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In case anyone was wondering, the UK labor party controls 202 seats in the house of commons and there are 81 seats controlled by a variety of what we would call third parties here in this country.

With 365 seats, the conservative party never the less controls of 56% majority of the seats in the house of commons.
In case anyone was wondering, the UK labor party controls 202 seats in the house of commons and there are 81 seats controlled by a variety of what we would call third parties here in this country.

With 365 seats, the conservative party never the less controls of 56% majority of the seats in the house of commons.

good for Boris Johnson for taking one for the team and helping his nation develop herd immunity from covid-19... unlike SOME shitty heads of state we know...
good for Boris Johnson for taking one for the team and helping his nation develop herd immunity from covid-19... unlike SOME shitty heads of state we know...

Not a good thing for the head of state of a stable ally to be in in this situation.

If the elections had gone differently last December and Jeremy Corbyn had been elected PM by a Labour/coalition majority in the House of Commons, and he were in the situation, that would be also just as much of a not good thing.
Not a good thing for the head of state of a stable ally to be in in this situation.

If the elections had gone differently last December and Jeremy Corbyn had been elected PM by a Labour/coalition majority in the House of Commons, and he were in the situation, that would be also just as much of a not good thing.
It would be a good thing for UK's billionaires and financial frauds tho
It would be a good thing for UK's billionaires and financial frauds tho

If the head of the Labour was PM and in the ICU with the Covid?

I don?t think so.

Just like the US, the UK is going probably launch a massive stimulus package because of this.

Just like the US, billionaires in UK are going to have to foot a substantial amount of the cost of this.
Here is how the chloroquine should be being done.

If I get the Covid want this guy as my doc.

Some Ohio congresswoman who recently became a senior advisor to the Biden campaign just announced she is referring Trump for persecution at The Hague for crimes against humanity based on his “endorsing” hydroxychloroquine for treating coronavirus. She blasted out a tweet asking for help from lawyers with experience with international human rights cases.

Better hope you don’t get it because it sounds like this guy could be in serious trouble with the international courts soon.
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Some Ohio congresswoman who recently became a senior advisor to the Biden campaign just announced she is referring Trump for persecution at The Hague for crimes against humanity based on his ?endorsing? hydroxychloroquine for treating coronavirus. She blasted out a tweet asking for help from lawyers with experience with international human rights cases.

Better hope you don?t get it because it sounds like this guy could be in serious trouble with the international courts soon.

Yeah, nah.

Heard on overnight radio that Trump and Biden had a cordial phone call for Trump to take the former Veep?s thoughts on the current sitch.

Don?t know who she is and don?t care. Won?t go anywhere; and fuck the bitch.

Does The Hague take referrals for persecution?

Kinda thought it was supposed to work the opposite.
Yeah, nah.

Heard on overnight radio that Trump and Biden had a cordial phone call for Trump to take the former Veep?s thoughts on the current sitch.

Don?t know who she is and don?t care. Won?t go anywhere; and fuck the bitch.

Does The Hague take referrals for persecution?

Kinda thought it was supposed to work the opposite.

sorry, that should say prosecution - stupid autocorrect. and I agree, she has about as much chance as Bernie Sanders does of winning the Dem nomination. She's not getting anywhere with it but apparently I may not have laid on the sarcasm thick enough.
Here is how the chloroquine should be being done.

If I get the Covid want this guy as my doc.

I wondered why Trump (and Trump flunkies like some of the people who post here) were going on and on about chloroquine, and making such a big deal about it.

Everything I read said they're basically injecting patients with all sorts of drugs, and they can't document anything particularly being the key treatment when a patient recovers.

But Trump or some White House flunky mentions chloroquine, and the MAGA crowd goes berserk for it, and Rudy Giuliani is selling subscriptions to his newsletter using it, and getting banned on twitter for making false claims about it??? I mean, there's obviously something suspicious going on, right?

And it is a real drug, used to treat other ailments, but because of Trump's White House, all the rubes were buying it up and limiting the supply for people who need it. And people were dying and suffering the side effects of taking it in unsafe quantities.

I figured these grifters and their rubes were just addicted to snake oil type pitches and cures, and chloroquine was just the latest con.

But I should've suspected the obvious: Trump and his flunkies have a vested financial interest in selling chloroquine:
"Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine." Other top Trump donors, allies, golf buddies, and Cabinet officials also have various ties to hydroxychlorquine.
You can follow the links for more details, if you want to... Unfuckingbelievable.

Watch them push Dr. Fauci out over this... there is just no limit to how low they will go.
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sorry, that should say prosecution - stupid autocorrect. and I agree, she has about as much chance as Bernie Sanders does of winning the Dem nomination. She's not getting anywhere with it but apparently I may not have laid on the sarcasm thick enough.

No, you did fine.

I picked up on the ridiculousness of it.
Chloroquine maker Novartis was paying Michael Cohen $100K a month to get "access" to Trump administration policies, from 2017-2018:
In exchange for paying Cohen $100,000 per month for over a year starting in February 2017, the company expected Trump?s lawyer to provide them with access to the president?s attitudes on health care policy, including provisions in the Affordable Care Act that were relevant to them.

The payments were officially made to Cohen?s shell company, Essential Consultants LLC, which collected a number of payments from other companies as well that sought the same privileges. (Through that company, Cohen also paid off adult film actress Stormy Daniels with ?hush money? payments that were made to keep her quiet about an affair she had had with Trump years ago.)

The deal was a bad one for the company, Novartis later admitted. They believed Cohen would get them deeper insights on the president?s thinking than what he delivered ? unfortunately for Novartis, they couldn?t back out of the agreement even after deciding, following one meeting with Cohen, that they didn?t need his services after all.

