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Chicom global enslavement

Of course it's not 98% efficacy, those numbers vary a lot based on the variant and when the vaccine was produced, but they are universally effective and preventing death.

I don't think you know what "universally effective" means.

I think simply Republicans will rebel against anything said by a Democrat. Vaccine hesitancy breaks largely on partisan lines, not surprisingly.

You may find this surprising but vaccine hesitancy is highest among people with PdDs. I bet we could find a study that indicates vaccine acceptance is highest among sheep who believe NIH & CDC officials that own patent shares in COVID vaccines have other peoples' best interests at heart.
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I haven't lumped you in with anyone and I personally have no need or desire for your sympathy. I assume most people who made decisions you may or may not disagree with feel similarly. What have you sacrificed for the unvaccinated? What unvaccinated people asked you take make those sacrifices? Again, feel free to dismount that high horse any time.

I assume you're on a very long personal dry spell or something since I made a post basically agreeing with you on your point and then you want to lay into me for my liberal hypocrisy. I took the bait, I have some time today.

What have I sacrificed for the unvaccinated? I've waited 10hrs in an emergency room with my son because the beds were overflowing with Covid patients. My kids have had to wear masks in school because of mandates that are linked to transmission numbers. I've lost a childhood friend who was unvaccinated, 45 years old. I feel for his family, not so much him, but at least he was able to exercise his freedom! Those aren't major sacrifices, but 1000+ people are still dying daily and even with the most conservative estimates, 800 of those deaths are completely preventable.
I don't think you know what "universally effective" means.

You may find this surprising but vaccine hesitancy is highest among people with PdDs. I bet we could find a study that indicates vaccine acceptance is highest among sheep who believe NIH & CDC officials that own patent shares in COVID vaccines have other peoples' best interests at heart.

I assume you meant people with PhD's which is 1.2% of the country, a bit of a small sample size, don't you think?

60% of the unvaccinated are Republicans, 17% are Democrats, that's a pretty stark difference. There's some odd alliance of the anti vaccine crowd and pro Trump republicans, hard to figure out since Trump advocates that people get vaccinated.

Also, please enlighten me on how the vaccine isn't effective in preventing death.
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I assume you're on a very long personal dry spell or something since I made a post basically agreeing with you on your point and then you want to lay into me for my liberal hypocrisy. I took the bait, I have some time today.

What have I sacrificed for the unvaccinated? I've waited 10hrs in an emergency room with my son because the beds were overflowing with Covid patients. My kids have had to wear masks in school because of mandates that are linked to transmission numbers. I've lost a childhood friend who was unvaccinated, 45 years old. I feel for his family, not so much him, but at least he was able to exercise his freedom! Those aren't major sacrifices, but 1000+ people are still dying daily and even with the most conservative estimates, 800 of those deaths are completely preventable.

Some of them aren't sacrifices at all, they're grand standing and an attempt to claim the moral high ground rather than making merit based arguments. And the ones that are sacrifices have less to do with unvaccinated people than they do with bad policy.

A lot of the issues with hospitals have to do with mismanagement by hospitals and bureaucrats, firing unvaccinated staff, etc. Also, the vaccines don't prevent transmission and kids never should have been masked in the first place. COVID isn't a threat to children and children aren't vectors for the spread. Your kids are wearing masks in school because of misguided policy, not because people aren't vaccinated. Your friend's death is tragic but it's not at all clear that the vaccine would have saved him, it's also not a sacrifice that you made. so are you down to 80% now instead of 98%? Where did that come from.
I wonder what the percentage would be of those that felt they had no choice and didn't want to sacrifice everything and did what they were told of our fear. I'm sure that is not an easy decision to make. 2-3% willing give it all up and stand their ground at great cost to their livelihoods what does that tell you. If you can essentially be forced into putting yourself at risk so others can feel safer then there is nothing they can't compel you to do next.

The idea that people put themselves at risk of getting the vaccine is pure insanity. The benefits of the vaccine are proven, the risks are all speculation.
I assume you meant people with PhD's which is 1.2% of the country, a bit of a small sample size, don't you think?

60% of the unvaccinated are Republicans, 17% are Democrats, that's a pretty stark difference. There's some odd alliance of the anti vaccine crowd and pro Trump republicans, hard to figure out since Trump advocates that people get vaccinated.

Perhaps it is more correlated with people who value personal freedom and believe in informed consent. I guess it's a lot easier to connect people to Trump so you can dismiss them offhand.

Also, please enlighten me on how the vaccine isn't effective in preventing death.

when did I say this? I'm not anti-vax. I'm glad the vaccine is available for those that need it, like my elderly parents who don't have the same risk of negative long term side effects. I'm not vaccinated because COVID isn't a threat to me. I consulted with a couple doctors, a scientist friend who does pharma drug research and I did my own research. I got COVID (probably Delta) and it hit me exactly like my doctor said it would - it was like a mild flu. Considering the very real risks these vaccines pose, the fact that they're clearly NOT universally effective, and the fact that they don't prevent infection or transmission, I think it's irresponsible that our government is trying to require everyone get them. I also think parents who get their kids vaccinated are out of their minds.
Some of them aren't sacrifices at all, they're grand standing and an attempt to claim the moral high ground rather than making merit based arguments. And the ones that are sacrifices have less to do with unvaccinated people than they do with bad policy.

