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WikiLeaks revealing how scummy the DNC is

Why did you have to go and ruin a perfectly good anti Hilary rant with a straight bullshit statement? I despise that lizard woman but the only thing worse is fake statements that make her opposers look like lying, religious nutbags.

so what do you have to say to people who believe human life begins at conception based on scientific evidence - when the organism has a unique and uniquely human DNA and that the baby has a heart beat before the women even knows she is pregnant. Is that science fake? nearly half the country is opposed to abortion, are they all religious nutbags? doubtful since opposition to abortion has been on the rise while religious affiliation is on the decline in America.
so what do you have to say to people who believe human life begins at conception based on scientific evidence - when the organism has a unique and uniquely human DNA and that the baby has a heart beat before the women even knows she is pregnant. Is that science fake? nearly half the country is opposed to abortion, are they all religious nutbags? doubtful since opposition to abortion has been on the rise while religious affiliation is on the decline in America.

He said Clinton supports abortion at any stage prior to live birth. It's not about when he/you/I believe 'life begins'. He's saying Clinton is ok with a woman aborting babies at ANY point. I've yet to meet a single person that thinks it's ok to have an abortion at any point in a pregnancy. Even lizard woman.
He said Clinton supports abortion at any stage prior to live birth. It's not about when he/you/I believe 'life begins'. He's saying Clinton is ok with a woman aborting babies at ANY point. I've yet to meet a single person that thinks it's ok to have an abortion at any point in a pregnancy. Even lizard woman.

It is about when he/you/I believe life begins when you accuse people of making these statements of making her opponents look like religious nutbags.

but for arguments sake, let's set that aside and look at her record. has she ever voted for any bill to make abortion at any point in pregnancy illegal? No. Has she ever voted against such a bill? Yes (10/21/03 Senate Bill S-3 to prohibit partial-birth and late term abortions). If she voted against a bill to make partial birth and late term abortion illegal, it's safe to say she is ok with and supports aborting babies at ANY point. She also voted against a bill that would require parental notification for a child seeking an abortion.
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It is about when he/you/I believe life begins when you accuse people of making these statements of making her opponents look like religious nutbags.



that's a mouthful of incoherent thought.

log off, sober up, and try again tomorrow maybe.
Today I learned Hilary Clinton is ok with 38 week abortions. What a monster.
It's not at all dramatic - she's a horrible human being who has done horrible things. Are you really trying to make Trump look like a bad person by comparison for having an affair when Hillary stayed with her serial philanderer of a husband and actually ATTACKED the women he assaulted, harassed or cheated on her with simply for her own political ambitions? Get real.

You may not agree with my viewpoint on Sotomayor, but you'd be wrong. First, diversity for diversity's sake isn't a proven good for anything - there is zero empirical evidence to suggest it improves outcomes. And for the thick-skulled readers, I'm not saying diversity is bad or detrimental, I'm just disputing the claim that diversity itself improves outcomes. What you "understand" is merely your belief that it sounds logical and nice, therefore is probably true - it's not. And her statements aren't much different than Trump's - she claimed that her gender and ethnic heritage would lead her to make better decisions than a white male. That's at least as racist as Trump's accusations. And if she actually believes that, which there is no reason to think she doesn't, it also would actually indicate Trump has a point if Mexican judges do look to their heritage and life experience and not the rule of law to inform their decisions.

Also, with respect to your response to Byco - just because the supreme court says abortion is legal, that doesn't mean it's not murder. the supreme court gets things wrong all the time and being on the wrong side because of the supreme court decision doesn't make you right. And there's a massive difference between forcing companies to act against their religious beliefs to pay for insurance that covers birth control and abortion services or provide services to same sex marriages and allowing people to commit crimes like rape and murder in the name of their religion - it doesn't follow that opposing government coercion to act against their beliefs is the same as allowing people to commit crimes like rape and murder in the name of their religious beliefs. That's an absurd statement - surely you can see that.

I think it's obvious that there's a big difference between having an affair and being cheated on. One is the perpetrator, the other a victim. Please don't try to draw an equivalence between those two, that's a weak argument.

As for Sotomayor, I don't agree with diversity for diversity's sake either, but that's really a sidebar conversation to the statement about someone who wants to be President making a sweeping judgment about a judge due to his race or religion. If you want to argue that point, you can back Trump's position that a Mexican or Muslim can't be objective, if you don't back that position, then just say that he's wrong. It's not that hard to do.

