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Did you even read what you just linked or just the headline? Because it doesn't support your argument at all. That's information I'm well aware of because much of my family is in the field. Swing and a miss.

As far as a more measured approach? Sure. Obviously this isolation isn't a long term solution. I don't think anyone believes that. But 'goal accomplished, back to work' doesn't sound like a measured response at all. It sounds like 'fuck you, I'm gonna get mine.'

Isn't your usual line 'I don't like him but there is no better option.'? Yeah, until you or someone else has a better plan than everyone rushing back to their minimum wage jobs so people can buy grass seed and televisions, I'm gonna use that.

Not quite more like I do like a lot of what he does, don?t always like his tweets and his insulting of people. It?s not necessary, the line is do you have a version of trump we can support that isn?t an asshole? I don?t see any.

I?m saying the cure can?t be worse than the disease. Any expansion to the April 30th and I?ll be joining those protestors.
I wonder how someone that lives in Detroit, New York/New Jersey, Boston, or Chicago would feel about that statement? Or someone in the healthcare industry that has had to convert their break room into a temporary morgue. Maybe the families that have to wait to bury their loved ones because they're buried in a trailer somewhere because there was no space.

This country has either a severe lack of empathy or has a ridiculous amount of people living paycheck to paycheck to want to 'get back to work'. The latter would surprise me considering how well I'm told the economy is (was) doing. I can't figure out which it is. Maybe a bit of both.

I'm certainly looking forward to the crackpot 'woke' theories about how this was all a scheme to sell vaccinations, ventilators, or to drive down oil. Maybe Alex Jones can head up that task force. I hear he needs more work lately.

I live in metro detroit. Which is why I know that the places where FEMA had set up temporary hospitals have never been full...not even close. And that U of M called off it's 3rd ICU that they had planned. And that hospitals in general never got "overwhelmed". Now, it's certainly a fair statement that we don't want to overwhelm our hospitals. But far as I can tell, that never happened to any large degree here, and this is one of the hardest hit areas. Did it happen at some hospitals? Yes. But patients got moved around/transferred. If this was as doomsday as was feared, why aren't all the temporary hospitals full to capacity as well as the ships Trump sent? The temporary hospital they set up in Novi at the Suburban Showplace was supposed to be 1100 beds. They scaled it down to 250 beds. It is just coming online, so no one there yet. But the TCF center downtown was supposed to be full. They only have a couple of dozen patients.

What I am really watching are the countries that never shutdown fully- which appears to be Brazil, Sweden and Japan. If they have a similar experience that the US did while keeping their economies largely open....what will that tell us.
I totally had you pegged as a doomsday planner with a bunker and stockpiles of food. I'm actually really disappointed in learning that isn't true. I know I wish I was one of those people right now. Not looking so silly now.

Happens all the time people draw the wrong conclusion about me a lot. Which hospital is your sister at? neighbor down the road is a nurse at sparrow and she isn’t busy at all, she isn’t on the Covid Floors though last I heard they are trending down now also. Another nurse friend in another state was moved to 3 days a week due to lack of other services, people are putting things off while in lock down and it’s putting people out of work by the millions across the country.

I never supported either bush either the younger was an idiot
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Happens all the time people draw the wrong conclusion about me a lot. Which hospital is your sister at? neighbor down the road is a nurse at sparrow and she isn?t busy at all, she isn?t on the Covid Floors though last I heard they are trending down now also. Another nurse friend in another state was moved to 3 days a week due to lack of other services, people are putting things off while in lock down and it?s putting people out of work by the millions across the country.

I never supported either bush either the younger was an idiot

Sister is at Beaumont-Royal Oak. Aunt is at Sinai-Grace in Detroit.

Lansing hasn't been hit nearly as hard as Metro. I'm not surprised to hear that about Sparrow. I know McLaren-Lansing (my wife's old hospital) hasn't been hit as hard either. Time will tell if it stays that way or it just hasn't made it's way out here yet.
It is Weird seeing so few cars on the road. As far as the stay at home orders. Governors are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. I will always be on the side of saving lives. I hope we gradually open up and keep people as safe as possible. With the lack of any Federal guidance from the Oval Office puts Governor’s in a no win situation, and right on cue the nitwit president made it political pitting them against each other, and tweeting Liberate Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania , and other states. Trump is nothing but a lying piece of crap. My wife is right behind the front lines. See can be exposed to this. I work for them part time picking up potential covid samples. No hazard pay for us lol ! There is just no one on the roads. Although there were more this week then last when I was out. I was busy yesterday. We will se what happens on Thursday when I head in a different direction.
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Covid-19–Navigating the Uncharted

“CDC does not know the exact number of COVID-19 illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths for a variety of reasons.” Source: CDC.

WAPO on declining estimates of COVID 19 deaths

It’s staggering that the proponents of science’s veracity when it comes to Global Warming are the same people who are not in any way questioning the veracity of “experts” who admit they have no idea how this virus spreads or how lethal it really is, yet also support all the measures that threaten the livelihoods and safety of millions of people.


This ain’t Bob in the basement. It’s Faheed Zakaria saying that COVID-19 death-estimates are declining and that they were “overestimated.” Also notice that he says the word “believes” and “estimates” a lot but never “proves.”

WHO guy says COVID 19 is about to get a lot worse.

This is why I do my own investigations.
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It is Weird seeing so few cars on the road. As far as the stay at home orders. Governors are damned if they do and damned if they don?t. I will always be on the side of saving lives. I hope we gradually open up and keep people as safe as possible. With the lack of any Federal guidance from the Oval Office puts Governor?s in a no win situation, and right on cue the nitwit president made it political pitting them against each other, and tweeting Liberate Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania , and other states. Trump is nothing but a lying piece of crap. My wife is right behind the front lines. See can be exposed to this. I work for them part time picking up potential covid samples. No hazard pay for us lol ! There is just no one on the roads. Although there were more this week then last when I was out. I was busy yesterday. We will se what happens on Thursday when I head in a different direction.