A lot of the issues with hospitals have to do with mismanagement by hospitals and bureaucrats, firing unvaccinated staff, etc. Also, the vaccines don't prevent transmission and kids never should have been masked in the first place. COVID isn't a threat to children and children aren't vectors for the spread. Your kids are wearing masks in school because of misguided policy, not because people aren't vaccinated. Your friend's death is tragic but it's not at all clear that the vaccine would have saved him, it's also not a sacrifice that you made. so are you down to 80% now instead of 98%? Where did that come from.

Of course we can find another reason why hospitals have long waits, maybe it's because our food is garbage and we're a country of fat asses that die of preventable disease, we can always find another cause to be contrarian. If I'm waiting and the hospital is filled with Covid patients during a high period of transmission, I don't think I'm going out on a limb by saying that vaccination would have lessened the problem.

Vaccines do prevent transmission, less so with Omicron, mainly because the vaccines lag behind the variants.

Of course we don't know if the vaccine would have saved my friend, but we know that vaccines make death much less likely. You're arguing against common sense, just because it's coming from someone on the left, which is the main reason 1,000 people a day are still dying of Covid.
Perhaps it is more correlated with people who value personal freedom and believe in informed consent. I guess it's a lot easier to connect people to Trump so you can dismiss them offhand.

when did I say this? I'm not anti-vax. I'm glad the vaccine is available for those that need it, like my elderly parents who don't have the same risk of negative long term side effects. I'm not vaccinated because COVID isn't a threat to me. I consulted with a couple doctors, a scientist friend who does pharma drug research and I did my own research. I got COVID (probably Delta) and it hit me exactly like my doctor said it would - it was like a mild flu. Considering the very real risks these vaccines pose, the fact that they're clearly NOT universally effective, and the fact that they don't prevent infection or transmission, I think it's irresponsible that our government is trying to require everyone get them. I also think parents who get their kids vaccinated are out of their minds.

I'm happy you're able to make poor health decisions for yourself. Please tell me about how the real risks of the vaccine outweigh the real risks of Covid?

Also, I love the argument that since you got Covid and didn't die, it was a good decision not to get the vaccine. Same logic can apply to driving drunk, not killing anybody, and being happy you didn't waste the money on an Uber
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I moved the last number of posts on this thread that were specifically about Covid over to the Coronainsanity thread. Let?s please resume Covid discussion there.
I moved the last number of posts on this thread that were specifically about Covid over to the Coronainsanity thread. Let?s please resume Covid discussion there.

We didn't do enough to stop the spread. If you don't quarantine this thread, who knows, might be in the libtard/republitard thread next, or the Ukraine thread.
We didn't do enough to stop the spread. If you don't quarantine this thread, who knows, might be in the libtard/republitard thread next, or the Ukraine thread.

Sounds like tyranny to me. Slippery slope!
Senator Rand Paul has warned that the emergency powers being wielded by the Trudeau regime in an effort to crush protests in Canada also exist in the U.S. and can be implemented at any time by the government.

Appearing on the BASED Politics podcast, Paul described the statue being used by the Canadian Prime Minister as ?very, very dangerous,? noting ?We have the same sort of statutes here, and I have long-time been an opponent of these.?

We actually have in the United States an Emergency Act that allows the president to shut down the internet,? Paul added.

The Senator further noted that he tried to get Democrats to ally with libertarian-leaning Republicans to restrict emergency power legislation during the Trump administration.

?[Sen.] Mike Lee had some reforms that he put forward on the Emergency Act, and it?s something we should look at, because these things go on and on,? Paul explained.

He added, ?There are some emergencies in the U.S. that have been going on for many, many decades. And the president can just renew them every year. There?s no real stopping him.?

?And so the emergency edict that Trudeau has done in Canada allows him to do some horrendous things, allows him to stop travel, allows him to detain people without trial. Now we don?t know that he?s going to do that, but it is very, very worrisome what he might do,? Paul urged, referring back to Trudeau?s crackdown.

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It did spread to the Ukraine thread. Where will it end?

I guess when the pandemic ends?

Still killing over 1,000 Americans/day as of 3/11/22, so I can kinda understand why it might permeate everything we talk about.

China appears to be getting hit pretty hard now - though by our standards, not that hard. But that's troubling.

And waste water tracking HERE indicates the amount of viral DNA is rising, and this at a time when the Biden Administration is ending any government programs or efforts to contain it, and indeed propagandizing that it's over, and everyone can go back to "living their lives"... here comes 6th Wave Time.

Thanks, Brandon!