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What I think is it might be an overreaction - I think pretty much everyone is clueless about how dangerous it might be and about how to best address it. We know it was very dangerous in China in Italy and not as dangerous in other places.

I heard about public health officials say that if as many as 10 to 15% of Californians don’t comply, half the California population could become infected; and then I heard simply parroting that back as if it was etched in stone fact, and I was thinking...”so... how did they come up with that calculation?” It wasn’t explained how that projection was reached. Maybe it’s going to turn out to be a pretty accurate projection...or maybe it’s just a number somebody pulled out of their ass.

Anyway, my wife telecommutes and she just had surgery to fix a surgery that was screwed up a few years ago, so we were pretty much going to behave as if we were sheltering in place anyway. My sister-in-law has come in to help in my wife’s recuperation, and while she’s been here I’ve been continuing my business which is also viewed as essential.

My gym is closed, but it’s a small boutique boxing gym and the owner is generation + friend, so I’ve been going in while it’s closed to help maintain the equipment, primarily by using it to make sure it’s working properly so it’s ready for when the shutdown ends so the re-open will be a smooth transition.

So my life hasn’t changed a whole lot. I guess the biggest change is I take food out to go instead of eating in - that’s no biggie.

yeah, I've heard some NJ official repeat some other official saying everyone is going to get infected and I was thinking, if everyone is going to get infected, why are all on lock down? I don't believe everyone is going to be infected or that no one is immune to this thing and I get that we can't all be infected at once because it will overwhelm our healthcare system (probably because it's not state run), but still I think we can slow the spread without going on lockdown. Better safe than sorry, but I think we're going to find out that we were overly cautious about this thing.
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yeah, I've heard some NJ official repeat some other official saying everyone is going to get infected and I was thinking, if everyone is going to get infected, why are all on lock down? I don't believe everyone is going to be infected or that no one is immune to this thing and I get that we can't all be infected at once because it will overwhelm our healthcare system (probably because it's not state run), but still I think we can slow the spread without going on lockdown. Better safe than sorry, but I think we're going to find out that we were overly cautious about this thing.

A week ago, closing gyms and bars and movie theaters was what it would take, we were told.

Anyway, again, my regular life has for a long time has been pretty much no different than being on lockdown is. I never go to the movies or a bar or public places and my business is essential - so nothing really has to change for me.
They are looking at a $2 trillion "stimulus package"

That's about $6,000 for every person in the USA
A week ago, closing gyms and bars and movie theaters was what it would take, we were told.

Anyway, again, my regular life has for a long time has been pretty much no different than being on lockdown is. I never go to the movies or a bar or public places and my business is essential - so nothing really has to change for me.

I think it's amusing how some people still keep clinging to the "meh... I still think this is no big deal!" ...while the deaths start to pile up, more and more restrictions start to get put in place, as the authorities get more and more desperate to stop the spread (probably a little TOO LATE for that!), and we run out of hospital beds and respirators.

They are looking at a $2 trillion "stimulus package"

That's about $6,000 for every person in the USA

It's shocking how bad it is. Some of the stuff in there is really indefensible.

I mean, giving Mnuchin a $500BB slush fund where he can give anyone he wants the money, with no guidelines or restrictions, AND he doesn't have to say who got it for 6 months? WTF is the point of that last part? Anyone who considers themselves a "fiscal hawk" should be up in arms by the lack of oversight just in that one point.

There are also no guarantees the funds to corporations generally (including but also aside from the slush fund) will go to preserving jobs.

If you're a CEO, you can take the cash, pay yourself & your closest lieutenants big bonuses, lay everyone else off, and THEN go out of business anyway...

I'm surprised the House and Senate Democrats actually stood up to this. I wonder whether that's just more idle pageantry and we'll learn tomorrow this passed at 11 PM (look how hard our lawmakers work!), or they'll actually force them to pass a better bill.
I think it's amusing how some people still keep clinging to the "meh... I still think this is no big deal!" ...while the deaths start to pile up, more and more restrictions start to get put in place, as the authorities get more and more desperate to stop the spread (probably a little TOO LATE for that!), and we run out of hospital beds and respirators.

