BR data is the 2016 estimated payroll. And they post a disclaimer at the bottom of each team payroll page.
Currently, PHI is at $101.5 MIL and DET is at $198.5 MIL (BR data).
Cots (now run by Baseball Prospectus) is generally where everyone gets their payroll data.
Cots for DET is $191.5 MIL for 17 players and they already are committed to $176.2 for just 10 players in 2017.
Cots for PHI is $77.1 MIL for 10 players and they have just $24.7 MIL committed to 1 player in 2017.
From 2007-2011 (5 years), when the Phillies were at the top in payroll and making all the playoffs, they averaged $13.1 MIL a year in Operating Income.
In the last 5 years (2011-2015), the Tigers have also been near the top in payroll and been to the playoffs 4 of those 5 years, they averaged
-$6.9 MIL a year in Operating Income (
-$12.9 MIL average over the last 7).
DET is expected between $20-25 Mil more than 2015 in Opening Day Payroll for just 25 men. The Competitive Balance Tax is based on the final 40-man roster payroll and any amounts paid to former players during the season (i.e. pro-rated for Price, Cespedes and Soria).
Doesn't change the fact that the Phillies stopped spending a couple of years ago and didn't spend as aggressively or as well last year.
Doesn't change the fact that the Phillies talent isn't equal to Detroit's talent.
Doesn't make the contract situations the
exact same. They are not.
Doesn't make the Phillies ownership the equal, either in wealth or sports franchise ownership experience.
Doesn't make the Phillies and Tigers baseball market's the same enough to not alter their fates.
You are quibbling with details, as I said you would be able to do. The core facts remain unperturbed by all your efforts.
The Phillies are
NOT going to field a $200mil ball club this year. The Tigers are, and they probably will do so again next year, in fact, it will probably be a little to a lot higher payroll.
The Tigers are not the Phillies, they could go the way of the Phillies and under Dombrowski I think that they might have, but Avila seems to have a more modest, wiser, and calculated approach than his former boss.
Look, it is foolish to argue this.
I agree, it is possible that the Tigers could go the way of the Phillies, I think that there are enough clear and fundamental differences between the two franchises and their situations that will mean that the Tigers fate is not the Phillies. I think anyone who looks at the situation objectively can see that is true. They might still think the Tigers will go that route but only a fool says that the
will go one way or the other. I think that it is likely that they won't.
That is all.
I mean, if for no other reason that Mike Ilitch could throw away $150mil on the team ever year until Miggy and JV retire and he would STILL make money on the team as it increased in value.
The Phillies value has flatlined, the Tigers value continues to climb, it will jump (if all goes to plan) after the next TV deal. This will allow Ilitch to "lose" more money on the team and still make money in team value.
You are talking out your ass pal (and so was Buster Olney), you know it and I know it.
You are nibbling at the edges, but the core truths remain. You'd be on much sounder ground if you admitted that you are not Nostra-funking-damus, and that while you think they might go the Phillies way, you do admit that you don't know and maybe I'm right, cause Mike Ilitch is an owner with experience building a winning organization and he does have
deeper pockets than the folks who own the Phillies (whoever that is now and who ever it will be), the Tigers contracts are not as bad as the Phillies were, and Miggy is probably
better than any Phillies player ever, the Detroit baseball market is not the Philadelphia baseball market, and shit happens.
But instead you keep posting from this crazy fantasy/fetish place of believing that numbers mean you can see into the future, and with this pig headed refusal to admit that someone other than you might be right.
What does someone have to do, answer you in numbers for you to concede to any point? That is idiotic.
What if those of use who prefer not to think about the game too much through the numbers did that?
Cheese and rice!
At the end of the day unless we sit down and talk to Mike Ilitch not you nor I know. He could get frustrated and go nuts next year. Take the salary up to $400m. Most didn't think he'd go over the cap this year, nobody thought that he'd go up to $200m (which, in terms of the CBT, he is at like $207m last I added it up).
I do not think that the Tigers salary situation is as dire as all that. Their players are better, and really, if Mike Ilitch hadn't fan-boyed out over V-Marts 2014 and been a loyal boss and instead gave him a market value salary we probably wouldn't really be talking about this (but that $18mil for a 35+ DH, ex-catcher with bad knees just reeks of ... the Phillies).