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tOfficial Posters' Picture Thread

MichChamp02 said:
I thought chico got banned for being retarded?

Never was chico on here. my first name was banned because of slick. I had like 1 post and I was banned. I'm.just not gonna talk to.him. Im not.posting as much and I haven't started any crap.
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Slick has anger management issues

.......you stupid, motherfucking, cocksucking gimp retard fuckwad!!!!
Kudos to GBIA for starting this thread. Very interesting to put a face to the name. Am I allowed to put up a pic ? you know, being a spartan and all.
greenandwhite95 said:
Kudos to GBIA for starting this thread. Very interesting to put a face to the name. Am I allowed to put up a pic ? you know, being a spartan and all.

of course.
greenandwhite95 said:
Kudos to GBIA for starting this thread. Very interesting to put a face to the name. Am I allowed to put up a pic ? you know, being a spartan and all.

My wife is going to smack me when I show her i posted this picture.. But I just wanted you to know as a Michigan fan my wife Jeri has been giving me shit for the last three years... She and her dad are huge Spartan fans.
at least she's not a buckeye fan. i can put up with spartys, but there are very few buckeyes that i like.
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]at least she's not a buckeye fan. i can put up with spartys, but there are very few buckeyes that i like.

I agree.. This is Bob the Michigan fan the last three years...

What the freak did RR do to me!!!! Brady has to turn this nightmare around..
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
greenandwhite95 said:
Kudos to GBIA for starting this thread. Very interesting to put a face to the name. Am I allowed to put up a pic ? you know, being a spartan and all.

of course.

Cool, it might be a little while though. My laptop broke last week and due to Hurricane Irene the part needed for repair is now on back order, SON OF A DIDLEY !!! Anyways, I got this replacement Laptop that is is like 8 years old for my troubles, YEAHHH. All my pics are on my computer, so I will need to download the program for my printer to this computer to be able to scan some pics, not sure if I want to download and pics to this computer anyway, having lots of problems with it, likely due to age. I might just wait until I get my computer back which will take a couple weeks. Also, pretty busy with work but with football season among us, I will try to be on here more.

Thanks again.
[color=#006400 said:
greenandwhite95 said:
Kudos to GBIA for starting this thread. Very interesting to put a face to the name. Am I allowed to put up a pic ? you know, being a spartan and all.

My wife is going to smack me when I show her i posted this picture.. But I just wanted you to know as a Michigan fan my wife Jeri has been giving me shit for the last three years... She and her dad are huge Spartan fans.

I have three friends that are UM grads, so I head it for years after every ass whooping we got. It has been a quiet 3 years though, hopefully the silence will continue for at least a few more :)
My scanner acts up a bit. But this is me with the maize and blue sweater and Michigan hat on ABC TV back in 1993 in Happy Valley welcoming Penn State to the Big Ten conference. I was at a Navy school in Dahlgren, Virginia and woke up early, road tripped it to PA and scalped a ticket. Didn't know I was on TV for 3 seconds until a few years ago when I was watching the game on Youtube.
Mich_QB_U said:
My scanner acts up a bit. But this is me with the maize and blue sweater and Michigan hat on ABC TV back in 1993 in Happy Valley welcoming Penn State to the Big Ten conference. I was at a Navy school in Dahlgren, Virginia and woke up early, road tripped it to PA and scalped a ticket. Didn't know I was on TV for 3 seconds until a few years ago when I was watching the game on Youtube.

That the game where we stuffed em on the goal line twice on 4th down?
Yep. I was sitting in the corner of the endzone with the small contingent of Michigan fans. So it happened right in front of me as my seat was right on the goal line and about 3-4 rows up.
GoBlueInAtlanta said:
MichChamp02 said:
who is this handsome devil?

No idea. How about some hints?

I think it is the lead singer in Cage the Elephant :)

Crap. You were supposed to be a dorky little twit with coke-bottle glasses so I could hammer you. Now I have no grounds on which to stand.
I wish I was smart enough to get some FB pictures on here lol. I have tried every way that you guys have told me. This computer I have to use is a pos.
[color=#006400 said:
greenandwhite95 said:
Kudos to GBIA for starting this thread. Very interesting to put a face to the name. Am I allowed to put up a pic ? you know, being a spartan and all.

My wife is going to smack me when I show her i posted this picture.. But I just wanted you to know as a Michigan fan my wife Jeri has been giving me shit for the last three years... She and her dad are huge Spartan fans.

How did such a beautiful lady get talked into go to Moo U?
My old lady and I at my barristers ball (prom for law students)
