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Chicom global enslavement

it wasn't a law, true, it was the written policy of the federal agency that was created by law to oversee mortgages.

And let's not forget, the practice was identified, investigated and outlawed and since then there has been only one significant case of racial discrimination by a major mortgage lender who again, was forced to pay a hefty fine and end those practices. I know you like to think all these bankers and politicians (the old white males anyway) were all hanging out smoking cigars and joking about how BofA got caught but tomorrow it's back to business as usual making sure black people can't get mortgages. They care so much more about keeping black people down than they do about making money off of them. It's insane that you think it's the other side that is ignorant.

After the passage of the 13th & 14th Amendments, no place in the US could any longer write openly racist laws and expect them to be upheld as constitutional, so they got creative and came up with "separate but equal" segregation, which was shown to be in practice anything but equal. For decades courts have understood that racism still exists, but can't overtly declare itself, and so have allowed arguments about racist intent and effect and declared laws to be unconstitutional based on those alone, so to simply claim ignorance of all this and declare there's no institutional racism anymore is really something. Especially acknowledging there are racist people, but somehow none of them are ever in power, or if in power allow their racist feelings to affect policy or decision making... wow.

this is all just a bunch of smoke and mirrors bullshit - it's the same garbage pushed by proponents of Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project and the Ibram X Kendi Anti-Racist garbage. Racism exists institutionally, we can't prove it and we can't identify any specific laws that are racist. But we know it does because inequality exists. Since we can't identify any laws, obviously it's now a conspiracy maintained by those in power to apply the laws unequally based on race. Therefore you have to tear it all down and rebuild it with an eye toward racially equal outcomes. And if you disagree, it's simply because you're racist so your opinions don't matter. What's amazing is you have no idea who incredibly stupid that sounds and is.

Also, no one is claiming ignorance of any of this. I would say I have no idea where you got that from if you didn't have a history of setting up straw man arguments to impugn the opposition and falsely claim the moral high ground. I'm not the least bit ignorant of your argument and I've addressed it head on. It's been thoroughly and completely debunked, which I assume is why you keep claiming anyone who disagrees with you denies or is ignorant of history. None of that changes the fact the institutional racism isn't the problem you think it is in America today. It's not what's keeping urban communities from advancing.

and you say it wasn't racist, or a law but was "outlawed"? why? for being... what?

and The other people quoted in the article have their names mentioned, as well as the organizations they work for.

jesus christ man, get an editor. you can't even read and write.

This is funny coming from you, less than a page after post #132 where I posted in reference to redlining "no one is saying it wasn't racist." Seriously, how stupid are you? Or are you just putting words in my mouth again so you can argue against things I've never said to make yourself feel less dumb.
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Hey, open question for anyone who voted for Trump (or just preferred Trump over Biden): does the fact that Biden opposed school busing make some of you guys like him more? Like even like him just a *tiny* bit, or think he can't be all bad if he did that?

it's a yes/no question.

I wonder if I'm the only person who reads these condescending, snarky posts where you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being racist and thinks, 'does he realize he's the only person on the board who makes openly racist comments and uses bigoted slurs?'

Serious question, you don't really not know you're the only actual racist who posts here, right?

Edit: I forgot about Vic who has on more than one occasion dropped the "n" word in this forum. But he is here so infrequently. You know you're the only actual racist who posts here regularly, right?
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Going back to the capricious lending practices - blessed and condoned by both of our piece of shit political parties - that led to the financial meltdown of the fall of 2008, it?s hard to believe that black people who equally couldn?t afford the homes they were borrowing to buy didn?t join in on the whole having money thrown at them thing.
Hey, open question for anyone who voted for Trump (or just preferred Trump over Biden): does the fact that Biden opposed school busing make some of you guys like him more? Like even like him just a *tiny* bit, or think he can't be all bad if he did that?

it's a yes/no question.

No. But I don?t dislike Biden. I just disagree with him most if not all the policies he promotes.
No. But I don?t dislike Biden. I just disagree with him most if not all the policies he promotes.

You were in high school when old Joe entered the the Senate. He?s definitely been around a while.

I don?t know why the Dems never nominated him back when he maybe had some value.

Not that the Republicans have always made great choice.
You were in high school when old Joe entered the the Senate. He?s definitely been around a while.

I don?t know why the Dems never nominated him back when he maybe had some value.