As for abortion, it simply doesn't fit the legal definition of murder so to call it that is factually incorrect. When you go down that slope of putting religious "freedom" ahead of the law of the land you're opening the door to a lot of legalized discrimination. Do you think it's ok that a doctor could refuse to treat the son or daughter of a gay couple? that's legal in about 25 states. Their personal religious beliefs shouldn't allow them do not do their job. As for providing health insurance for abortion or birth control, those are part of the employees compensation package, they have the option to use whatever services they choose. Why don't we hear about religious people objecting to their tax dollars going towards drone attacks that kill innocent people? that should violate religious beliefs, shouldn't it? it's your dollars going to fund something that you disagree with. Regardless, it was my original point that it's asinine for Trump to say that a doctor should be punished for performing a medical procedure that is completely legal. There is no legal basis for any kind of punishment, but that's the nonsensical rantings of a buffoon who wants to be president. You can disagree with Hillary's positions but at least they're coherent and thought out.
Today I learned Hilary Clinton is ok with 38 week abortions. What a monster.

That sounds like a cherry picked statement with no context. I'd like to hear the context around this.
Why did you have to go and ruin a perfectly good anti Hilary rant with a straight bullshit statement? I despise that lizard woman but the only thing worse is fake statements that make her opposers look like lying, religious nutbags.

Ultimately, she does. Not with the same fervency as Bernie Sanders, but, in her Hillary-esquse manner, she hedges the issue by stating "there can be restrictions at the very end of the third trimester, but they have to take into account the life and health of the mother." (Italics mine). A very vague claim with big loopholes that offer outs, as is her modus operandi.
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The other thinks it's okay to capriciously murder innocent life at any stage prior to live birth.

The Supreme court says that it's not murder. You can't reasonably chastise someone for agreeing with the law.

So you are ok with Dred Scott and the Compromise of 1850?

The other was Sec. of State of an administration that already has.

There's a big difference between conducting drone attacks where there is collateral damage and intentionally targeting and killing those who played no part in any terrorist activity as retribution.
The Obama administration has done that as well.

The other is an incompetent, inept bureaucrat who violated international law and is a puppet of the military-industrial complex.

Incompetent? I disagree but she's infinitely more competent that Trump.
I call using a personal Blackberry to transmit top-secret information as highly incompetent.

The other will force companies to violate their solemn religious beliefs to advance the culture of death she promotes for personal gain and profit.

By that logic, Muslim men should be allowed to rape their wives in America. Their religious beliefs would be put ahead of the law.
Straw man. Rape is illegal; opposing abortion is not.

None of these claims "appear" to be "improper." Hillary Clinton is Donald Trump in a pantsuit
That sounds like a cherry picked statement with no context. I'd like to hear the context around this.

I was being sarcastic. Byco made the statement that HRC would approve an abortion at any term based on her being ok with current abortion protocols. Essentially the thought in this thread is if you're ok with a 3 month abortion, you're ok with an 8 month abortion. I loathe that woman and wouldn't vote for her but it's an asinine thought process.

I've known that since 1992.

I'd love a source on that (hold the bread and wine) and not some 'slippery slope' argument. An actual instance where HRC (or ANYONE) has stated that post 25 weeks that abortion is A-Ok.
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I'd love a source on that (hold the bread and wine) and not some 'slippery slope' argument. An actual instance where HRC (or ANYONE) has stated that post 25 weeks that abortion is A-Ok.

She voted against the partial-birth abortion ban in 2003. And I quoted her in an earlier post.

"There can be restrictions at the very end of the third trimester, but they have to take into account the life and health of the mother."
She voted against the partial-birth abortion ban in 2003. And I quoted her in an earlier post.

"There can be restrictions at the very end of the third trimester, but they have to take into account the life and health of the mother."

Rape, incest, and/or the mother's life is in danger. Is there another 'restriction' that I'm not aware of?
So you are ok with Dred Scott and the Compromise of 1850?

The Obama administration has done that as well.

I call using a personal Blackberry to transmit top-secret information as highly incompetent.

Straw man. Rape is illegal; opposing abortion is not.

None of these claims "appear" to be "improper." Hillary Clinton is Donald Trump in a pantsuit

As far as comparing it to Dred Scott, I get the idea but there's still no basis for punishing someone for doing something that's completely legal, which is what Trump did. If you repeal Roe v Wade I don't think there's any legal basis to retroactively charge people for violating the law when it was legal. I don't even know if that's what Trump is calling for, he may be calling for a punishment for performing abortions prior to any future appeal of Roe v Wade. It's all nonsensical, you can try to draw parallels between using a private email server and making up your positions as you go along but it's simply not the same.

Also, as far as Obama droning people, there is collateral damage, i mentioned that earlier. Trump is saying he's going to intentionally execute the family members of terrorists. Did he think that they might be american citizens? citizens of countries that we're allies with?

You may not like Clinton, but she's coherent and knows what she's doing. Trump is like a stream of consciousness speaker with no clue what' he's doing.
Rape, incest, and/or the mother's life is in danger. Is there another 'restriction' that I'm not aware of?

(Doe v. Bolton) "[T]he medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors -- physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age -- relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors may relate to health."
Funny how this man's responses always sound like an insecure bully with below-average intelligence.

I think this was brought up on the board recently-I think someone actually posted a link-that the writer of back to the future two based the Biff character in that movie on Trump.
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