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All I know about the Virus from China as Reported by the Media is that the Media is Reporting there Is a Virus from China. It cannot agree on much else, so I don't consider it credible. Where did the Coronavirus Come From?

Glad we cleared that up.

Just curious, do you also call HIV 'Virus from Africa' or Influenza 'Virus from Russia'? Seems like you're trying to make a point I just can't figure out what it is.
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Glad we cleared that up.

Just curious, do you also call HIV 'Virus from Africa' or Influenza 'Virus from Russia'? Seems like you're trying to make a point I just can't figure out what it is.

Points: I?m my own investigator and I do not ascribe to the mob or the media in this outbreak, and I am calling this virus the Virus from China, because that?s where it came from, and because I can.
Points: I’m my own investigator and I do not ascribe to the mob or the media in this outbreak, and I am calling this virus the Virus from China, because that’s where it came from, and because I can.

I just thought it was a loosely quoted Jack Handey bit from SNL. But thanks for clearing that up. :tup:

*edit* So if you were having a conversation with someone comparing SARS and Covid-19, would you say 'That Other Virus From China' and 'That Virus From China' or would you specify SARS?
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LA County/USC Study.

Indicates substantially higher infection rate than was thought, and substantially lower mortality rate.

I want to get tested for antibodies; I have very little doubt that I had want to get tested I have very little doubt about having had it myself in January.
Isn't that just subjective to what source you're subscribing to?

Actually, it's not. There have been several stories saying very similar things. There was a random test of people off the street in a state out east. something like 30% of the people tested were positive for covid but never showed symptoms. There was the wastewater treatment plant in massachussetts that tested an incredibly high rate of the virus in the town's waste- so high that it had to be much more pervasive in the town's citizens than just those that had been sickened. And at the end of the day, once more people are tested, more and more of that will come out. Will it be all that much more deadly than the flu? I don't think so, but we need the tests to prove it.

You know what stat I really want to see? The stat that shows how many people die of the flu each year that weren't vaccinated for the flu. That would give us a much better comparison as to how deadly this virus is vs. the flu. I'm not sure if those stats are kept, however.
Actually, it's not. There have been several stories saying very similar things. There was a random test of people off the street in a state out east. something like 30% of the people tested were positive for covid but never showed symptoms. There was the wastewater treatment plant in massachussetts that tested an incredibly high rate of the virus in the town's waste- so high that it had to be much more pervasive in the town's citizens than just those that had been sickened. And at the end of the day, once more people are tested, more and more of that will come out. Will it be all that much more deadly than the flu? I don't think so, but we need the tests to prove it.

You know what stat I really want to see? The stat that shows how many people die of the flu each year that weren't vaccinated for the flu. That would give us a much better comparison as to how deadly this virus is vs. the flu. I'm not sure if those stats are kept, however.

Several indeed


Time to get back to work and open up the country!
Several indeed


Time to get back to work and open up the country!

I happen to think it was a mistake to go this far. But what appears to be going on is that there are many more people who were exposed who either never showed symptoms or their symptoms were so mild they never even went to a doctor. I mean, how many people could that be? Did anyone on this board feel crappy for a day or two over the last 4 months? You may very well have had it. And if those stats prove true, this thing will be shown to be no more deadly than the flu.

Now, that said, it is incredibly dangerous to the elderly, so we should take appropriate precautions in that regard. But when the story is written, this will probably look like a gross overreaction.
Actually, it's not.

Some have 'grossly overreacted' and some have been extremely nonchalant in their reporting going so far to say it was a hoax. So if you were watching Fox News or Trump's Twitter, chances are it's much deadlier than you realized. However if you were watching MSNBC/CNN during that same time frame, yeah, probably not nearly as bad.

Point is, it's subjective depending on your source whether it's deadlier than you or anyone else originally thought. The CDC was basically useless in the early days, hardly giving any information or guidance to hospitals during the first week. So any reporting about how deadly it was going to be (or not going to be) at that point was irresponsible and premature. It feels like even now we're just getting a handle on what our medical workers are dealing with.

My real problem is with people completely missing the real issue with this Covid pandemic. It's not the death rate or how many people are asymptomatic. The real issue is how fast it hit and how it overwhelmed hospitals in urban areas. My wife (nurse) has said from the beginning that as long as they have enough beds, ventilators, etc, they can handle things without issue in her hospital. But with the sheer number of cases, American Wealthcare was not up to the task.

You know what stat I really want to see? The stat that shows how many people die of the flu each year that weren't vaccinated for the flu. That would give us a much better comparison as to how deadly this virus is vs. the flu. I'm not sure if those stats are kept, however.

I don't think it'd be a good comparison at all because in my memory we've never treated the flu this way, going through such great lengths it isolate and stay home when sick or symptomatic (or if you're at risk). People often don't call off work when they get the flu or show symptoms of illness. Our economy doesn't afford the average worker that luxury.

