spartynash13 said:
It pisses me off how an overrated 3-0 team is getting twice the love out playoff-bound and beyond Tigers are. These "fans" were nowhere to be found the last 10 years but now they are the biggest superfans in football. What a joke.
I think if you go to the Lions board, you will see some of the most passionate Lions fans anywhere. Whether or not anyone was watching them as closely and rooting for them from when you say, as much as now, the fan base has alot of hope with the coach and GM and great young talent.
Not every one can stay with a team that was bad for a long time. Those that did are real true lifetime fans, those that lost the love for them while going through the many lean years, I can't hold it against them, and would welcome them back. I don't think there are many, if any, that ever left or stopped hope on the Lions board here that moved from the espn board 2 months ago.