Coronavirus and BLM have brought out the absolute worst this country has to offer. Americans used to come together during difficult times and come out on top. Now everyone is showing their true colors. Led by our president that retweets something that supports white supremacy on a weekly basis. People are so used to it they literally say...."oh it's just our president being dumb again." He's turned the presidency into a joke... and therefor the country is now a joke.
Everyday you can go online and see someone lose their minds about having to wear a mask, a black person walking to his house, a black guy at a bmw dealership etc etc etc. #merica
Yeah I get it.
You hate Trump being president with the white hot hatred of 1000 exploding suns, and nothing will be good and everything will be bad, and nothing will be right and everything will be wrong, until he?s no longer in the White House.
There are a lot of people like that. They wait to see if Trump is for or against something, and they make their minds up to be just the opposite.
Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi is the most prominent example.
Let?s take masks for example.
The CDC decided overnight that instead of doing more harm than good for the general public, masks were in fact helpful.
So Trump doesn?t wear a mask at press conferences, and that makes him bad.
Forget that Gavin Newsom nor Eric Garcetti also don?t wear masks at the press conferences, and I don?t think Andrew Cuomo wears a mask at his press conference - Trump doesn?t wear a mask so he?s bad.
Trump has recently come around and made comments favorable towards wearing masks in groups of people.
Nancy Pelosi wants a mask mandate.
Now the CDC ? along with the American pediatric society ? are strongly in favor of reopening the schools.
Guess what? Trump is too!
Guess who isn?t? Nancy Pelosi!
So the CDC pivoted overnight and decided to recommend masks, and Trump was somewhat ambivalent at first, so Nancy Pelosi decided she wanted a national mask mandate.
But when the CDC recommends schools to be opened and Trump supports that-Nancy Pelosi finds that terrible!
Now here is where I cue myself to make the obligatory trademark Tinsel disclaimer and point out that of course, politics is politics, and it was my opinion that Obama got a lot of the same bullshit from the other side when he was president too.
Maybe one day we?ll wake up and elect someone like Tulsi.
Yeah, right.