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Tigers? 2020 complete Spring and Regular season schedule

Locked On Detroit Tigers Podcast Episode 13: The Day The Baseball Died. 19 minutes.

This is unlike any show Chris has ever done and probably unlike any show he'll ever do. With baseball officially suspended, Chris talks about how he's feeling and gives you his genuine thoughts regarding the past, present, and future of his content.
Ilitch Holdings to guarantee hourly Tigers’ employee wages
The fund will also support employees of the Red Wings, and others.

Tigers Ownership Announces Fund For Part-Time Workers.

Ilitches set up $1M fund to pay arena, theater workers for next month.

Ilitch Holdings sets up $1 million fund for part-timers affected by cancellations.
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Tigers SRD One Hit Wonders Podcast. 71 minutes.

-This weeks?s song is The Specials ?Ghost town?.

-Roger discusses strikeouts do matter and Chris breaks down ERA in ?Inside the Numbers?.

-No baseball for a while so what?s next?

-Chris is a game inventor.

-Thanks to our Twitter followers who participated in our Tigers one-hit wonders as we read them off at the end of the show.
Teams Make Differing Arrangements As MLB Suspends Spring Training.

Season delayed, players free to leave camps.

Tigers, MLB players free to leave camp; delay to start of season could be longer than two weeks.

Detroit Tigers players to leave Lakeland as MLB shuts down spring training, minor leagues.

Some players are leaving spring training, casting doubt on 2-week delay to MLB season.
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Totally Tigers

The Saturday Survey offers another way for readers to weigh in on a relevant topic. So here is a poll to gauge the pulse of our baseball-lovin? peeps.

As always, we welcome your comments, so please vote and then submit your reasons ( 4 sentences max!) for how you voted in the usual comment box. Don?t forget to come back later and view the results!

As concerns over the coronavirus grow, MLB has postponed Opening Day for at least 2 weeks. Did they make the right decision? If not, what should they do?

1. Yes, the right decision.

2. Much ado over nothing.

3. Should have kept the games in Florida and Arizona.

4. They should play without the fans present.

5. Cancel the season.

6. Not sure.

7. Other.

Giannis Antetokounmpo, Zion Williamson among stars aiding arena workers.

Detroit Pistons star Blake Griffin is also pledging $100,000 to help workers at Little Ceasars Arena, where the Pistons play their home games. He acknowledged the pledge on Twitter on Friday, saying he was following Kevin Love's lead.

Ilitch Companies, the group that owns the NHL's Detroit Red Wings and MLB's Detroit Tigers, announced that it set up a $1 million fund to compensate part-time arena and event staff members for one month.

"Our sincere hope is that this provides comfort to our colleagues in this difficult time," Ilitch Companies said in a statement. "When events resume, we look forward to our colleagues being safely back to work as normal."