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Tigers vs. yankees ALDS Game 3 Thread Oct. 3

I just got home in the bottom of the 7th from work, already had a triple Kahlua/Captain Morgan (really good btw) and a triple Margarita (1800 Silver, Lime Juice, Blue Curacao, and Triple Sec).

Come on boys please
heck, he's due for a hit period...he doesnt have one yet in the series.

the more i look at the laptop i'm on, the better the tigers do. i'm not looking at the tv except with my peripherals for the top of the ninth, so valverde better finish it up! i'd almost rather have benoit in right now...isn't that insane? valverde doesn't give up a save for an entire year, and i lose confidence in because of his last outing
I wish Benoit would close this.. I mean Valverde did have 30+ pitches last outing..
I know everytime I seem to go watch the game something bad happens, Im staying in my bedroom away from the TV guys I swear, Ill just watch from the bedroom and listen....
Get it done however...but I'd really like to see the dominant Papa Grande tonight. This weekend is just too much. And it's too early in the fuckin work week for all of this stress. It's easier to play in these games than it is too watch them.
man am i nervous. my heart is pounding and my hands are kinda tingly like i get when im super nervous.
