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Chicom global enslavement

I didn't realize that this isn't the Covid thread. This is the global enslavement thread.

What's your point? Is it that different studies show different percentages, of course they do/.

Is your point that vaccines don't save lives? you couldn't be more wrong.

the article that you posted is from Augusta University but they didn't do any research. They just used a headline that was based "analysis" done by The Associated Press.

I do believe that getting vaccinated can help save lives.

but this kind of shit is why I can't stand the media: "With this staggering statistic, Andy Slavitt, a former adviser to the Biden administration on COVID-19 suggested that 98% to 99% of the Americans dying of the coronavirus are unvaccinated"

It just isn't true.
Well I don't agree with every poster here on Covid, no need to lump me with them. I personally have little to no sympathy for the unvaccinated anymore, my sympathy is for the health care workers and those who lost loved ones. I'm for lifting most Covid restrictions other than ones that do make sense, like masks on planes, etc, but overall, I'm sick of sacrificing for the unvaccinated. I don't need to take their health more seriously than they do.

What about sympathy for heath care workers who were once considered essential now fired because they refused to submit to medical tyranny? do you feel sympathy for them? Or only those that agree with you on the vaccination. Nobody god forbids anyone that thinks it's a good idea only those that feel they have the moral authority to force them to. Which one are you?
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What's your point? Is it that different studies show different percentages, of course they do/.

Is your point that vaccines don't save lives? you couldn't be more wrong.

Vaccines do in fact save lives, they also take some, just like covid takes some. it's not a one size fits all solution. I've already had it and now have natural immunity should I still be forced to be vaccinated or lose a job or right to function in society?
There are reasons why Dems will lose seats, one is that the party that holds the presidency almost always does. I'm sure you think it's some big tidal wave of hatred for the left, but it might be nothing more than that typical cycle. Inflation, Pandemic fatigue, supply chain problems, those can all be weaponized. The American voting public is largely misinformed and regularly gets their news from social media as well.

what do you think generates that cycle? Force of nature or maybe it has something to do with policy? Of course inflation, pandemic fatigue and supply chain problems can all be weaponized because many of them are caused, prolonged or exacerbated by policy. Are you really arguing that whatever problems the country is facing are just part of a cyclical pattern completely independent of politics and policy and Republicans are just riding a wave?

Of course anyone who's well off saying anything about the desires of white, non college educated voters is showing they're out of touch, right? I grew up in as blue collar of an area as there is, but of course, I have to be an elitist because I live in a wealthy area now.

No, the just the well off who say they're voting against their best interests are the ones who are out of touch - the people who think they know better than they do what's in their best intersts tend to be the ones that are out of touch. So no, you don't have to be an elitist just because you live in an affluent area, you just choose to be an elitist telling other people what's in their best interests. It's not freedom, or self determination, it's "affordable" child care (I hope it's more affordable than that "affordable" health care) and other government largesse turning them into a permanent dependent class and reliable voting block.
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Vaccines do in fact save lives, they also take some, just like covid takes some. it's not a one size fits all solution. I've already had it and now have natural immunity should I still be forced to be vaccinated or lose a job or right to function in society?

Cycles or not far too many Democrats have been complete tyrants and the red wave is coming least too many forget by Nov which is entirely possible now that most dems are finally backing off the mandates everywhere in the states and people have attention spans of gnats
using chart #1 from the first site.

81% of the deaths unvaccinated
19% of deaths vaccinated

1.4% death rate among unvaccinated
0.8% death rate among vaccinated

from the site

A COVID-19?associated death occurred in a person with a documented COVID-19 diagnosis who died, and whose report local health authorities reviewed (e.g., using vital records, public health investigation, or other data sources) to make that determination. Per national guidance, this should include persons whose death certificate lists COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 as an underlying cause of death or as a significant condition contributing to death.

maybe he just got his numbers mixed up and confused the percentage of COVID deaths among the elderly and/or with multiple comorbidities w/ those among the unvax'd.
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Would it be fair to say you were an essential worker in 2020 putting yourself at risk for others? I think so. Good thing you did get the jab though else you'd now be considered fringe anti-vax, no longer essential by the little tyrants running your state into a hell hole ground. Thank you for essential worker service tinsel!


