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Chicom global enslavement

I generally try to ignore the "hot button" things that certain media platforms and the people that read them scream about, so I honestly don't know what "critical race theory" is about.

So I looked it up. from wikipedia:
Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic movement of civil rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race and to challenge mainstream liberal approaches to racial justice.[1] Critical race theory examines social, cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism.​

Critical race theory is loosely unified by two common themes: first, that white supremacy, with its societal or structural racism, exists and maintains power through the law;[6] and second, that transforming the relationship between law and racial power, and also achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination more broadly, is possible.​

I suppose that could be a good thing, depending on how it's done and implemented.

Since I believe, based on the documented evidence, both historical and current (the latter helpfully provided for the board by Gulo's posts on inherent & unconscious bias) that racism has been and continues to be a problem in this country, and racism is - if not solely taught at home, then strongly reinforced at home - schools should have a role in countering this, and hopefully after a few decades we can undo much of the harm that's been done.

Why is this controversial?

So what is your explanation for your disdain for people whom you consider ?old??
Neo-Liberal Fascism is Dividing America In Order To Conquer It


Larry Pinkney of blackactivistwg.org joins Judge Joe Brown of thejudgejoebrownshow.com on The Alex Jones Show to break down the neo-liberal fascist agenda to divide and conquer the people.

Together, the trio gameplan how to defeat the authoritarian takeover and expose what?s coming next.

Alex Jones could definitely use a few more crazy black faces on his show.

What about that governor of Virginia Northam?

And that crazy bitch from the View, Joy Behar?

She is definitely one crazy black face.
Ummmm...okay, I?ll start.

Because it?s opinion.

It?s just a bunch of statements that aren?t supported by one single quantifiable fact.

And opinions are FINE - everyone is entitled to opinions.

But people who have other opinions that contest those opinions; arguably just as unsupported by facts - are equally entitled to disagree.

Another word for divergent opinions could be ?controversy.?

This is what we academics who engage in critical thinking refer to as critical thinking.

What is opinion?

There's no racism in the US and black people just made all that stuff about slavery, lynchings, jim crow laws, segregation, poll taxes, redlining, and police abuse up?
Never. In between was when I took that survey course in Colonial History. You should check it out.

where you learned all about the fact that there were only a couple native people here when the pilgrims arrived, they welcomed the Pilgrims with open arms, and traded their land away in transactions they fully understood the nature of.

sure there might have been a battle or two, but eventually they willingly moved to reservations, where they got rich opening casinos, so it was by and large a great deal for them.
What is opinion?

There's no racism in the US and black people just made all that stuff about slavery, lynchings, jim crow laws, segregation, poll taxes, redlining, and police abuse up?

So take the training and let us know how it makes you a better person. Because, even though you (and I) deride these horrific practices, we are still the problem, and we always will be the problem, solely because of the color of our skin.

It?s a reductive strategy to combat a reductive strategy. We white people are all bad apples.
where you learned all about the fact that there were only a couple native people here when the pilgrims arrived, they welcomed the Pilgrims with open arms, and traded their land away in transactions they fully understood the nature of.

sure there might have been a battle or two, but eventually they willingly moved to reservations, where they got rich opening casinos, so it was by and large a great deal for them.

Wow. Subtext ain?t your long suit. And that?s not what I learned, anyway. Moving on.
What is opinion?

There's no racism in the US and black people just made all that stuff about slavery, lynchings, jim crow laws, segregation, poll taxes, redlining, and police abuse up?


Sure, there are still some racists and none of that history is made up.

Is any of that factually prescient today?

That is inarguably opinion, and I base that on the meaning of the word opinion.
So take the training and let us know how it makes you a better person. Because, even though you (and I) deride these horrific practices, we are still the problem, and we always will be the problem, solely because of the color of our skin.

It?s a reductive strategy to combat a reductive strategy. We white people are all bad apples.

I am suspicious of the motives of some of the proponents of critical race theory, sure. according to wikipedia, this sprang -in large part - from Harvard University, and if there's one thing I've learned about Harvard University, it's that its alums are a lot better at promoting themselves than they are at practicing law, medicine, accounting, etc.