I would like to see the numbers though. I imagine it would be fairly high. I seem to recall the CDC releasing information on a high number of flu related deaths a year or two ago and they attributed a lot of that to a lack of immunization.
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I happen to think it was a mistake to go this far. But what appears to be going on is that there are many more people who were exposed who either never showed symptoms or their symptoms were so mild they never even went to a doctor. I mean, how many people could that be? Did anyone on this board feel crappy for a day or two over the last 4 months? You may very well have had it. And if those stats prove true, this thing will be shown to be no more deadly than the flu.

Now, that said, it is incredibly dangerous to the elderly, so we should take appropriate precautions in that regard. But when the story is written, this will probably look like a gross overreaction.

I?m pretty sure my sister in law had this in Feb, family friend in March and yes I did feel crappy for a few days in feb myself, felt like I was running in high altitudes couple of times, I really wouldn?t be surprised if I had it either. Pretty good chance shutting down the entire world was too much and imo this cannot be allowed to become a new normal, shutting down the entire world every time there is a new virus strain. And if one of these authoritarians with the draconian boot stomping measures ever becomes president this country is over and out chicom?d
But when the story is written, this will probably look like a gross overreaction.

I wonder how someone that lives in Detroit, New York/New Jersey, Boston, or Chicago would feel about that statement? Or someone in the healthcare industry that has had to convert their break room into a temporary morgue. Maybe the families that have to wait to bury their loved ones because they're buried in a trailer somewhere because there was no space.

This country has either a severe lack of empathy or has a ridiculous amount of people living paycheck to paycheck to want to 'get back to work'. The latter would surprise me considering how well I'm told the economy is (was) doing. I can't figure out which it is. Maybe a bit of both.

I'm certainly looking forward to the crackpot 'woke' theories about how this was all a scheme to sell vaccinations, ventilators, or to drive down oil. Maybe Alex Jones can head up that task force. I hear he needs more work lately.
It’s not just about those in the medial field sgg, it’s about everybody, we’re all in this together no? The cure can’t be worse than the disease. It was about making sure the hospitals aren’t overwhelmed too much too fast wasn’t it? Goal accomplished now get back to work


Studies estimate that the economic recession spawned by government-mandated “shutdowns” in the name of coronavirus safety could result in suicide rates thirteen times higher than deaths caused by the virus itself.
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It was about making sure the hospitals aren’t overwhelmed too much too fast wasn’t it? Goal accomplished no get back to work

Goal accomplished? Is that a fucking joke? My sister just worked a 15 hour shift today because their beds are so full. I haven't spoke with my aunt today but I imagine her situation is similiar. Goal accomplished? Holy shit dude.

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Goal accomplished? Is that a fucking joke? My sister just worked a 15 hour shift today because their beds are so full. I haven't spoke with my aunt today but I imagine her situation is similiar. Goal accomplished? Holy shit dude.

Guess what? You aren’t the only one who knows someone in the medical field while your sister maybe be working 15 hours a day, others don’t have a job at all. When this started the shutdown was said to be to prevent the spread as to not overwhelm the system, I’m sorry your sister is still working 15 hours but the needs of the few do not outweigh the needs of the many. There has got to be a more measured approach to this before the cure ends up causing more death then the virus itself. I didn’t say mission accomplished, I said goal of slowing the spread accomplished through social distancing, awareness and better hygiene, we don’t need to stay on lock down to do that. Take your thimpkin coke snorting Bush monkey video and shovel it up your ass

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Guess what? You aren?t the only one who knows someone in the medical field while your sister maybe be working 15 hours a day, others don?t have a job at all. When this started the shutdown was said to be to prevent the spread as to not overwhelm the system, I?m sorry your sister is still working 15 hours but the needs of the few do not outweigh the needs of the many. There has got to be a more measured approach to this before the cure ends up causing more death then the virus itself. I didn?t not say mission accomplished, I said goal of slowing the spread accomplished through social distancing, awareness and better hygiene, we don?t need to stay on lock down to do that. Take your thimpkin coke snorting Bush monkey video and shovel it up your ass


Did you even read what you just linked or just the headline? Because it doesn't support your argument at all. That's information I'm well aware of because much of my family is in the field. Swing and a miss.

As far as a more measured approach? Sure. Obviously this isolation isn't a long term solution. I don't think anyone believes that. But 'goal accomplished, back to work' doesn't sound like a measured response at all. It sounds like 'fuck you, I'm gonna get mine.'

Isn't your usual line 'I don't like him but there is no better option.'? Yeah, until you or someone else has a better plan than everyone rushing back to their minimum wage jobs so people can buy grass seed and televisions, I'm gonna use that.
I totally had you pegged as a doomsday planner with a bunker and stockpiles of food. I'm actually really disappointed in learning that isn't true. I know I wish I was one of those people right now. Not looking so silly now.