It's not at all dramatic - she's a horrible human being who has done horrible things. Are you really trying to make Trump look like a bad person by comparison for having an affair when Hillary stayed with her serial philanderer of a husband and actually ATTACKED the women he assaulted, harassed or cheated on her with simply for her own political ambitions? Get real.
You may not agree with my viewpoint on Sotomayor, but you'd be wrong. First, diversity for diversity's sake isn't a proven good for anything - there is zero empirical evidence to suggest it improves outcomes. And for the thick-skulled readers, I'm not saying diversity is bad or detrimental, I'm just disputing the claim that diversity itself improves outcomes. What you "understand" is merely your belief that it sounds logical and nice, therefore is probably true - it's not. And her statements aren't much different than Trump's - she claimed that her gender and ethnic heritage would lead her to make better decisions than a white male. That's at least as racist as Trump's accusations. And if she actually believes that, which there is no reason to think she doesn't, it also would actually indicate Trump has a point if Mexican judges do look to their heritage and life experience and not the rule of law to inform their decisions.
Also, with respect to your response to Byco - just because the supreme court says abortion is legal, that doesn't mean it's not murder. the supreme court gets things wrong all the time and being on the wrong side because of the supreme court decision doesn't make you right. And there's a massive difference between forcing companies to act against their religious beliefs to pay for insurance that covers birth control and abortion services or provide services to same sex marriages and allowing people to commit crimes like rape and murder in the name of their religion - it doesn't follow that opposing government coercion to act against their beliefs is the same as allowing people to commit crimes like rape and murder in the name of their religious beliefs. That's an absurd statement - surely you can see that.