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Chicom global enslavement

no, the moneyed class are the ones demanding everyone shut down, wear masks and get vaccinated, which you've consistently pushed all along despite claiming you're opposed to vaccine mandates while supporting policies that limit freedoms for unvaccinated people.

Somewhat true, it's easy to sit in a huge house and have serfs deliver food to your door. the pandemic is a breeze, why can't everyone just do that?
creating endless "culture wars" to divide the American people in order to keep the working class from uniting against the moneyed class is going to look like an awfully short sighted policy when the countries that didn't do that eat our lunch.

the effects of it can already be seen here by our disastrous response to a pandemic; if you can't find common cause with your fellow man against a goddamn virus that's killing both of you, your side is completely hopeless.

Agree on the culture wars, Republicans will do well when the conversation is about gay wedding cake or trans women playing sports. Actual issues that impact peoples lives aren't political winners.
Agree on the culture wars, Republicans will do well when the conversation is about gay wedding cake or trans women playing sports. Actual issues that impact peoples lives aren't political winners.

Really? advocating for things like freedom, individual rights and keeping the economy open aren't issues that impact peoples' lives? or political winners? have you seen any recent polls? Do you think that the Dems are trailing because of wedding cakes (when was the last time that was actually in the news?) and men taking womens' opportunities, breaking their records (and skulls) in the process? It's as if you have no idea what's actually driving poll numbers to favor Republicans. Spoken like a true moneyed class out of touch elitist - the virtue of your positions on these matters are unassailable, everyone who disagrees must be a bigoted right wing reactionary distracting the people from what really matters. Good luck in November.
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Somewhat true, it's easy to sit in a huge house and have serfs deliver food to your door. the pandemic is a breeze, why can't everyone just do that?

Somewhat true? The moneyed class is pushing not only the lockdowns - they're also responsible for the mandates for vaccines, masks and whatever else they're arbitrarily foisting on the unwashed masses.
They don?t need luck the mail harvest may not be enough in 22 now so they are working hard at the Gerry meandering now. Their always one step ahead of us

Yeah I really butchered that one, you see what happens sometimes is that I type up an Alex Jones like rant for you then change my mind and in haste don?t get all the original text out. Shit happens
Somewhat true, it's easy to sit in a huge house and have serfs deliver food to your door. the pandemic is a breeze, why can't everyone just do that?

Welp, when the pandemic started, I switched careers and started my own contract delivery business.

I didn?t worry about whether I was a serf to the moneyed class or if I was as an Angel to the less than moneyed class vulnerable. I just did the task.

I could have applied for that CARES money that was around at the time, but I decided fuck it.

It looked like a national emergency, and statistically I wasn?t likely to die.

So I did my duty.

And I didn?t die.
Really? advocating for things like freedom, individual rights and keeping the economy open aren't issues that impact peoples' lives? or political winners? have you seen any recent polls? Do you think that the Dems are trailing because of wedding cakes (when was the last time that was actually in the news?) and men taking womens' opportunities, breaking their records (and skulls) in the process? It's as if you have no idea what's actually driving poll numbers to favor Republicans. Spoken like a true moneyed class out of touch elitist - the virtue of your positions on these matters are unassailable, everyone who disagrees must be a bigoted right wing reactionary distracting the people from what really matters. Good luck in November.

My point is that the culture war bullshit is a political winner, find something crazy that's said on twitter, amplify it, then pin it to Democratic candidates. Focusing on wokeness and cancel culture will get poor whites to vote against their own economic interest. Republicans will vilify woke celebrities, while voting against clean energy, child tax credits, universal preschool, affordable childcare. etc.
Somewhat true? The moneyed class is pushing not only the lockdowns - they're also responsible for the mandates for vaccines, masks and whatever else they're arbitrarily foisting on the unwashed masses.

98% of Americans who die from Covid are unvaccinated, but who are these elitists trying to save our lives?

Who the fuck is pushing for lockdowns in 2022?
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They don?t need luck the mail harvest may not be enough in 22 now so they are working hard at the Gerry meandering now. Their always one step ahead of us

Republicans are the GOAT when it comes to Gerrymandering, check out North Carolina. Trump won by 1%, so the state is pretty purple, they re-drew lines to give them a 10-4 advantage, vs 8-5 which is what they currently have. The Dems are starting to play the game too, it's about time. Republicans will gain more since they control more state legislatures, but please don't act like the Republicans don't lead the way here.
My point is that the culture war bullshit is a political winner, find something crazy that's said on twitter, amplify it, then pin it to Democratic candidates. Focusing on wokeness and cancel culture will get poor whites to vote against their own economic interest. Republicans will vilify woke celebrities, while voting against clean energy, child tax credits, universal preschool, affordable childcare. etc.