Not that the Republicans have always made great choice.

just in case that wasn't sarcasm...Joe always disqualified himself because he's a buffoon. the list of things he plagiarized and lied about and was exposed for during his many attempts at getting the nomination is considerable.

edit: and well documented which is why I assume your comment was most likely sarcasm.
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No. But I don?t dislike Biden. I just disagree with him most if not all the policies he promotes.

it's not clear to me what he promotes.

he's already reneged on many, if not most of his campaign pledges to the Left, in order to "compromise" with the party out of power for some reason.

It's not clear to me what people on the Right (and maybe the looney Right like tigermud) could be upset about.

Other than Trump getting deplatformed by tech companies at the behest of ... well... pretty much everyone in DC, nothing is fundamentally different. And that's what Biden promised Wall Street at the beginning of his campaign.
just in case that wasn't sarcasm...Joe always disqualified himself because he's a buffoon. the list of things he plagiarized and lied about and was exposed for during his many attempts at getting the nomination is considerable.

edit: and well documented which is why I assume your comment was most likely sarcasm.

Well, just as you?ve noted that I?ve whimsically posited that Obama would have been a better president if he had been elected later in life, it?s hard to imagine old J?Biden wouldn?t have been a better president than he is now had he been elected earlier.

It should go without saying that I never nor almost surely ever would have voted for either of them. I wanna say I wouldn?t have voted for the Republican either but I can?t because I did vote for Obama?s Republican (sort of) opponent when Obama was first elected - that was kind of an anomaly though.
it's not clear to me what he promotes.

he's already reneged on many, if not most of his campaign pledges to the Left, in order to "compromise" with the party out of power for some reason.

It's not clear to me what people on the Right (and maybe the looney Right like tigermud) could be upset about.

Other than Trump getting deplatformed by tech companies at the behest of ... well... pretty much everyone in DC, nothing is fundamentally different. And that's what Biden promised Wall Street at the beginning of his campaign.

He wasn?t deplatformed; he started his own platform, i.e. his own website, just like anybody can and it was just as easy for anyone who wanted to to access as Twitter - almost nobody was paying attention.

Good, I hope.
You were in high school when old Joe entered the the Senate. He?s definitely been around a while.

I don?t know why the Dems never nominated him back when he maybe had some value.

Not that the Republicans have always made great choice.

I remember Joe and his hair plugs looking with disdain at a citizen who was presenting his case as to why he should not have to foot the bill for unfounded mandates.

Joe was looking at him as if he had multiple hair plugs in his scalp.
banning anti-historical racist nonsense like critical race theory and anti-science nonsense like modern gender theory would be a good start.

Anti historical as in they lie? Sounds awful.

I've never even heard of modern gender theory, I assume these types of classes are college courses? Let the idiots pay for garbage electives I guess. File it next to underwater basket weaving.

Other than the pedagogy, the methodology, the content, the schedule, the evaluation and promotion process, not much at all.

It?s positively archaic and disincentivizing to hoard students in a room and lecture them for eight hours a day.

Literal 19th-century thinking.

I'm on board with changing the scheduling and evaluation process. I think online classes that some schools were forced to utilize were a step in the right direction but obviously not the full answer.

I don't know how I would change the actual methodology. It's hard because so many kids learn better in different ways than others. The 'right way' will often be the wrong way for a good chunk of your student body.
I remember Joe and his hair plugs looking with disdain at a citizen who was presenting his case as to why he should not have to foot the bill for unfounded mandates.

Joe was looking at him as if he had multiple hair plugs in his scalp.

I think autocorrect or voice recognition F?d you up.

I would tell the guy if he don?t wanna pay, don?t pay.

I don?t have hair plugs; if I did I don?t know what they would say.
it's not clear to me what he promotes.

he's already reneged on many, if not most of his campaign pledges to the Left, in order to "compromise" with the party out of power for some reason.

It's not clear to me what people on the Right (and maybe the looney Right like tigermud) could be upset about.

Other than Trump getting deplatformed by tech companies at the behest of ... well... pretty much everyone in DC, nothing is fundamentally different. And that's what Biden promised Wall Street at the beginning of his campaign.

The border, transforming our military prioritizing woke culture, tax proposals, spending proposals, denying science, parroting the same racial nonsense as BLM, Ibram X Kendi, etc, etc, etc.
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Anti historical as in they lie? Sounds awful.

