pickelman and strayhorn are both graduating, worthy will probably be projected high in the draft, but who knows maybe he will stay. tough to replace worthy abd the quality depth those other two bring, but what we lose there we will gain in defensive end, and then some. gholsten, hoover, rush, drone, lawrence thomas is easily the best collection of defensive ends coming back in the big ten next year. Our linebackers are all coming back, and will have a year of experience under their belt. Robinson is a great safety for us, but a year of starting experience for lewis and dennard, and adams being a senior will make our secondary stronger next year than this year. lippets getting some action now too. MSU may have one of the best defenses in the country next year, right up there with any SEC team.
Who knows whats going to happen on offense with Maxwell. I'm optomistic that we may also have a better offense next year if Maxwell plays more consistent than cousins, of course it could easily turn into a nightmare if he doesn't hit the ground running. We should have an awesome offense right now, but as a result of cousins choking, we only have a strong offense every other game. Luckily in the position where we lose the most (reciever), we are literally reloading. we have so many good wide recievers that arent getting any playing time right now it is ridiculous. fowler, lippet, mumphrey, caesar, burbridge.. any of these guys could be big names next year. Although we are losing Foreman, we will be way better off replacing a guard, then we were this year in replacing both tackles and center with freshmen/sophomores. Our line could and should actually be a strength next year, which will help out maxwell and our running game a lot.
This is basically the MSU team I have wished for my whole life... We have so much talent and depth in underclassmen, that we are a legitimate big ten title contender every year. And we have recruited so intelligently that any given year we arent having a huge drop off in talent in any one area. (Im basing this on last year, this year, and the talent that will still be here for the next couple of years)