This has nothing to do with the death rates; I obviously don't know what they are, and no one has enough data to say for sure, but this doesn't disprove anything or offer any suggestions what it might be.
It's also extremely misleading.
Headline: Dr. Deborah Birx: Media Has ‘Frightened The American People’ With Salacious Coronavirus Numbers
Actual quote: But I can tell you if you go back and look at Wuhan and Hubei and all of these provinces, when they talk about 60,000 people being infected, even if you said, alright well there’s asymptomatics and all of that, so you get to 600,000 people out of 80 million. That is nowhere close to the numbers that you see people putting out there. I think it has frightened the American people.
She didn't call out the media in particular or "salacious reporting," and her speech was not in response to any "leftist talking heads" "like Chris Hayes"
Try again maybe? Could you find the expected death statistics from noted viral pathologists like Texas' Lt. Governor, or Jerry Falwell Jr. about what we can expect, and cut and paste those here?
I always learn so much from your expert opinion on things. You are very knowledgeable and keep us all so well informed.