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The Official VCU vs ][V][ichigan NCAA tourney thread

Burke seems like he got over confident. McGary is pissing all over VCU right now!
Mcgary is so improved over the course of the year. Wow.
Notice how when Michigan turns it over it's all "OOOhhhh there's Havoc. this is what they do blah blah blah"

but when VCU turns it over...ehhh no biggy
y does my boxscore only say 4 fouls? that right there should be the 6th, if I'm counting right...?
I think mitch just passed his best game this year up to 15 pts and 11 rebounds
Can Mitch keep it up for 16 more minutes? Just don't seem like the same team with Horford out there.
Just got up.

So.......VCU decided to run with us. Wow. Havent seen this since nonconference. I hope everyone undrstands how good these guys are.