As far as I know, the President has no authority to mandate what the states do. It seems like the administration has left it up to the individual states as to how they are to re-open.

It's funny that you say that Trump is putting the Governors in a "no win" situation. If the Governors are in a no win situation, what exactly do you think Trump's situation is?
As far as I know, the President has no authority to mandate what the states do. It seems like the administration has left it up to the individual states as to how they are to re-open.

It's funny that you say that Trump is putting the Governors in a "no win" situation. If the Governors are in a no win situation, what exactly do you think Trump's situation is?

As things stand, Cuomo is winning big time.

Front runner for the Oval Office 2024.

As things stand.

Could change tomorrow.

Or later today.

Stay tuned.
As things stand, Cuomo is winning big time.

Front runner for the Oval Office 2024.

As things stand.

Could change tomorrow.

Or later today.

Stay tuned.

He's a rock star! His state has almost 14K deaths.

Nobody is talking about how he dropped the ball.

Here he is in an interview in March.

N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo joined FNC's "Sunday Morning Futures" host Maria Bartiromo that while the situation with the coronavirus is severe, people should avoid panicking and all efforts should be made to avoid "shutting everything down for two weeks" like China has done.

"Remember what we're really trying to do here is avoid the massive disruption of closing everything down for two weeks, the way China did, the way Italy is doing. And we're trying to protect the vulnerable populations for whom this Coronavirus could really be dangerous, senior citizens, immune-compromised," he said.

Bartiromo asked whether mass transit systems should be shut down as a precaution, citing the outbreak in Westchester county linked to a passenger on the MetroNorth rail system.

"At this time, there's no reason to close down mass transit, Maria. We haven't had -- to the extent, we have big numbers in New York, it's actually in Westchester, which is a suburban community, as you know, where you have a cluster of cases," Cuomo replied.

"And once you get that cluster, they tend to exponentially increase. And that's what we're dealing with in Westchester. But, in New York City, we have a relatively minor number so far."

But...he's really winning the current press conferences with his charm. What a fraud!
This ain?t Bob in the basement. It?s Faheed Zakaria saying that COVID-19 death-estimates are declining and that they were ?overestimated.? Also notice that he says the word ?believes? and ?estimates? a lot but never ?proves.?

Doctors Drew Pinsky, Kelly Victory and Ray Casciari so far appear to have NOT overestimated its lethality.

This is off the top of my head.

Hard data is beginning to support that they were right.
He's a rock star! His state has almost 14K deaths.

It?s that many?

Higher than I would have thought.

There?s been no study there that I know of like we?ve had done here by Stanford and USC that shows the virus is monumentally more widespread throughout the population than has been being thought.

So we don?t know how many New Yorkers have actually had it.

Maybe all of them.

That would make 14,000 that seem pretty low.
Doctors Drew Pinsky, Kelly Victory and Ray Casciari so far appear to have NOT overestimated its lethality.

This is off the top of my head.

Hard data is beginning to support that they were right.

What hard data?

My point is that the "experts" are all over the place on this, or are changing their story constantly. I even heard on NPR today cited reports that COVID-19 deaths are over-predicted.

Fauci went from "200,000" to "60,000" (depending on the breaks)

This is from an article with Fauci's name on it, dated 3-26-2020:

"If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively." 2
The results of the study I linked to in post #309.

That hard data.

This is a report closer to the original source. Apparently the study itself is not published.

And there are a lot of ranges and suggestions there. But it did not take a study for me to make a claim two months ago that the number of people who were known to be infected were a fraction of those who actually had it. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought this. What I did not know was that the deaths would not rise in the same ratio.

This statement below reads like the converse of General Turgidson's: "Though I hesitate to judge before all the facts are in..."

"Though the results indicate a lower risk of death among those with infection than was previously thought, the number of COVID-related deaths each day continues to mount, highlighting the need for continued vigorous prevention and control efforts," said Dr. Paul Simon, chief science officer at L.A. County Department of Public Health and co-lead on the study."​
All I know about the Virus from China as Reported by the Media is that the Media is Reporting there Is a Virus from China. It cannot agree on much else, so I don't consider it credible. Where did the Coronavirus Come From?

According to what I'm reading in the media, this could be the most racist post on DSF since Not White Vic dropped the "n" word.

I just thought it was a loosely quoted Jack Handey bit from SNL. But thanks for clearing that up. :tup:

*edit* So if you were having a conversation with someone comparing SARS and Covid-19, would you say 'That Other Virus From China' and 'That Virus From China' or would you specify SARS?

Viruses are often named after the geography or animal of origin. The problem is so many of these are originating from third world Asian countries that they're going to start running out of names. First it was racist to call this one the Bat Flu then it was racist to call it the Wuhan Virus. Kung Flu seems pretty bullet proof though, don't see how anyone could find fault with that one.
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This is a report closer to the original source. Apparently the study itself is not published.

And there are a lot of ranges and suggestions there. But it did not take a study for me to make a claim two months ago that the number of people who were known to be infected were a fraction of those who actually had it. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought this. What I did not know was that the deaths would not rise in the same ratio.

Yeah, it?s the same data.

Two months ago was a little before the story of the virus was dominating the news.

That said, you?re right - you?re not the only person who?s been thinking that it was much more wide spread than was being thought - a lot of people thought that - I thought that - I think I am someone who had it, about three months ago.

This data supports the hypothesis about how much more widespread it is.