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Where's the countdown thread?


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2013
Is uofm not kicking off this season to defend it's title or is this just another sign of DSF slowly dying on the vine?

It's officially this thread. 67 days. Steve King OL 1973-1975.
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66 Days. Mike Hammerstein. 1981-1985. AP, UPI, and Kodak First-Team All-American, 1985.
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65 days. Reggie McKenzie, OG 1969-1971. Consensus First-Team All-American, 1971. College Football Hall of Fame, 2002.
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64 Days. John Arbeznik, OG, 1976-1979. Nicknamed "Flame" because he once (nearly) set himself on fire with a flaming drink. All Big Ten, 1978-79. Was the catalyst who sparked the movement to get Jim Harbaugh come to Michigan. He actually called him to consider the idea.
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