?As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018,? the company said in a statement
Bad lawyering! An MSU law alum must've drafted that. they probably went around their UM-alum lawyer, when he insisted they include a right to terminate without cause, because Cohen was sleazy as hell. But because of that, they got taken for a ride by a chump like Cohen...

Of course this only proves they were looking to play the game, not that there was any financial interest over the more recent chloroquine scam. They obviously found better ways to get into the White House later on, when Cohen proved to be a dead end.
According to Fox Business host Charlie Gasparino, the White House and "Congressional leaders" gave "Wall street sources" a little inside info about when the next stimulus package would be passed (May) and how big it would be ($1.5 trillion). Nothing like a little insider trading among buddies.

This is okay though, because one of these days, they'll actually bring good paying middle class jobs back from China. One of these days. They just need to "wet their beaks" a little more first.
I wondered why Trump (and Trump flunkies like some of the people who post here) were going on and on about chloroquine, and making such a big deal about it.

Everything I read said they're basically injecting patients with all sorts of drugs, and they can't document anything particularly being the key treatment when a patient recovers.

But Trump or some White House flunky mentions chloroquine, and the MAGA crowd goes berserk for it, and Rudy Giuliani is selling subscriptions to his newsletter using it, and getting banned on twitter for making false claims about it??? I mean, there's obviously something suspicious going on, right?

And it is a real drug, used to treat other ailments, but because of Trump's White House, all the rubes were buying it up and limiting the supply for people who need it. And people were dying and suffering the side effects of taking it in unsafe quantities.

I figured these grifters and their rubes were just addicted to snake oil type pitches and cures, and chloroquine was just the latest con.

But I should've suspected the obvious: Trump and his flunkies have a vested financial interest in selling chloroquine:
"Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine." Other top Trump donors, allies, golf buddies, and Cabinet officials also have various ties to hydroxychlorquine.
You can follow the links for more details, if you want to... Unfuckingbelievable.

Watch them push Dr. Fauci out over this... there is just no limit to how low they will go.

I hope you were wearing your tinfoil hat while posting this awesomely entertaining conspiracy theory.

You must not have read much if everything you've read has lead you to post this nonsense. Did you miss this recently published survey of over 6,000 doctors from around the world who rank hydroxychloroquine as the top treatment for the virus? I suppose Trump went around the world dropping off bags of cash to doctors - probably with the expected profits from his "small personal financial interest in Sanofi"

And who is going berserk for it? Trump mentions it as a possible treatment and your team goes apoplectic over it - from blaming Trump for killing some idiot who drank fish tank cleaner to the Ohio rep who wants to refer Trump to the Hague for crimes against humanity for mentioning it as a possible treatment to tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist idiots raging on the internet about pump and dump schemes from the Oval Office. Opposition politicians and the press literally want this drug to not work so they can go after Trump for making hopeful statements about it. Think about that - they want this drug to fail and people to die because they don't want the President to be right. But it's Trump supporters who are going berserk over hydroxychloroquine. It must really suck being you - so angry, hateful and stupid all at the same time.

Edit: by the way, here's a chart of Sanofi's stock price and the results of Trump's attempted manipulation. Looks a lot like every other stock and equity index chart over the same time period. Maybe Wall Street hasn't yet made the connection between hydroxychloroquine and the fact that Sanofi is the commercial manufacturer of it - it usually takes them a couple of weeks to do that type of due diligence. Looks like Trump could use some lessons in market manipulation from Bill Ackman.
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I find it ironic that some experts don't want to use this drug because it has not been proven to work.

"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease officials, has warned publicly and privately against promoting the drug absent studies showing its effectiveness, and "behind the scenes, career health officials have raised even stronger warnings about the risk to some Americans' heart health and other complications"

So this drug is an accepted drug to treat other diseases but now is unsafe.

"On the other hand, some hospitals in New York are using the drug to treat COVID-19, with mixed results."

mixed results = works for some but not others?

"over other projects that scientists believe have more potential to fight the outbreak."

I take it that these "other projects" are not proven yet either.
I find it ironic that some experts don't want to use this drug because it has not been proven to work.

"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease officials, has warned publicly and privately against promoting the drug absent studies showing its effectiveness, and "behind the scenes, career health officials have raised even stronger warnings about the risk to some Americans' heart health and other complications"

So this drug is an accepted drug to treat other diseases but now is unsafe.

"On the other hand, some hospitals in New York are using the drug to treat COVID-19, with mixed results."

mixed results = works for some but not others?

"over other projects that scientists believe have more potential to fight the outbreak."

I take it that these "other projects" are not proven yet either.

A drug can work on one thing but not others.

And if the side effects are more tolerable than the illness it's approved for, it makes sense to approve it for more severe illnesses than others.

Like it might make sense to use a cancer drug that has a 1% chance of causing intestinal bleeding... if you're dying of cancer.

but using that same drug to treat a cold would be foolish.

and promoting a drug that has negative side effects when the benefits haven't been clinically proven is foolish.

And when the person doing the promotion has a vested financial interest in it, well... we have different words for that.

This is not a "conspiracy theory." it hasn't been clinically proven to be effective. The fact that a lot of doctors are using it doesn't mean as much when you consider this is being done out of desperation... they're trying all sorts of things.

but Trump and his goons are promoting the one they stand to benefit financially from.
This whole chloroquine thing is another fine example of something being made into a political circle jerk when it shouldn't be. If Trump wouldn't have said it was beneficial, nobody would give a fuck.

People want to abuse it and/or take it incorrectly? Darwin be with them.

People want to use it without proper testing or trials? Darwin be with them.

People want to use it because their cult leader says it's the answer? Darwin be with them.

In the end, worst case scenario, people go down swinging in a way they elected to do so. Best case scenario, it works wonders (liberal nightmare realized) and people start getting healthy again. Let the chloroquine flow.
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