"

"Illegal screen!"

"Rams suck. How do you get blown out by the weasels?"

"VCU is weak"

funny that they even have a game thread on there. I wonder if someone here will make a thread for the MSU game...when does that start anyway?
funny that they even have a game thread on there. I wonder if someone here will make a thread for the MSU game...when does that start anyway?

lol 12 pages already. 25 posts per page.

"Scum gets to waltz to final four.....I cant live in this world anymore the slurping and bias towards this shit bird team makes me sick.....game is off, wake me up when MSU is on."


edit: I just find it funny that they're so against us winning. I know we're rivals, but man...they hate us. I'm actually hoping they beat Memphis. After that, I could care less. I"d like to see at least 5 B10 teams in the S16.
LAAAAAAAWWWWWWD HAVE MERCY! Where did this Michigan team come from?

2 things:

1. This is a good match-up for Michigan.

2. UM was ready for this due to all the hype VCU was getting.

There is still a whole other half to play.....Go Blue!
Good half for Michigan. Should be a lot of the same in the second half. All VCU can do is press and Michigan is just too good with the ball. Unless VCU gets red hot from 3 and shoots 75% I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up a 30+ pt Michigan win.