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Small businesses are far more vulnerable to any disruptions than Big Boxes, and they wull be shut down before them. Churches will also be on the short list before, say, the NFL.

State governors are not even accounting for this, and haven't in the past, and won't.

By "we" you mean "government" (I conject) ... when I'm already taking my own personal precautions, without government's assistance or input.
Little of column A, little of column B. Waiting for everybody to figure out what works and what doesn't won't work. I think a good approach is a government that sets rules that are a bit too strict on paper, enforces them judiciously (like speeding laws), penalizes the worst actors, and are accountable to rational protestors that haven't been brainwashed into thinking 5G spreads covid.
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Little of column A, little of column B. Waiting for everybody to figure out what works and what doesn't won't work. I think a good approach is a government that sets rules that are a bit too strict on paper, enforces them judiciously (like speeding laws), penalizes the worst actors, and are accountable to rational protestors that haven't been brainwashed into thinking 5G spreads covid.

Such arrogance & elitism... It's important to consider all sides... how do you know 5G doesn't spread COVID?
Such arrogance & elitism... It's important to consider all sides... how do you know 5G doesn't spread COVID?
Duh. Follow the money. 5G is for transmitting to the chip that gets implanted with the covid vaccine.

Wait...you're not saying it does both?! Dang. Efficient.
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Or it's the loose definition of "essential businesses" ... one of the most pernicious phrases loosed on a gullible citizenry.

This indicates to me that influencers far more distant and substantial than mere state governors, lobbies, and national politicians are calling the shots, then, and they are unconcerned with our well being, in any capacity. I believe this anyway, and COVID has only made it more obvious.

I mean, these politicians are the same people who enabled the burning and looting of their cities and states in the spring/summer, and then cut the power of a house hosting a party.

There are national business lobbying efforts, like ALEC, The Business Roundtable, etc. yes. And there are also state ones, and also state divisions of the national ones, that issue politicians their marching orders.

Here in TX, state officials revealed themselves to be practically owned by those lobbyists (esp. this psychopath... who wouldn't practice what he preached), whereas mayors & county authorities - of either party - often tried to do what they thought was necessary, only to have their efforts stymied by state officials.
There are national business lobbying efforts, like ALEC, The Business Roundtable, etc. yes. And there are also state ones, and also state divisions of the national ones, that issue politicians their marching orders.

Here in TX, state officials revealed themselves to be practically owned by those lobbyists (esp. this psychopath... who wouldn't practice what he preached), whereas mayors & county authorities - of either party - often tried to do what they thought was necessary, only to have their efforts stymied by state officials.

Do you recognize the crazy political power the Catholic Church would have if they exercised it ruthlessly like your typical industry lobby would?
Do you recognize the crazy political power the Catholic Church would have if they exercised it ruthlessly like your typical industry lobby would?
They do exercise it ruthlessly, just not as much in this country where there was substantial hostility to the "papists" going back to the 19th century, and "our people" were viewed with suspicion, as communists, degenerates, criminals, and subversives.

Of course, then "our people" got accepted as "Regular Americans" and started viewing the next people off the boat as communists, degenerates, criminals, and subversives...
There are national business lobbying efforts, like ALEC, The Business Roundtable, etc. yes. And there are also state ones, and also state divisions of the national ones, that issue politicians their marching orders.

Here in TX, state officials revealed themselves to be practically owned by those lobbyists (esp. this psychopath... who wouldn't practice what he preached), whereas mayors & county authorities - of either party - often tried to do what they thought was necessary, only to have their efforts stymied by state officials.

At first I thought it was beloved sports commentator Dan Patrick.

Did you listen to what he said?

Because what he said isn?t what the people are claiming he said, in the pieces.
At first I thought it was beloved sports commentator Dan Patrick.

Did you listen to what he said?

Because what he said isn’t what the people are claiming he said, in the pieces.

he said we should be willing to let people old people die if it means there won't be any economic price to pay. I listened to it when he first said it, and was like "well, there it is... the state doesn't give a shit whether we live or die and will openly admit it now."

Not only is he an asshole for having that position, the position is false for assuming people will willfully ignore the pandemic making them sick and killing their fellow citizens, and keep shopping and going to work like everything is normal, up until they suffocate in their own lung fluid and blood and keel over.

the whole "choice" premise is false to begin with, and also ignores the cost of caring for those who are sick, and the long term effects of that.

he might be in favor of just letting COVID patients die in the street without medical care though.. I didn't think of that.
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They do exercise it ruthlessly, just not as much in this country where there was substantial hostility to the "papists" going back to the 19th century, and "our people" were viewed with suspicion, as communists, degenerates, criminals, and subversives.

