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Fans Booing Inge

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2011
Disgrace. Pure and simple. I was at the game yesterday, and it was disgusting.

First, he's had 17 AB, so if you're booing because of his BA, that's a stupid reason.

Second, he's a bad player who is under contract, he's not a starter anymore, so him getting a spot start or two shouldn't be a reason to boo.

Third, if you are booing because you don't feel he should be on the team, guess what...you don't have a say in that do you? So STFU. You want to be management, go send an application to DD. Otherwise your booing isn't going to do a dang thing to change the team's mind on their decision to have him on the roster.

Fourth, as a result all the booing does is 1. hurt the guy's confidence, he's bad so he needs as much of it as possible, 2. make you individually look like an @$$, 3. make our fanbase collectively look like a bunch of @$$es.

So do me a favor, stop making me look like an jerk and sit down and shut up.

/end rant
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Disgrace. Pure and simple. I was at the game yesterday, and it was disgusting.

First, he's had 17 AB, so if you're booing because of his BA, that's a stupid reason.

Second, he's a bad player who is under contract, he's not a starter anymore, so him getting a spot start or two shouldn't be a reason to boo.

Third, if you are booing because you don't feel he should be on the team, guess what...you don't have a say in that do you? So STFU. You want to be management, go send an application to DD. Otherwise your booing isn't going to do a dang thing to change the team's mind on their decision to have him on the roster.

Fourth, as a result all the booing does is 1. hurt the guy's confidence, he's bad so he needs as much of it as possible, 2. make you individually look like an @$$, 3. make our fanbase collectively look like a bunch of @$$es.

So do me a favor, stop making me look like an jerk and sit down and shut up.

/end rant

What are you, his mom? He's a man and a "professional" baseball player, he and his confidence should be able to take a little booing. If a player sucks I'm gonna boo him, I don't give a shit if it makes a difference or not.
What are you, his mom? He's a man and a "professional" baseball player, he and his confidence should be able to take a little booing. If a player sucks I'm gonna boo him, I don't give a shit if it makes a difference or not.

If you're a fan of the team he plays for, and you're booing him, that makes you a sh!tty fan frankly. I don't care if he's the worst player in history.

And in addition, it makes our entire fan base look Sh!tty as well.
The more we boo the better chance Mr. I will wake up and do what's right...cut him. He is dogshit and deserves to be boo'd. They're boo'ing him based on his horrendous career...not just this year. People are sick of it and want to see a change and that's how fans get to voice their opinion. It makes our fan base look smart. Putting this POS shit in the line up and accepting it makes us look like a shitty fanbase.

Inge has too much confidence. There's never been a more delusional athlete to walk this planet.
If he doesn't want me to boo, he should stop trying to swing like he is playing slow-pitch softball, and work with the hitting coach. And for how delusional Inge is, his confidence isn't going to be getting hurt anytime soon. Does Inge deserve to be on the team more than Worth? I think in many people's opinions, no, he doesn't. Worth is raking down in Toledo, and can play better D than Inge. So some of the booing is probably also for the poor decision of keeping him on the team.

/end rant
Inge made his bed. It's not that he's under contract, that's on the team. He's not a quitter, he's clearly trying out there. It's his public statements, both recently and in the past.

That said, I've never booed a Tiger.
Our fans don't just boo our players for fun. We have a great fanbase. Inge has earned his boo's and that's why people are doing it now...and loudly.
He blows, he needs to retire, we are tired of his f'en check swing K's sitting on FB's trying to jack everything bull shit, get it? Get your head out of your ass or retire already damit! Your a liability!

The boo's are becuase we care, we want him to get the message and humble himself, if he can't do that then he needs to go. JMO.
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No, just no.

No, it makes you (us) look like a bunch of ungrateful babies. Me included.

