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Ann Coulter Tweets in Favor of AOC 70% TMR

Why is there an expectation that I should refute what you say? I agree with the bit about Dems playing politics with the degree to which they'll argue against adding any wall now.

I thought the phrase 'border denialist' involved some rhetorical flourish. Did I insult you over it? Pages of insults and nit-picking?

there is no such expectation that you should refute or agree with anything. just don't be surprised or get defensive when I call you out for nit picking, reading into "rhetoric" (especially when you accuse me of reading into what you've said as often as you do), or making childish accusations like boiling my positions down to "no, I don't, you do" nonsense.
there is no such expectation that you should refute or agree with anything. just don't be surprised or get defensive when I call you out for nit picking, reading into "rhetoric" (especially when you accuse me of reading into what you've said as often as you do), or making childish accusations like boiling my positions down to "no, I don't, you do" nonsense.

Oh. Well, if you think I'm being defensive, then don't worry about it. I'm asking you what it is you think I'm ignoring, but I'm not feeling like I need to defend either my read on border wall politics (I don't feel like anyone has really attacked it) or my childish accusations.
I mean, are you denying the rhetoric of calling someone an issue denialist? You said you were calling out BS, that's pretty much what I meant. You used a word in a way that carried a connotation beyond the definition of the word and with an issue I hadn't seen it used before.
I don't know why you're making such a big deal about it.
We need a "list of everybody famous tinsel knows" thread.

off the top of my head:
Bob Odenkirk, Lloyd Carr, & Harry Dean Stanton (RIP)

there was that soul singer who died; can't remember his name, or find the thread right now.

and he also knew Don Canham's daughter, was a degree removed from the Harbaugh boys, and knows a lot of people who went to Wines Elementary in Ann Arbor.

there are probably
a couple more I'm missing.

Also raise marginal tax rates through the roof on billionaires.

fuck em. let them go live in their tax shelters full time.

I just got out of bed after drinking early in the morning, and saw Carson Daly on Hoda and Kathy Lee.

I knew him back in the day when I worked at KROQ and he was just coming up so add him to the list. Also Adam Corolla.

Obviously Robin Williams, whom I met Way back in the day when he was banging my girlfriends best gal buddy, and Bruce Willis, who sort of hit on a said girlfriend in front of me.

I probably should have beaten the shit out of him except I had already fought my way out of a biker bar on Santa Monica Blvd. just before, and I was already bleeding all over from that fight at the time.

My stupid English buddy Steve, who is dead now, who ended up getting me probably the best job I ever had, doing various and sorded things for Don Arden, Sharon Osbourne’s, father, Had picked a fight with a biker gang over a pool game, and I got him, his wife and me out of there swinging a pool cue at every head I saw on the way to the door.

I’ll update the list as it comes to me.

EDIT: Oh and a pretty good long time major-league pitcher with Jeff Suppan.

I used to hang out at his joint in Woodland Hills, and when I had people with me he’d come and say hi. Vic was there with me a couple of times and met Soup.
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I mean, are you denying the rhetoric of calling someone an issue denialist? You said you were calling out BS, that's pretty much what I meant. You used a word in a way that carried a connotation beyond the definition of the word and with an issue I hadn't seen it used before.
I don't know why you're making such a big deal about it.

I'm not denying it, I'm saying I don't give a crap about the rhetorical impact of calling mc a border denialist - it concisely summarizes all the arguments he and others have espoused on the border like a) visa overstays are a bigger problem than border crossings (they're not, and even if they were we still need to secure the southern border) b) illegal immigrants, specifically border jumpers are less likely to commit other crimes (also false and doesn't address the fact that crossing the border illegally is in fact illegal) c) the fact that we can't put a wall everywhere means you should put a wall nowhere or that everyone calling for a wall is saying they want a huge wall across every inch of the border d) that there's no real problem because the number of arrests are insignificant (they're not) or because there are no known instances where terrorists have tried to exploit our border, etc, etc

My point to you is, you seem to care more about the rhetorical impact than the actual point. It's smoke and mirrors and it's petty.

and for the record, it's not a Spartanmack original. I coopted it from a tweet from congressman Dan Crenshaw.
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I just got out of bed after drinking early in the morning, and saw Carson Daly on Hoda and Kathy Lee.

I knew him back in the day when I worked at KROQ and he was just coming up so add him to the list. Also Adam Corolla.

Obviously Robin Williams, whom I met Way back in the day when he was banging my girlfriends best gal buddy, and Bruce Willis, who sort of hit on a said girlfriend in front of me.

I probably should have beaten the shit out of him except I had already fought my way out of a biker bar on Santa Monica Blvd. just before, and I was already bleeding all over from that fight at the time.

My stupid English buddy Steve, who is dead now, who ended up getting me probably the best job I ever had, doing various and sorded things for Don Arden, Sharon Osbourne?s, father, Had picked a fight with a biker gang over a pool game, and I got him, his wife and me out of there swinging a pool cue at every head I saw on the way to the door.

I?ll update the list as it comes to me.

EDIT: Oh and a pretty good long time major-league pitcher with Jeff Suppan.

