so it wasn't the result we were hoping for after 1,125 miles of driving and about 7.5 miles on foot touring the campus and getting to and from the game. Nonetheless, we had a great time. The fans were far more welcoming than I expected. There were some assholes but annecdotally, it was actually a little better than being a guest in ann arbor - i wouldnt be surpised if uofm fans have a diff experience given the rivalry but for the moat part people were friendly and welcoming to us.
Overall I would say in a way Columbus is kind of the opposite of Ann Arbor. The campus is aesthetically unimpressive with mostly bland architecture - MSU and uofm are both a lot nicer campuses. But Ohio Stadium blows Michigan Stadium out of the water. It is a vastly superior facility for watching a game w/ much steeper seating for better viewing angles and trapping sound - the place was LOUD. It's also 10x easier to get in and out of as well as get around in during the game. In that regard it was like a bigger and louder Spartan Stadium - with a much better team, obviously. Of the three 100k+ stadiums i've been in I'd say it was the best. I would rank them Ohio then Beaver then michigan a distant third.