I'm curious as to what we are supposed to be grateful for, with Inge on the field. I know he does a lot of good work off of the field, which is a very cool thing, and is appreciated by many, and yes, it is mean to boo a player, but if Inge didn't come off as an extremely arrogant person, I don't think the boos would be happening.
I'm curious as to what we are supposed to be grateful for, with Inge on the field. I know he does a lot of good work off of the field, which is a very cool thing, and is appreciated by many, and yes, it is mean to boo a player, but if Inge didn't come off as an extremely arrogant person, I don't think the boos would be happening.

Grateful in the sense that we have a very good team, with a lot of good players, with a nice cohesive team environment.

Therefore, as fans we should be grateful, instead of focusing on the one negative and bringing negative energy to the ballpark.
Grateful in the sense that we have a very good team, with a lot of good players, with a nice cohesive team environment.

Therefore, as fans we should be grateful, instead of focusing on the one negative and bringing negative energy to the ballpark.

For one, why I should I be grateful? Because they win some ball games? If anything they should be grateful. We pay their salaries and buy their jerseys and buy fk'n hot dogs.
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Inge is terrible.

Fans pay the salaries of the ballplayers, if we didn't buy merchandise, listen/watch on radio/tv, buy tickets and concessions, there would be no team, because the owners would not bother.

That said, I pays my money, and boo's whoever the **** I want.

This is America, we have the right to express ourselves, just learn to deal with it.

BTW, on the flip side of this coin, we could also complain about the people who cheer him endlessly, because frankly, they make the rest of us look like were blind sheep.
Inge is terrible.

Fans pay the salaries of the ballplayers, if we didn't buy merchandise, listen/watch on radio/tv, buy tickets and concessions, there would be no team, because the owners would not bother.

That said, I pays my money, and boo's whoever the **** I want.

This is America, we have the right to express ourselves, just learn to deal with it.

BTW, on the flip side of this coin, we could also complain about the people who cheer him endlessly, because frankly, they make the rest of us look like were blind sheep.

I don't see him challenging the rights of people to boo. That's a bit of a red herring.

Trying to make the argument that it makes the fans look bad to boo has nothing to do with denying anyone's rights.
Either way he's wrong. People boo, just the way it is. When someone gets millions for playing a game, and do poorly -- people boo. Nothing wrong.
Inge is terrible.

Fans pay the salaries of the ballplayers, if we didn't buy merchandise, listen/watch on radio/tv, buy tickets and concessions, there would be no team, because the owners would not bother.

That said, I pays my money, and boo's whoever the **** I want.

This is America, we have the right to express ourselves, just learn to deal with it.

BTW, on the flip side of this coin, we could also complain about the people who cheer him endlessly, because frankly, they make the rest of us look like were blind sheep.

I honestly HATE the response of, "well I'm a fan, I pay the money, I can boo whoever I want...."

Well by the same token, you can act like a jerk all day everyday, it's a free country. You're free to go an never give a tip again, or yell at a subordinate at work, or tell off one of your friends, or....ect. You can look like a jerk 1000 different ways that reflect poorly on you and those you associate with, does that mean you should do it? Does that mean I should tolerate it as someone who is also associated with you by virtue of being at the ballpark following the team I support?
This isn't little league. People boo to let management know they don't want him in the game because he hurts the team. We don't boo anyone else. Remember, people cheered for Inge for years too. He's sucked for way too long and people are fed up with it. This kumbaya shit to try and spare Inge's feelings isn't going to get us closer to a world series title. But replacing him permanently may help.
I honestly HATE the response of, "well I'm a fan, I pay the money, I can boo whoever I want...."

Well by the same token, you can act like a jerk all day everyday, it's a free country. You're free to go an never give a tip again, or yell at a subordinate at work, or tell off one of your friends, or....ect. You can look like a jerk 1000 different ways that reflect poorly on you and those you associate with, does that mean you should do it? Does that mean I should tolerate it as someone who is also associated with you by virtue of being at the ballpark following the team I support?

Exactly, free country bub. And if you should tolerate it? There's something you can do about you know, just not go. When I was going to concerts in the 70's, I got sick of all the noise. Should I have told the fans to stop yelling, at a concert :lmao:

Dude, shut up.
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