If that's you're point, then why did you say issues that affect people's lives aren't political winners? Wokeness and cancel culture are some of the political winners but if you think that's why Dems are getting their asses handed to them in recent polls, you're completely out of touch with what's going on.

Also, claiming that poor whites are voting against their own economic interests when they reject Dem policies may be the most out of touch, moneyed class elitist thing said on this board.
98% of Americans who die from Covid are unvaccinated, but who are these elitists trying to save our lives?

is this the data from the studies that labeled anyone less than 14 days from their second jab unvaccinated?

Who the fuck is pushing for lockdowns in 2022?

What difference does it make who is pushing for lockdowns in 2022? Who destroyed the economy, ruined the lives of millions of people and families unnecessarily with lockdowns that were supposed to be 14 days but stretched for almost a year? The damage was done, should we not hold them accountable any more? Water under the bridge, good intentions and all that? Hard to believe people don't want them in power anymore, after all most of them aren't calling for more lockdowns. I have a great new slogan for your team in 2022 - 'Vote Dem because a lot of them aren't trying to lock you down anymore!' Fucking brilliant.

But since you ask, maybe spend a little time catching up on the thread - there's at least 2 posters on here who would be happy to see more and more severe lockdowns.
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using chart #1 from the first site.

81% of the deaths unvaccinated
19% of deaths vaccinated

1.4% death rate among unvaccinated
0.8% death rate among vaccinated

from the site

A COVID-19?associated death occurred in a person with a documented COVID-19 diagnosis who died, and whose report local health authorities reviewed (e.g., using vital records, public health investigation, or other data sources) to make that determination. Per national guidance, this should include persons whose death certificate lists COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 as an underlying cause of death or as a significant condition contributing to death.
If that's you're point, then why did you say issues that affect people's lives aren't political winners? Wokeness and cancel culture are some of the political winners but if you think that's why Dems are getting their asses handed to them in recent polls, you're completely out of touch with what's going on.

Also, claiming that poor whites are voting against their own economic interests when they reject Dem policies may be the most out of touch, moneyed class elitist thing said on this board.

There are reasons why Dems will lose seats, one is that the party that holds the presidency almost always does. I'm sure you think it's some big tidal wave of hatred for the left, but it might be nothing more than that typical cycle. Inflation, Pandemic fatigue, supply chain problems, those can all be weaponized. The American voting public is largely misinformed and regularly gets their news from social media as well.

Of course anyone who's well off saying anything about the desires of white, non college educated voters is showing they're out of touch, right? I grew up in as blue collar of an area as there is, but of course, I have to be an elitist because I live in a wealthy area now.
using chart #1 from the first site.

81% of the deaths unvaccinated
19% of deaths vaccinated

1.4% death rate among unvaccinated
0.8% death rate among vaccinated

from the site

A COVID-19?associated death occurred in a person with a documented COVID-19 diagnosis who died, and whose report local health authorities reviewed (e.g., using vital records, public health investigation, or other data sources) to make that determination. Per national guidance, this should include persons whose death certificate lists COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 as an underlying cause of death or as a significant condition contributing to death.

lots of data there but it shows a Vaccination Effectiveness against death of 98%. keep in mind that the majority of Americans are vaccinated, so even using the 81% number, it's still extremely effective at preventing deaths. Heaven forbid Democrats encourage people to take measures to save their own lives.
lots of data there but it shows a Vaccination Effectiveness against death of 98%. keep in mind that the majority of Americans are vaccinated, so even using the 81% number, it's still extremely effective at preventing deaths. Heaven forbid Democrats encourage people to take measures to save their own lives.

but you said "98% of Americans who die from Covid are unvaccinated"

that is simply not true
is this the data from the studies that labeled anyone less than 14 days from their second jab unvaccinated?

What difference does it make who is pushing for lockdowns in 2022? Who destroyed the economy, ruined the lives of millions of people and families unnecessarily with lockdowns that were supposed to be 14 days but stretched for almost a year? The damage was done, should we not hold them accountable any more? Water under the bridge, good intentions and all that? Hard to believe people don't want them in power anymore, after all most of them aren't calling for more lockdowns. I have a great new slogan for your team in 2022 - 'Vote Dem because a lot of them aren't trying to lock you down anymore!' Fucking brilliant.

But since you ask, maybe spend a little time catching up on the thread - there's at least 2 posters on here who would be happy to see more and more severe lockdowns.

Well I don't agree with every poster here on Covid, no need to lump me with them. I personally have little to no sympathy for the unvaccinated anymore, my sympathy is for the health care workers and those who lost loved ones. I'm for lifting most Covid restrictions other than ones that do make sense, like masks on planes, etc, but overall, I'm sick of sacrificing for the unvaccinated. I don't need to take their health more seriously than they do.