Tigers hitting 3rd inning,
Cabrera curve strike call, swings and misses a changeup, fastball outside, fly to right,
Fielder fastball low, curve strike call, grounder to first and it bounces off of his glove in between hop single,
Young fastball outside, low, swings and misses a slider low, fastball fouled back, slider low and in full count, off speed lined foul down left, fastball lined foul down right, slider outside walk,
Peralta fastball strike call, slider low, fastball fouled back, sabathia throwing hardest here at 94, slider inside, high fly to left at the warning track Shit,
Dirks takes a fastball low, grounder to first and he flubs another grounder bounces to second and dirks beats fat daddy to first, E3 Fielder to third,
aww shit bases loaded,
Garcia takes a curve strike, fastball fouled back, takes a changeup low, sabathia taking a long time Avi steps out, slider fouled off his foot, grounder up the middle over sabathia's reach and shortstop gloves it spins and throws in the ground and Garcia is safe single and rbi,
aww shit bases still loaded,
Tigers lead 2 - 0,
Verlander talking with broadcasters works again,
Laird checks his swing, takes low, fastball strike call, fastball low 3 and 1, fly to right,
one f'n run,
sabathia with 73 pitches,
Tigers lead 2 - 0.