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WikiLeaks revealing how scummy the DNC is

That's what scares me about Trump...he just opens his mouth and speaks instead of thinking about the ramifications.

"They probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted because you'd see some beauties there. So let's see,"

This is obviously him just trying to make a dig at Hillary.

Then he says this

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press,"

Again, just a dig, but it sounds terrible. He is used to being able to just speak his mind without it being analyzed by everyone in the press. That's not how it works in politics.
LOL @ Trump actively calling for Russian hackers to engage in espionage and break the law.


Seriously, Hillary is a scumbag...but people need to stop pretending voting for Trump would be taking any kind of high ground over her, it's quite possible what Trump suggests is treason.

Trump is an ass and he was talking out of his ass, but I don't think it's treasonous.

Talking out of one's ass doesn't demonstrate espionage or collusion with an enemy or foreign government to the detriment of the United States.

EDIT: Constitutional Definition of Treason.

So probably not. But he is an ass.
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It's amazing how you can never find another trump supporter on the internet yet there are millions that do support him. it's bizarre, i'm not sure what that means, probably nothing.
It's amazing how you can never find another trump supporter on the internet yet there are millions that do support him. it's bizarre, i'm not sure what that means, probably nothing.

Pretty remarkable.
Trump is an ass and he was talking out of his ass, but I don't think it's treasonous.

Talking out of one's ass doesn't demonstrate espionage or collusion with an enemy or foreign government to the detriment of the United States.

EDIT: Constitutional Definition of Treason.

So probably not. But he is an ass.

So you don't believe that Trump calling on Russian hackers to try to find and expose what is widely believed to be classified material is treason? I wonder what Edward Snowden thinks about that.
So you don't believe that Trump calling on Russian hackers to try to find and expose what is widely believed to be classified material is treason? I wonder what Edward Snowden thinks about that.

of course not. Remember, the 30,000 deleted emails were all personal - things like Chelsea's wedding plans and yoga classes - clearly nothing to worry about and not treasonous in any way.

that's a mouthful of incoherent thought.

log off, sober up, and try again tomorrow maybe.

you had a hard time following that? maybe you should put the bottle down - but there's a pretty good chance you're just stupid, not drunk and stupid.
I think it's obvious that there's a big difference between having an affair and being cheated on. One is the perpetrator, the other a victim. Please don't try to draw an equivalence between those two, that's a weak argument.

As for Sotomayor, I don't agree with diversity for diversity's sake either, but that's really a sidebar conversation to the statement about someone who wants to be President making a sweeping judgment about a judge due to his race or religion. If you want to argue that point, you can back Trump's position that a Mexican or Muslim can't be objective, if you don't back that position, then just say that he's wrong. It's not that hard to do.

As for abortion, it simply doesn't fit the legal definition of murder so to call it that is factually incorrect. When you go down that slope of putting religious "freedom" ahead of the law of the land you're opening the door to a lot of legalized discrimination. Do you think it's ok that a doctor could refuse to treat the son or daughter of a gay couple? that's legal in about 25 states. Their personal religious beliefs shouldn't allow them do not do their job. As for providing health insurance for abortion or birth control, those are part of the employees compensation package, they have the option to use whatever services they choose. Why don't we hear about religious people objecting to their tax dollars going towards drone attacks that kill innocent people? that should violate religious beliefs, shouldn't it? it's your dollars going to fund something that you disagree with. Regardless, it was my original point that it's asinine for Trump to say that a doctor should be punished for performing a medical procedure that is completely legal. There is no legal basis for any kind of punishment, but that's the nonsensical rantings of a buffoon who wants to be president. You can disagree with Hillary's positions but at least they're coherent and thought out.

this is nuts - she lost her victim status the moment she sided with her husband and instead attacked his victims to protect and advance her own political ambitions. And if she didn't lose it with Jennifer Flowers, then by the time Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky came around, you have to be a fool to grant her even a shred of victim status.

You can't accuse one person of making racist statements about a judge then dismiss a judge who made those same racist statements as a sidebar. That's just a disingenuous attempt to dismiss and argument you know you can't defeat logically. If Sotomayor isn't wrong, then neither is Trump and Trump's political ambitions don't make his any worse than hers - she's a Justice on the highest court in the land for crap's sake.

How does abortion not fit the legal definition of murder? Because the supreme court says it doesn't?
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It's amazing how you can never find another trump supporter on the internet yet there are millions that do support him. it's bizarre, i'm not sure what that means, probably nothing.

They are probably waiting for AOL to dial up or get Internet out to their trailer. Or sadly they could just be old and still using the mouse as a foot pedal.
They are probably waiting for AOL to dial up or get Internet out to their trailer. Or sadly they could just be old and still using the mouse as a foot pedal.

Maybe they all think that voting for him will earn them a prestigious degree from Trump University, a months supply of Trump Steaks, and a 5th of Trump Vodka to wash it all down.

Oh yeah, and.."he gone build us a wall ta keep dem 'messicans outta are country and stop all them rapes and thievin and takin are jobs and he gone make the mesican president pay for it too!".
Peak Irony: Mexico Wants To Build The Wall To Stop Illegal Immigration

Submitted by Mac Slavo via SHTFPlan.com,

It turns out that Donald Trump’s proposed border wall is not such a bad idea after all. Though Mexico’s current and former Presidents have both lambasted Trump for implying that a wall would curb immigration, it turns out that Mexicans like the idea.

There is one small caveat, however. Mexicans don’t want to build the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, but rather, they want to stem the tide of immigration into their own country by building the wall on their southern border with central America:


Mexico does not want the wall on it's southern borders, an editor of a newspaper does.

Read the article you linked, it says nothing about Mexicans wanting this, just the editorial board of El Ma?ana.

Swing and a miss
It's amazing how you can never find another trump supporter on the internet yet there are millions that do support him. it's bizarre, i'm not sure what that means, probably nothing.

The majority of people on these boards are college educated, not his demographic.
I read that one the first time, it also offers no evidence or even the notion that any Mexicans other then those on the editorial board want such a wall.
I read that one the first time, it also offers no evidence or even the notion that any Mexicans other then those on the editorial board want such a wall.

Nor is there Evidence trump is a racist
this is nuts - she lost her victim status the moment she sided with her husband and instead attacked his victims to protect and advance her own political ambitions. And if she didn't lose it with Jennifer Flowers, then by the time Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky came around, you have to be a fool to grant her even a shred of victim status.

You can't accuse one person of making racist statements about a judge then dismiss a judge who made those same racist statements as a sidebar. That's just a disingenuous attempt to dismiss and argument you know you can't defeat logically. If Sotomayor isn't wrong, then neither is Trump and Trump's political ambitions don't make his any worse than hers - she's a Justice on the highest court in the land for crap's sake.

How does abortion not fit the legal definition of murder? Because the supreme court says it doesn't?

I'm saying one candidate is infinitely more competent than the other, we can have sidebar conversations all day long.

Committing infidelity is not on par with her reactions to her husband's infidelity.

I'm not a fan of Sotomayr's comments, i said that earlier. I didn't read the entire speech and i'm going off of a few cherry picked sentences out of context. Trump's statements about justices are just one example of the nonsense that he spews constantly.

We could argue abortion all day long, that wasn't my intention. My point is to say that he's clueless because he said that women should be punished for having a legal medical procedure. then he switched gears hours later and said that the doctors should be punished for performing a legal medical procedure. Even if Roe v Wade is overturned, there's still no argument for retroactively applying the new laws and punishing people for that.

The fact that he even thinks these things is just an automatic disqualifier. He's obviously making these positions up on the fly without much thought or perspective.