- Biden received less votes than BOTH Obama and Hillary in EVERY state except WI, MI, PA and GA - must have had a great ground game to motivate the base in just those states, which also happen to be the 4 of the states with the shadiest election shenanigans going on.
- Republicans reduce the deficit in the house by 10 seats, likely maintain their majority in the senate and don't lose a single governor seat but Biden wins the White House - because Trump is so polarizing, despite the fact that he increased his share of the nonwhite vote by almost 25% (went from 21 to 26%).
- 450,000 ballots in those 4 states, the only states Biden got more votes than Obama or Hillary, voted only for President and nothing down ticket, the overwhelming majority going for Biden.
- Tens of thousands of votes arrive at Cobo at 4am Wednesday, snuck in through a back door, unlike every other vote received in the open - 100% of those vote checkers were able to observe went for Biden
- Dem pollsters boarding up windows and denying Republican poll watchers access to the counting in Detroit and Phili, solid blue counties in PA defy US Supreme Court order to segregate late arriving ballots so they can't be investigated/reviewed,
- WI county officials allowing vote counters to "fix" nonconforming ballots.
All this and we must accept the results of the election, because as always, there's no evidence of significant voter fraud - if you ignore the significant amount of evidence that there in fact is.