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The Official VCU vs ][V][ichigan NCAA tourney thread

lol 12 pages already. 25 posts per page.

"Scum gets to waltz to final four.....I cant live in this world anymore the slurping and bias towards this shit bird team makes me sick.....game is off, wake me up when MSU is on."


edit: I just find it funny that they're so against us winning. I know we're rivals, but man...they hate us. I'm actually hoping they beat Memphis. After that, I could care less. I"d like to see at least 5 B10 teams in the S16.

Yep, the hate is at a record level for MSU fans. I don't get it either.

I don't understand the 'shit bird' comment, but i guess i probaby don't understand a lot of things on that board

I like the thread ripping TH Sr for how he's dressed, too. JUst went there to see what you were talking about and saw that. What? Is he supposed to wear a suit?
Barkley sounds like he swallowed a shoe and then drank it down with salt. Wow.
12 pages on M-VCU?

"Scum gets to waltz to final four.....I cant live in this world anymore the slurping and bias towards this shit bird team makes me sick.....game is off, wake me up when MSU is on."

"The fact that scum got the palace for their seeding and now white trash has invaded it has me ill. Thanks VCU we are now stuck with the media crawling up scums ass.......fuck this shit."

Wow. I'm reminded of the abject contempt. I don't understand it.

"Legs going for Michigan." Johnny 2X2 (just before M pulled away in the first half)

"McGary is a thug. That was not a legal screen, he chest bumped him." Johnny 2X2
12 pages on M-VCU?

"Scum gets to waltz to final four.....I cant live in this world anymore the slurping and bias towards this shit bird team makes me sick.....game is off, wake me up when MSU is on."

"The fact that scum got the palace for their seeding and now white trash has invaded it has me ill. Thanks VCU we are now stuck with the media crawling up scums ass.......fuck this shit."

Wow. I'm reminded of the abject contempt. I don't understand it.

"Legs going for Michigan." Johnny 2X2 (just before M pulled away in the first half)

"McGary is a thug. That was not a legal screen, he chest bumped him." Johnny 2X2

Johnny's a good dude. He's a sparty fan, I expect that from him. But he's usually honest with what he sees. I've seen him say positive things about us on that board before.

and i love how they call our fans 'white trash'. We're (mostly) all from the same state and I know just as many fans of MSU that aren't graduates of that school as i do for Michigan. The Walmart Wolverine thing is ridiculous.
So what did everybody do during the halftime? I watched part of Mr 3000, I've never seen that movie before...
Johnny's a good dude. He's a sparty fan, I expect that from him. But he's usually honest with what he sees. I've seen him say positive things about us on that board before.

and i love how they call our fans 'white trash'. We're (mostly) all from the same state and I know just as many fans of MSU that aren't graduates of that school as i do for Michigan. The Walmart Wolverine thing is ridiculous.

Maybe so but he is crazy if he is calling that screen by McGary illegal.
Vcu being more aggressive and getting at us
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sloppy first 4 minutes


actually increased lead by 1 from 15 to 16

and got 5 fouls on VCU in the process
Mitch doing it right today
Not doing fancy stuff but just making the dunk