I don’t know how big of a deal the pandemic is going to become or not. Nobody’s going to run out of respirators or hospital beds because I failed to shelter in space, because again, shelter in space has barely changed my life.

I don’t go to bars or movie theaters or public places and when I’m not on my job - again, which is classified as essential-I’m at home. But that’s normal life for me; it just happens to be pretty much the same as sheltering in space coincidentally.
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I don?t know how big of a deal the pandemic is going to become or not. Nobody?s going to run out of respirators or hospital bags because I failed to shelter in space, because again shelter in space has barely changed my life.

I don?t go to bars or movie theaters or public places and when I?m not on my job - again, which is classified as essential-I?m at home. But that?s normal life for me; it just happens to be pretty much the same as sheltering in space coincidentally.

Are you serious?
Me and my wife rarely go out because of lack of funds. So home bodies we are. She was suppose to go with my daughter This week to Cincinnati but that was canceled. So she kept her mini 5 day vacation this week. Good call because her site at spectrum was closed for the time being, and she may be deployed to another site. Guess we will get stuff done around the house. Donate some clothes. Yard work. I read a lot of books.
Trump and the people humping this idea we need to rollback the responses we've started are fucking nuts. Unfuckingbelievable.

In NYC they're close to being overwhelmed already, and that's going to be the same story everywhere else in the country shortly. The death rates will be a lot higher than 3.4% (which already comes out to 11 Million Americans) if no one can get ventilators because we let this spread out of control. Fuck me.
Are you serious?

By public places I meant like museums and parks and such. I guess restaurants could be viewed as public places and yeah I like to go out to dinner every now and then and if I grab lunch while I?m out doing business I prefer to dine in rather than take it to go.

But giving that up for a while is not going to be a big deal.
By public places I meant like museums and parks and such. I guess restaurants could be viewed as public places and yeah I like to go out to dinner every now and then and if I grab lunch while I?m out doing business I prefer to dine in rather than take it to go.

But giving that up for a while is not going to be a big deal.

I prefer to dine in as well; I realized yesterday that I haven't gone out to eat since at least the beginning of March, which is probably the longest I've gone without eating out in 30 years.
I don't see that changing unless I find a restaurant that tests their employees for COVID-19 everyday to make sure they're not fucking transmitting viruses into my food.
Trump and the people humping this idea we need to rollback the responses we've started are fucking nuts. Unfuckingbelievable.

In NYC they're close to being overwhelmed already, and that's going to be the same story everywhere else in the country shortly. The death rates will be a lot higher than 3.4% (which already comes out to 11 Million Americans) if no one can get ventilators because we let this spread out of control. Fuck me.

hmmm, I wonder why if NY is close to being overwhelmed, Gov. Cuomo basically said the same thing as Trump about rolling back some of the restrictions. I also wonder why the popular press reaction to Cuomo saying basically the same thing Trump said was so different from when Trump said it. It's so strange, inexplicable even.
hmmm, I wonder why if NY is close to being overwhelmed, Gov. Cuomo basically said the same thing as Trump about rolling back some of the restrictions. I also wonder why the popular press reaction to Cuomo saying basically the same thing Trump said was so different from when Trump said it. It's so strange, inexplicable even.

I can’t find a reference to Cuomo saying anything about rolling back the restrictions; but I’m not there so I don’t hear everything someone who’s there would.

LA Mayor Garcetti introduced “Safer at Home” on March 19, scheduled to run through April 19. Within an hour Governor Newsom imposed the same restrictions statewide. I can’t find anything reporting when the statewide restrictions end, if there’s a scheduled end.

These lockdowns are all ordered at the state and local level; I’m hearing some on the news saying Trump doesn’t have the authority to make those kinds of impositions.

Trump wants the “lockdowns” to end Easter; that’s a week before the LA restrictions are currently scheduled to expire.

