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The Official Wisc vs ][V][ichigan BTT thread

shooting onky 34% for us and about 15%. for them

you kniw that will not stay
What a disgusting game.....I can't stand watching Wisconsin play basketball.
i love how they only talk about how bad wisconsin is paying and michigan could be in for a tough second half. man analysts can be so one sided lol.
So tired of all the poor offensive decision our players make.. We should be up 20..
this is fucking horrible

Michigan should be winning by 12 at least, but keeps fucking around

then the refs, wtf? all kinds of contact at one end, no foul, touch on the other end, foul

this is so hard to watch.
Wisky isn't the only team missing shots out there, experts. I think Michigan has been pretty dominant without their missed shots.
softball update
we beat #2 ariz state 5-4
later game is against #14 Arizona
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The only positive for Michigan is they are rebounding well and not giving up 2nd chance points. What I don't understand in a game like this, where we are clearly gonna need to hit some outside shots, is why there isn't a bigger effort to get Stauskas some open looks.
Wisky isn't the only team missing shots out there, experts. I think Michigan has been pretty dominant without their missed shots.

i said we were shooting only 34. need that higher and no free throws made it, no 3s

not good

wisky will be dufferent in secind half
Michigan needs to stop trying to draw fouls. It's not going to work against the Vadgers, O$U, or the Dooshiers. They get the benefit of the doubt, almost every time. All it's doing is giving Wisky easier shots, and they will eventually start hitting them. Also, I'm not one to usually harp on officiating, but Michigan has had at least 3 or 4 hard fouls on them not get called. This game could get rough in the second half because Wisco knows they can get away with the tough stuff.
The only positive for Michigan is they are rebounding well and not giving up 2nd chance points. What I don't understand in a game like this, where we are clearly gonna need to hit some outside shots, is why there isn't a bigger effort to get Stauskas some open looks.

Ask Burke. He takes all the shots. Real quickly sometimes, I might add.
Your right, they should be working on some plays to get Stauskas some open looks, he's been pretty hot the last couple games.