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Detroit vs San Diego Predictions

37-34 Lions over Chargers in yet another nail-biting ending with either the Lions needing to score a TD, OR the Chargers mounting a threat to tie on a FG or win on a TD, but runout of time/downs just as they get close enough to be within FG range.

Wild-ass guess that there will be plenty of scoring on O by both teams and possibly the Lions' and/or Chargers defenses helping by scoring some points resulting from potential turnovers.
I think it could make a big difference if the Chargers are eliminated, Rivers is a pretty emotional guy and that might just put him in a mood to not really care too much how he plays
I can't imagine the Broncos losing to the Bill so it could happen.
38-35 Lions. No way we stop the Chargers' offense with our banged up secondary. Matthews will probably get his as well. I say we win on a 50 yard FG in the final minute.
Super loud and way overly amped up Ford Field Crowd... some people speculating it will be louder and roudier than the MNF Game.

That will play a role

I think Lions jump on them. Suh, Williams, Fairley getting good push up the middle... Avril has another strong game.

Lions win this one... 31-17

Clinch a playoff game headin to the Tundra
I'm hoping the atmosphere from the Monday night game is duplicated because I think a loud dome can throw off this offense. The Chargers haven't even PLAYED in a dome yet this year...so it may affect them even more than some other opponents. Of course, this IS still Phillip Rivers we're talking about so they'll get their points. Getting Houston and/or Delmas back healthy would be huge, but I'm not holding my breathe. SD's defense is not as good as it appeared againt the Ravens, and they're previous two opponents Buffalo and Jacksonville do not have the weapons we have on offense. As much as I've complained about having to come back in every game, it may be the best way we CAN win, cuz we certainly haven't proven we can get just a one score lead and hold it considering the lack of a running game. Couldn't run down the clock vs. the 49ers and lost and darn near let WEBB beat us in the final minute. All of our wins have either been comebacks or blowouts. So in true cardiac kitty fashion, we will fall behind by 10 around halfway through the 4th, get a touchdown, a stop on D, then kick the field goal to tie...cuz it only seems fitting we'd need OT to clinch the first playoff berth in over a decade... LIONS 30-27.
I expect it to be real loud......MNF was intense......haven't been to a stadium this year that was even close to the monday night or SF game
31-27 Lions

Suh destroys the interior line and gets 2.5 sacks. Stafford and Megatron keep the hot streak going.