I used to hang out at his joint in Woodland Hills, and when I had people with me he?d come and say hi. Vic was there with me a couple of times and met Soup.

one of my wife's best friends who works for a big PR firm had a drunken make out session with Bruce Willis at some event at a NYC nightclub back in their single days. The same girl was hounded by Adam Levine at another event but she denies anything ever happened there.
one of my wife's best friends who works for a big PR firm had a drunken make out session with Bruce Willis at some event at a NYC nightclub back in their single days. The same girl was hounded by Adam Levine at another event but she denies anything ever happened there.

Bruno was quite the local legend as a NYC bartender before he actually became famous.

I was mistaken for Bruno a few times at the West Hollywood Improv just after Moonlighting debuted.

I’m still thinking about firing my agent for not getting me that audition.
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I'm not denying it, I'm saying I don't give a crap about the rhetorical impact
Then why'd you bring it up?
My point to you is, you seem to care more about the rhetorical impact than the actual point. It's smoke and mirrors and it's petty.
I don't know why it seems that way to you. I said 'I see what you did there.' and you agree (well, don't deny) with the rhetorical value of the wording, so what's the big deal? Why are you so hung up on this?
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There'd be more riding on this 70% marginal tax if he did (see, back on the original subject! Yippee Ki Yay!)

Last I saw Bruno was generally a Hollywood conservative Republican, along with his buddies Stallone and Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood, Jon Voigt,et al.

Not so sure they would be down with AOC, although I would imagine they would all want to get down with AOC-especially Jon Voigt.


Hey, oh!

I?m here all week!
Then why'd you bring it up?
I don't know why it seems that way to you. I said 'I see what you did there.' and you agree (well, don't deny) with the rhetorical value of the wording, so what's the big deal? Why are you so hung up on this?

I didn't bring it up, you did (oops). And I'm not even a little bit hung up on it. I don't agree but more importantly, I don't care if someone reads something into it that triggers them - I'm not responsible for that.
I just got out of bed after drinking early in the morning, and saw Carson Daly on Hoda and Kathy Lee.

I knew him back in the day when I worked at KROQ and he was just coming up so add him to the list. Also Adam Corolla.

Obviously Robin Williams, whom I met Way back in the day when he was banging my girlfriends best gal buddy, and Bruce Willis, who sort of hit on a said girlfriend in front of me.

I probably should have beaten the shit out of him except I had already fought my way out of a biker bar on Santa Monica Blvd. just before, and I was already bleeding all over from that fight at the time.

My stupid English buddy Steve, who is dead now, who ended up getting me probably the best job I ever had, doing various and sorded things for Don Arden, Sharon Osbourne’s, father, Had picked a fight with a biker gang over a pool game, and I got him, his wife and me out of there swinging a pool cue at every head I saw on the way to the door.

I’ll update the list as it comes to me.

EDIT: Oh and a pretty good long time major-league pitcher with Jeff Suppan.

I used to hang out at his joint in Woodland Hills, and when I had people with me he’d come and say hi. Vic was there with me a couple of times and met Soup.

It’s funny, Steve’s wife, who I met when we both were attending Michigan and she moved out to Los Angeles with Steve about the same time I did, and has recently moved back to Michigan, was out back here in Southern California for a visit with her 17 year old daughter for a visit during the holidays.

She brought her daughter over to visit with me and my wife, and we reminisced about old times.

But I don’t think we talked about the biker bar fight in front of her daughter.

My wife?-I’m pretty sure I’ve probably told her the story of the biker bar fight and Bruce Willis hitting on my long time ago girlfriend at least a few times.
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Um.... Okay...


Hey, here's two stories the tax cut fanboys (aka billionaire bootlickers) won't like:

$1.5 trillion tax cut had no major impact on business spending (this was entirely predictable)

FoxConn dialing it's planned investment in manufacturing in Wisconsin WAY down, while whining about American labor being too costly. Remember dipshits Gov. Walker and Trump praising this corporate handout as job creation... How little investment has Foxconn actually made?

Foxconn was required to invest $10 billion and create 13,000 jobs to get the full incentives.

It had already fallen short last year, hiring 178 full-time employees rather than the 260 targeted, and failed to earn a state tax credit worth up to $9.5 million.
FoxConn dialing it's planned investment in manufacturing in Wisconsin WAY down, while whining about American labor being too costly. Remember dipshits Gov. Walker and Trump praising this corporate handout as job creation... How little investment has Foxconn actually made?
Foxconn was required to invest $10 billion and create 13,000 jobs to get the full incentives.

It had already fallen short last year, hiring 178 full-time employees rather than the 260 targeted, and failed to earn a state tax credit worth up to $9.5 million.
I thought I saw some pushback on the Amazon HQ2 plans.
if only Foxconn had some "unaccountable bureaucrat" in Wisconsin government (well... other than Scott Walker) they might have made more money for themselves there.
I thought I saw some pushback on the Amazon HQ2 plans.

A lot of New Yorkers don't want Amazon to go to Queens. They think they are getting too many tax breaks and adding 25000 jobs in an already dense area will drive the cost of housing up even higher.
Other than the jobs they expected, what has Wisconsin lost? Was it all tax breaks or did they sink a lot of money into this?