The 5G chip that got inserted in him with the Vaxx is helping to provide Wifi for the Chicom tanks when they hit SoCal.
lots of data there but it shows a Vaccination Effectiveness against death of 98%. keep in mind that the majority of Americans are vaccinated, so even using the 81% number, it's still extremely effective at preventing deaths. Heaven forbid Democrats encourage people to take measures to save their own lives.

that 98% is based on some rather spurious math - you can find it on this thread. The vaccines aren't 98% effective against COVID 19.

And get off your high horse, the issue isn't about Democrats encouraging people to take measures to save their own lives. Everyone is encouraging people to take measures to save their own lives. The issue is informed consent vs. mandates.
Well I don't agree with every poster here on Covid, no need to lump me with them. I personally have little to no sympathy for the unvaccinated anymore, my sympathy is for the health care workers and those who lost loved ones. I'm for lifting most Covid restrictions other than ones that do make sense, like masks on planes, etc, but overall, I'm sick of sacrificing for the unvaccinated. I don't need to take their health more seriously than they do.

I haven't lumped you in with anyone and I personally have no need or desire for your sympathy. I assume most people who made decisions you may or may not disagree with feel similarly. What have you sacrificed for the unvaccinated? What unvaccinated people asked you take make those sacrifices? Again, feel free to dismount that high horse any time.
The 5G chip that got inserted in him with the Vaxx is helping to provide Wifi for the Chicom tanks when they hit SoCal.

Red Herring, there is no chip in the vaccine, discredit the outlandish discredit the entirety. Typical narrative enforcement tactic 101 BS.
What about sympathy for heath care workers who were once considered essential now fired because they refused to submit to medical tyranny? do you feel sympathy for them? Or only those that agree with you on the vaccination. Nobody god forbids anyone that thinks it's a good idea only those that feel they have the moral authority to force them to. Which one are you?

What percentage of healthcare workers are we talking about here? Just curious.
Would it be fair to say you were an essential worker in 2020 putting yourself at risk for others? I think so. Good thing you did get the jab though else you'd now be considered fringe anti-vax, no longer essential by the little tyrants running your state into a hell hole ground. Thank you for essential worker service tinsel!


That would be fair to say.

My guess is getting the jab has made zero difference.

Now, maybe without the jab I?d be dead or maybe the jab will make me blind and deaf in five years, who knows?

Thank you for your expression of gratitude.
that 98% is based on some rather spurious math - you can find it on this thread. The vaccines aren't 98% effective against COVID 19.

And get off your high horse, the issue isn't about Democrats encouraging people to take measures to save their own lives. Everyone is encouraging people to take measures to save their own lives. The issue is informed consent vs. mandates.

Of course it's not 98% efficacy, those numbers vary a lot based on the variant and when the vaccine was produced, but they are universally effective and preventing death.

I think simply Republicans will rebel against anything said by a Democrat. Vaccine hesitancy breaks largely on partisan lines, not surprisingly.
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That's 2 or 3% of their workforce, that's fine. If they feel that their right to refuse a vaccine that is more important than their job, so be it.
That's 2 or 3% of their workforce, that's fine. If they feel that their right to refuse a vaccine that is more important than their job, so be it.

I wonder what the percentage would be of those that felt they had no choice and didn't want to sacrifice everything and did what they were told of our fear. I'm sure that is not an easy decision to make. 2-3% willing give it all up and stand their ground at great cost to their livelihoods what does that tell you. If you can essentially be forced into putting yourself at risk so others can feel safer then there is nothing they can't compel you to do next.
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