I'm vaguely aware of the criticisms of it (or maybe that was the 1619 project) from black Americans on the left, that critical race theory ignores the way our political-economic way of doing things plays a role in all this racism.

Kind of like how the parts of Martin Luther King Jr's history about his criticism of capitalism and American foreign policy largely get erased from what we teach kids.
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Sure, there are still some racists and none of that history is made up.

Is any of that factually prescient today?

That is inarguably opinion, and I base that on the meaning of the word opinion.

You honestly don't think there's still racism today - both structural and personal?

Like all the people in government, and who later entered government, and were supportive of segregation in the 60's and opposed school busing in the 70's (like our current president) just stopped being racist between then and now and didn't say and teach racist shit to their kids?

all those white parents in Detroit, like mine, who moved to the suburbs "for the schools" and never questioned why suddenly all the good schools were there? Nope... no racism there, just opinion.
You honestly don't think there's still racism today - both structural and personal?

I?ll offer this: president Biden is a racist, based on what he says in public, and no news outlet calls him on this.

Like all the people in government, and who later entered government, and were supportive of segregation in the 60's and opposed school busing in the 70's (like our current president) just stopped being racist between then and now and didn't say and teach racist shit to their kids?

School bussing went in two directions, and as a 14-year-old kid, I was not all that enthusiastic about the prospect of being bussed to Cooley, Finney, Northwestern, Southwestern, Western, Cass Tech, or any other high school in the city of Detroit in 1971.

all those white parents in Detroit, like mine, who moved to the suburbs "for the schools" and never questioned why suddenly all the good schools were there? Nope... no racism there, just opinion.

I think that the 1967 riots were influential in the white migration to the suburbs. I don?t know what caused the Black migration from the Detroit to the suburbs in the 1990s.
Never. In between was when I took that survey course in Colonial History. You should check it out.

Back when you and I were in primary school, I think Colonial History was called Current Events.

I guess I double posted this. Oh well it was worth seeing again.
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I generally try to ignore the "hot button" things that certain media platforms and the people that read them scream about, so I honestly don't know what "critical race theory" is about.

So I looked it up. from wikipedia:
Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic movement of civil rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race and to challenge mainstream liberal approaches to racial justice.[1] Critical race theory examines social, cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism.​

Critical race theory is loosely unified by two common themes: first, that white supremacy, with its societal or structural racism, exists and maintains power through the law;[6] and second, that transforming the relationship between law and racial power, and also achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination more broadly, is possible.​

I suppose that could be a good thing, depending on how it's done and implemented.

Since I believe, based on the documented evidence, both historical and current (the latter helpfully provided for the board by Gulo's posts on inherent & unconscious bias) that racism has been and continues to be a problem in this country, and racism is - if not solely taught at home, then strongly reinforced at home - schools should have a role in countering this, and hopefully after a few decades we can undo much of the harm that's been done.

Why is this controversial?

because what you read is a watered down wikipedia explanation of what critical race theory is which was edited to make it seem less caustic and less full of shit and what you believe isn't supported by documented evidence, historical or current. It's not unified by the idea that white supremacy exists, it states that the legal and constitutional system is white supremacist and makes civil rights and racial equality in the US impossible. Of course, this also makes capitalism a white supremacist system and of course, the only way to fix these problems is to completely tear down the entire system and rebuild it based on equality of outcomes based on race rather than equality of opportunity. This is simply moronic. The idea that the white supremacy is the order that dominates America and is kept in place by the laws of the United States is complete and utter nonsense. It's not based on facts.

The idea behind critical race theory and the 1619 Project is to divide the US into groups based on the immutable characteristic of skin color. This has been co-upted and expanded to include things like gender, sexuality, religion, etc. It assigns collective guilt or victimhood based on group identity and where that groups stands on the hierarchy of virtue. Nothing in America is merit based - it all comes down to group identity, everyone in a particular group is the same and shares the same guilt, privilege, victim status, etc. Proponents of it declare anyone who opposes this utter stupidity to be a bigoted reactionary. A person's views are judged not on the merits and evidence but rather by the group identity of the person espousing them. It's patently absurd, ahistorical and has no place in our society and especially in our schools.
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