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98 yard winning drive. No timeouts

Plus Romo has lost some games this season, even if he was dynamite in 3 plus quarters they remember that shit.
missed it...was at Wal Mart getting stocking stuffers :'(

my man Tony had to give me play by play on the cell phone.
SLICK said:
missed it...was at Wal Mart getting stocking stuffers :'(

my man Tony had to give me play by play on the cell phone.

Bummer. Of course what were those defensive fk'ers thinking of.

"Well Calvin is the best so we will let him run by".
I agree, but with names like Newton, and Tebow being mentioned in probowl conversations, its pretty clear the probowl is a popularity contest. Outside of Rodgers and Brees, I think its a toss up on who makes the PB as a qb. And with Tebow getting all this attention, Im almost positive he will make the probowl, without deserving to.
kdp1980 said:
I agree, but with names like Newton, and Tebow being mentioned in probowl conversations, its pretty clear the probowl is a popularity contest. Outside of Rodgers and Brees, I think its a toss up on who makes the PB as a qb. And with Tebow getting all this attention, Im almost positive he will make the probowl, without deserving to.

But it's not though. Not like baseball anyway. Fans only count for a 1/3 of the voting.
I just get the feeling that some how, some way, hes going to be in the PB. Thats all Im saying. And that Stafford will not
Well, who's a sure thing in the afc? Brady, Roth. and then who?
[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]Well, who's a sure thing in the afc? Brady, Roth. and then who?

I just Tebowed on your question.
Lol. Without Peyton and Rivers having a bad year I have no idea who else gets in. Schaub if he hadn't got hurt. Maybe Cinci QB?
I have heard many people say Tebow will not get many votes among the players because they see what he is doing as a fluke
Well, whichever NFC QB plays in the Superbowl on Feb. 5th wont be playing in the Pro Bowl January 29th. So if it's Brees or Rodgers and I think there's about a 75% chance it's one of them, then there are 2 spots open in the Pro Bowl.

SuperBowl QB

Pro Bowl QBs

2 of these 3

I think Stafford would get the nod over both Manning and Romo at this point in time.
wheels002 said:
I have heard many people say Tebow will not get many votes among the players because they see what he is doing as a fluke

And if Tebow does make it to the Pro-Bowl, i hope the players boycott it because he doesn't deserve it. They won't but i just wish...lol.
[color=#006400 said:
zyxt9 said:
what about 9ers smith? prob over romo at least, eh?

He's been efficient but not the TD or yards.

yeah, saw that. i just don't think of romo as being that good. maybe if he was on another team, he'd be all pro as his stats are high except in wins, especially when it matters most, but maybe that is more due to the team (and pos owner)
I know this... I would rather see the Lions play against Romo with the game on the line than any other QB in the league...
kdp1980 said:
Seriously though, when do analysts and espn start showing him some love. Fucking Tebows 10 or so passing TDs overshadowing Staffords 33, with an inept backfield, and 1 dimensional offense.

It's digusting. And I know for a FACT that if Tebow wasn't the choir boy christian and just a regular Joe he wouldn't be getting half this much attention. Maybe the rest of us need to start praying AGAINST him.