I could dial that back to "leave names in place provided they've not done anything reprehensible by current moral standards AND they've been dead long enough to minimize the risk that we discover horrible things about them.
I'm vaguely aware that there already are discussions about renaming Yost Ice Arena, that have something to do with his views or practices on race.
He's more or less personally responsible for college football's "Original Sin" of making itself bigger than the educational institutions it purportedly serves, when he threw a fit after then-President Angell tried to reign in the sport & ban Yost from all his side hustles.
In Don Canham's book, he talks about Yost with some amusement, but in less-than-reverential terms; notes that Yost was an excuse maker and never took responsibility for losses.
Kinda makes me wonder if in a different era of Michigan football, Yost's record would be closer to our other West Virginian coach...