Almost right - you've taken a page from your dopey buddy, ,MC. You have materially misrepresented what I said so you can trivialize and argue against it. I'm definitely not trying to prove there was fraud. I AM disproving the lie that there's no evidence of potential voter fraud because there is plenty.
You clearly are being evasive and hyper focused on a minor nit and again misrepresenting my argument. You're not too focused on what I said - you're ignoring the most significant facts and assertions and focusing on something you think will discredit those without addressing them.
The point you're focused on is minor but you won't let it go because you can't dismiss the major points by directly addressing them.
Simply not true, I can call out your bullshit all day long.
you're really going to do a line-by-line rebuttal to a Blues Brothers clip?
Just admit you either pulled these claims out of your ass, or cribbed them from some Right Wing site you've denied reading like Alex Jones, and move on. It would actually
help your credibility here...
careful with these claims of yours - keep it up and gulo will be hounding you for a couple pages for a source that indicates it wasn't much of a limit and a large number of Americans did in fact receive a payout.
Here's one link, and it's from UChicago, so even your dumb ass should be able to accept it:
New Poverty Measure Confirms Coronavirus-Driven Federal Stimulus Measures Were Effective:
The economists? estimates ... show poverty declined shortly after the start of the pandemic. They find that the poverty rate fell by 2.3 percentage points from 10.9 percent in the months leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic (January and February) to 8.6 percent in the two most recent months (April and May).
guessing UChicago & Brookings are going to scrub these results to downplay the fact that giving people money is the only effective way our government can reduce poverty now.
and all the means-tested bullshit, "
you qualify for $$$ IF you start a business and invest a minimum of XYZ in ABC, AND you are a minority, and gay," is ineffecitve. At this point, means-testing should be understood to be the way
both political parties ensure they do nothing to help regular Americans while pretending to help regular Americans.
i.e. Obamacare being difficult to enroll in and use is a
feature not a
Here's another link:
The CARES Act Could Reduce Poverty to Pre-Crisis Levels if Access is Adequate:"In response to rapidly rising unemployment rates, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which included nearly $500 billion in direct income transfers for families across the country. In this brief, we apply new forecasting methods to project the effect of the CARES Act?s income transfers on poverty rates using the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) framework"
Direct income transfers = "here's a check, go spend the money, which will support businesses, and we will tax anyway, so it goes back in the coffers"
The federal government needs to start doling out cash again. Building things with it (bridges, rails, ports) is even better, but just burying money and paying people to dig it up would be more productive than what Pelosi & McConnell deliver under this "neoliberal" approach, which is basically nothing.