I think it's obvious that there's a big difference between having an affair and being cheated on. One is the perpetrator, the other a victim. Please don't try to draw an equivalence between those two, that's a weak argument.
As for Sotomayor, I don't agree with diversity for diversity's sake either, but that's really a sidebar conversation to the statement about someone who wants to be President making a sweeping judgment about a judge due to his race or religion. If you want to argue that point, you can back Trump's position that a Mexican or Muslim can't be objective, if you don't back that position, then just say that he's wrong. It's not that hard to do.
As for abortion, it simply doesn't fit the legal definition of murder so to call it that is factually incorrect. When you go down that slope of putting religious "freedom" ahead of the law of the land you're opening the door to a lot of legalized discrimination. Do you think it's ok that a doctor could refuse to treat the son or daughter of a gay couple? that's legal in about 25 states. Their personal religious beliefs shouldn't allow them do not do their job. As for providing health insurance for abortion or birth control, those are part of the employees compensation package, they have the option to use whatever services they choose. Why don't we hear about religious people objecting to their tax dollars going towards drone attacks that kill innocent people? that should violate religious beliefs, shouldn't it? it's your dollars going to fund something that you disagree with. Regardless, it was my original point that it's asinine for Trump to say that a doctor should be punished for performing a medical procedure that is completely legal. There is no legal basis for any kind of punishment, but that's the nonsensical rantings of a buffoon who wants to be president. You can disagree with Hillary's positions but at least they're coherent and thought out.