So we’ll see what happens.
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I can’t find a reference to Cuomo saying anything about rolling back the restrictions; but I’m not there so I don’t hear everything someone who’s there would.

LA Mayor Garcetti introduced “Safer at Home” on March 19, scheduled to run through April 19. Within an hour Governor Newsom imposed the same restrictions statewide. I can’t find anything reporting when the statewide restrictions end, if there’s a scheduled end.

These lockdowns are all ordered at the state and local level; I’m hearing some on the news saying Trump doesn’t have the authority to make those kinds of impositions.

Trump wants the “lockdowns” to end Easter; that’s a week before the LA restrictions are currently scheduled to expire.

So we’ll see what happens.

here's an excerpt from an article about his comments today:

“What I’m saying, basically, is that we can do two things simultaneously,” Trump said, noting “we’ve had this incredible learning period” about the virus that might allow the federal government to review the requirements for social distancing.

Cuomo made the same argument at a press conference on Tuesday.
“Don’t make us choose between the two,” Cuomo said. “We can do both and we must do both.”

Cuomo argued lower-risk and younger people could return to work, as soon they would not need to be quarantined with the elderly.
Cuomo parroting @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/3REJPJp41q
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) March 24, 2020
“You can have an economic start-up strategy that is consistent with a public health strategy,” Cuomo said.
He said testing recovering individuals from the coronavirus and sending them back to work was essential, noting many Americans likely had the virus and recovered.
“I believe once we get that test, you’re going to find hundreds of thousands of people who have had the coronavirus and resolved,” Cuomo said.
Cuomo looked forward to younger people returning to work.
“Let the younger people go back to work, let the recovered people go back to work,” he said. “Ramp up the economy with those individuals.”

Cuomo said that although the initial public health strategy was strict, it was possible to refine recommendations based on what officials had learned about the virus.
“So you’re refining your public health strategy and at the same time you’re restarting your economy,” Cuomo said. “Those two can be consistent if done intelligently.”
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Trump and the people humping this idea we need to rollback the responses we've started are fucking nuts. Unfuckingbelievable.

In the link, I don?t know what ABC news means by rolling it back ?national restrictions? aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus.

The only national restrictions I am aware of are the travel restrictions; also I know that they?re going to be using some military ships to help with the healthcare system overload.

Maybe there are some import restrictions that I am unaware of.

This, published in the New York Times in what seems like an eternity ago, refers to ?guidelines? and ?recommendations? That reflect some of those that were imposed by state and local governments, but I don?t think they carry the weight of law that the orders by governors and municipal authorities do.

So again, I don?t know what ABC news means by ?national restrictions.?
here's an excerpt from an article about his comments today:


Sounds pretty similar to me.

I remember seeing a clip of this conference now, with Governor Andrew in his cool ?action governor? garb.

I think I told you my ex-wife has a cousin who was his several years girlfriend in college right?

Seems to me Cuomo would have been a better candidate than any of the other ones the Dems paraded - except for Tulsi, of course.

Sounds pretty similar to me.

I remember seeing a clip of this conference now, with Governor Andrew in his cool “action governor“ garb.

I think I told you my ex-wife has a cousin who was his several years girlfriend in college right?

Seems to me Cuomo would have been a better candidate than any of the other ones the Dems paraded - except for Tulsi, of course.

it is very similar in content. Interestingly, the reaction, particularly from the press is very different. Mostly they throw fits like michturd is here when hearing it from Trump, then when Cuomo says it, it sounds reasonable and worthy of consideration. Of course, Cuomo did say it a day or two later, after we finally knew everything there is to know about the virus so the different reaction is probably a function of that.

I don't recall that story but that doesn't mean you haven't told it to me. Not sure if he would have been better than the other clowns - that's a pretty low bar though so you're probably right - but I'm not all that familiar with the guy as I didn't pay much attention to state politics when I was an NYC resident. Where I was he was kind of overshadowed by Mini Mike Bloomberg and all of his overreaching as Mayor.
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