Tigers batting 2nd inning,
Fielder takes a fastball outside, swings and misses a hard curve, cutter fouled back, curve fouled, fastball up and in, swings and misses,
Young takes high, strike call at the knees, fastball moves up and in on Young's hands hbp,
Avila swings and misses a fastball, holds the swing on a pitch low, inside and low, fastball on the corner strike call, fastball inside full count, Young running and hard grounder gets by konerko backed up by second baseman and out at first, Young to second,
Peralta slider low and away, fastball low, slider way outside, on/off the corner strike call, way outside again for a walk,
Dirks fastball is low, swings and misses a curve, curve hits Andy on the foot, bases loaded for....
Raburn takes a cutter for a strike, fastball outside, fly to center, crap
floyd with 37 pitches.