Of course, then "our people" got accepted as "Regular Americans" and started viewing the next people off the boat as communists, degenerates, criminals, and subversives...

"There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church ? which is, of course, quite a different thing."

"If I were not a Catholic, and were looking for the true Church in the world today, I would look for the one Church which did not get along well with the world; in other words, I would look for the Church which the world hates?"

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.
he said we should be willing to let people old people die if it means there won't be any economic price to pay. I listened to it when he first said it, and was like "well, there it is... the state doesn't give a shit whether we live or die and will openly admit it now."

Not only is he an asshole for having that position, the position is false for assuming people will willfully ignore the pandemic making them sick and killing their fellow citizens, and keep shopping and going to work like everything is normal, up until they suffocate in their own lung fluid and blood and keel over.

the whole "choice" premise is false to begin with, and also ignores the cost of caring for those who are sick, and the long term effects of that.

he might be in favor of just letting COVID patients die in the street without medical care though.. I didn't think of that.

That?s funny.

That?s not remotely what he said at all.

I appreciate interpretive hyperbole, I once posted that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wanted to power the green new deal with rainbows farted by unicorns.

She didn?t actually say that either.

Over 95% of the people who died of the Covid had a significant comorbidity. We know what those comorbidities are.

Byco posted something about recategorizing the count.

The count of Covid only deaths is just over 11,000 now.

People living their lives without any of those comorbidites are more likely to die of a piano falling on their head than they are to die of the Covid (see? interpretive hyperbole).

Anyone who has a significant comorbidity who isn?t already collecting Social Security should absolutely collect disability and be able to stay away from everybody else.

Everybody else should go about living their lives and the Covid will ultimately go away, either through herd immunity or herd immunity that is helped by vaccination - and of course, stay away from the vulnerable until then - call or Skype.
It’s fucking bullshit end the damn lockdowns quarantine the at risk and let the health get on with their lives! It’s not the second coming of the fucking plague!

A 16-year-old Maine boy took his own life, leaving a note saying he felt isolated and depressed after months of COVID lockdowns and social distancing, his parents say.

Spencer Smith died on Friday in Brunswick, Maine, following a steady deterioration of his social life under draconian medical tyranny imposed in his state and across the world.

Spencer’s parents say their son had been having a difficult school year and was deeply disappointed by the effective cancellation of his football season, for which he had trained diligently during the summer.

“As soon as he found out it wasn’t going to be a regular football season, looking back, we noticed he stopped working out,” Spencer’s father, Jay, told WMTV. “He stopped riding his bike as much to the point he didn’t even work out anymore. Instead of working out, he took naps.”

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This plandemic virus is stage 3 the crises


The Great Reset is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with technocracy, publicly referred to as “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism”.

Dr. Joseph Mercola is among the few researchers and writers who truly understand what Technocracy is and where it is headed. He has repeatedly published articles calling it like it is and warning Americans of the clear and present danger.⁃ TN Editor
I found a receipt for the masks, in late September at Lowe's I went and got some for my parents. I think that was a week or two after I had got some for myself and talked them into wanting some with the forecast showing it would get bad again
Projections now have 250k dying between now and April. Everyone wearing masks would save 67k.
Projections now have 250k dying between now and April. Everyone wearing masks would save 67k.

Everyone hopping up and down on one leg, eating crackers and flapping their arms and squawking like a chicken would save twice that many.

I?ll show you my supporting data if you show me yours.
Everyone hopping up and down on one leg, eating crackers and flapping their arms and squawking like a chicken would save twice that many.

I?ll show you my supporting data if you show me yours.
Model has been solid. This is the one where I posted the past predictions alongside what happened and showed that it's really good and a little conservative.
Fauci had moved on to the IHME model by the end of March. Maybe even in April.

In the following, the date range keeps changing, so the Actual number covers different periods of time. It looks like most predictions are for the next 4 months.

3/26-Predction: 81,000, Actual:147,672


4/13-Predeiction 68,841, Actual: 156,920

4/17-Prediction: 60,308, Actual: 156,920
5/4-Prediction: 135,000, Actual: 156,920

5/12-Prediction 147,000, Actual: 156,920

So early on it was too conservative, but I think since then, it's been pretty good.
Model has been solid. This is the one where I posted the past predictions alongside what happened and showed that it's really good and a little conservative.

So where?s the data?

EDIT: OIC, you posted it.

I don?t see anything about mask wearing versus non-mask wearing in the data.
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