I've never even heard of modern gender theory, I assume these types of classes are college courses? Let the idiots pay for garbage electives I guess. File it next to underwater basket weaving.

yes, CRT, the 1619 Project, Kendi's Anti-Racist movement - it's all lies and has no basis in historical fact. You're aware that gender studies is an academic discipline, right? They're not just electives, they're majors and the idiots that get these degrees are foisting their nonsense onto the rest of the country through the education system. And if Joe and his team get their way, everyone including you will be paying idiots to get take these courses.
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yes, CRT, the 1619 Project, Kendi's Anti-Racist movement - it's all lies and has no basis in historical fact. You're aware that gender studies is an academic discipline, right? They're not just electives, they're majors and the idiots that get these degrees are foisting their nonsense onto the rest of the country through the education system. And if Joe and his team get their way, everyone including you will be paying idiots to get take these courses.

Sort of, maybe.

I think maybe J?Biden was pitching a narrative that was hot at the time. People were burning major cities down last summer and the POTUS at the time J?Biden would run against frowned on all that, so Biden picked up the structural segregation ball and ran with it.

People like you and I know about CRT and 1619 and Kendi because we?re locked and loaded on
all that - I don?t know if most people would know what all that is - I really never hear Biden or the press chick talking about all that, or being asked about them.

As far as gender studies - and ironically I have Kaitlyn Gender(?) running for governor of my state, my guess is most see it the way I do - if you?re 18 and you wanna take hormones and have your dick cut off, that?s between you and your dick. Leave me out of it.

Many fewer women I think opt for the opposite procedure, the addadicktome.

Would be funny if a reporter asked Kaitlyn for Kaitlyn?s position on state funded gender studies.
Sort of, maybe.

I think maybe J?Biden was pitching a narrative that was hot at the time. People were burning major cities down last summer and the POTUS at the time J?Biden would run against frowned on all that, so Biden picked up the structural segregation ball and ran with it.

People like you and I know about CRT and 1619 and Kendi because we?re locked and loaded on
all that - I don?t know if most people would know what all that is - I really never hear Biden or the press chick talking about all that, or being asked about them.

As far as gender studies - and ironically I have Kaitlyn Gender(?) running for governor of my state, my guess is most see it the way I do - if you?re 18 and you wanna take hormones and have your dick cut off, that?s between you and your dick. Leave me out of it.

Many fewer women I think opt for the opposite procedure, the addadicktome.

Would be funny if a reporter asked Kaitlyn for Kaitlyn?s position on state funded gender studies.

but these race and gender ideas are influencing policy - even the military is going woke. Biden is appointing a committee to study reparations and has made public comments about how pervasive racism is in America and our institutions. The fact that most people don't know what all this is is perhaps more scary than the existence of these things - the greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. The worry is that people realize these cancers exist after it's too late.

I couldn't agree more on your point about gender. I worry though because the trend is toward taking more and more control away from parents and putting it in the hands of whack jobs like Dr. Levine who advocate for kids to make decisions about hormone therapy or for "doctors" to override parents on treatments for as young as preschoolers. It's insane. I also believe strongly that women need some level of protection against this antiscience nonsense - particularly as it relates to privacy issues (bathrooms, locker rooms, etc) but also things like sports. When it comes to sports it's especially important for "women" who went through puberty as men. If you're an adult and you want to change your sex, go for it, but don't expect the rest of society to buy into your delusion - they should definitely ban them from competing in the olympics as women, but they're clearly not going to do that.
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yes, CRT, the 1619 Project, Kendi's Anti-Racist movement - it's all lies and has no basis in historical fact. You're aware that gender studies is an academic discipline, right? They're not just electives, they're majors and the idiots that get these degrees are foisting their nonsense onto the rest of the country through the education system. And if Joe and his team get their way, everyone including you will be paying idiots to get take these courses.

No, I honestly had never heard of such a thing. One of the perks of going to an engineering/technical school was not being exposed to garbage classes like that.

And I'm intrigued by that 1916 Project you mentioned. Apparently won a Pulitzer. If it's fake as you say it is, I bet there's some real good controversy there. (Yes, I know a Pulitzer or any other award is arbitrary.) On the face of it, it makes sense to have the contributors be predominantly black, however I have to imagine that could lead to potential bias, just as it would to have predominantly white contributors.