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Ferguson, MO

I think rigged is a bit strong. Outside the black community and a few people here..I don't see a jury, this one or others voting to indict a police officer after he was attacked. Even if they thought he could have acted differently inditing a police officer after some guy, robbed a store - reached in the car and hit police officer .. it wasn't going to happen.

And then the unarmed teenager RAN AWAY. What you all seem to not be able to grasp is Wilson did not kill Brown at the car while he allegedly reached for Wilson's gun.

Wilson did not have carte blanche to shoot and kill him because of what happened in the car once that situation was resolved. It was resolved when Wilson fired a shot into Browns arm and Brown took off running away.

But champ is right about the word rigged. When you arrest journalists and initiate a "no fly" zone over the town so news choppers can't see what's happening in the wake of the shooting it should tell you something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
And then the unarmed teenager RAN AWAY. What you all seem to not be able to grasp is Wilson did not kill Brown at the car while he allegedly reached for Wilson's gun.

Wilson did not have carte blanche to shoot and kill him because of what happened in the car once that situation was resolved. It was resolved when Wilson fired a shot into Browns arm and Brown took off running away.

But champ is right about the word rigged. When you arrest journalists and initiate a "no fly" zone over the town so news choppers can't see what's happening in the wake of the shooting it should tell you something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Is there proof he ran away and didn't come back or that the officer raced after him and shot him in the back? I don't find any evidence saying that. When he turned with his hands us, did he stop and do what the officer asked or did he creep back towards the officer..? There's more than he got killed running away..
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Mitch, if people keep saying he ran away or had his hands up and never moved toward Wilson, they will believe it despite all physical evidence to the contrary because they WANT and NEED this to be a racist shooting or some kind of rogue cop shooting. They are blind to all actual evidence that does not support their agendas.
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Mitch, if people keep saying he ran away or had his hands up and never moved toward Wilson, they will believe it despite all physical evidence to the contrary because they WANT and NEED this to be a racist shooting or some kind of rogue cop shooting. They are blind to all actual evidence that does not support their agendas.

Never said he didn't move towards Wilson afterwards you tard. And all the evidence suggests he ran away after Wilson fired the shot where the first encounter was, and every single witness backs it up, including Wilson.

Though the idea that he ran away after being shot at the first 2 times, then turned and charged after being shot at again makes little sense.

Of course, you're an idiot so you can't see it any other way.
I'm just saying I don't think any of us really knows what happened..Maybe when Wilson stopped firing Brown thought he was out of bullets so went after him again? I don't know but who knows..a lot of things are far fetched but imo it's far fetched that someone would reach into a police officers car yet it happened..

In any event, I don't think 12 people would have found the cop guilty. That's just my opinion.
My opinion is that your opinion is stupid, in my opinion, of your opinion.
My opinion is that your opinion is stupid, in my opinion, of your opinion.

Back at you though replace stupid with idiotic.

My opinion is that your opinion is idiotic, in my opinion, of your opinion - of my opinion.
How dare the officer shoot the guy after he takes out his gun. A gun where the serial number was scratched off ;-) Stupid fuckin' people. More protests for a thug.
so the DA & two of his assistants DAs have been hit with an official bar complaint, following an investigation into their conduct at the grand jury.

their misconduct went beyond allowing witness testimony they knew to be false...
After reviewing transcripts, Ramsey says he was most troubled by a particular blunder from Alizadeh. She had initially provided the jurors with an outdated Missouri use of force statute found unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1985. The old statute permitted officers to shoot fleeing suspects in certain situations.

According to transcripts, Alizadeh did not inform the jury of the error until more than a month later, and when a juror asked if the Supreme Court decision overrode the Missouri statute, she answered, "As far as you need to know, just don't worry about that."

Seems like a pretty open and shut case of prosecutorial misconduct & malpractice. Now the poor geeks on the MO Bar Association ethics board are sure to be subject to all sorts of political pressure from the police, local & state government to bury this.
so the DA & two of his assistants DAs have been hit with an official bar complaint, following an investigation into their conduct at the grand jury.

their misconduct went beyond allowing witness testimony they knew to be false...
After reviewing transcripts, Ramsey says he was most troubled by a particular blunder from Alizadeh. She had initially provided the jurors with an outdated Missouri use of force statute found unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1985. The old statute permitted officers to shoot fleeing suspects in certain situations.

According to transcripts, Alizadeh did not inform the jury of the error until more than a month later, and when a juror asked if the Supreme Court decision overrode the Missouri statute, she answered, "As far as you need to know, just don't worry about that."

Seems like a pretty open and shut case of prosecutorial misconduct & malpractice. Now the poor geeks on the MO Bar Association ethics board are sure to be subject to all sorts of political pressure from the police, local & state government to bury this.

This would be like the NCAA having to give back the state of PA's $60 M. The people saying it was being done improperly were right, but nobody's paying attention by the time it actually gets worked out.
DOJ..no charges, Eric Holder couldn't find anything...but what about "hands up"?

Rev Al, what do u say now? Race baiting at it's finest
DOJ..no charges, Eric Holder couldn't find anything...but what about "hands up"?

Rev Al, what do u say now? Race baiting at it's finest

It's almost like you think in Fox News headlines, instead of English.
I don't recall ever seeing this about Zimmerman during the trial - but then again, it not only doesn't fit the narrative of a white racist gunning down innocent black kids, it blows it out of the water completely so it makes sense that it got squashed. From the Washington Post article about the DOJ decision to not press charges civil rights charges...

Mark O’Mara, the lawyer who represented Zimmerman, said that approximately 40 witness statements collected by investigators in 2012 indicated there was no evidence to support a civil rights prosecution. “I was watching the whole case pretty closely for two years, and they didn’t do anything except take those 40 statements,” O’Mara said. The statements “suggested that George acted in very non-racist ways. He took a black girl to the prom. His best buddy was a black guy. He mentored two black kids. He sought justice for a black homeless man beaten up by a white cop’s son.

So unless your theory is he recently became a racist because he wanted to be a cop and all cops are racists so he bought a gun and went out hunting black teenagers, then it sounds like your theory is garbage. Or are you saying that in order to believe Zimmerman's side of the story, which no evidence contradicts and is supported by investigations by 4 law enforcement agencies and an acquittal by a jury of his peers, that you must be racist?
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I don't recall ever seeing this about Zimmerman during the trial - but then again, it not only doesn't fit the narrative of a white racist gunning down innocent black kids, it blows it out of the water completely so it makes sense that it got squashed. From the Washington Post article about the DOJ decision to not press charges civil rights charges...

Mark O?Mara, the lawyer who represented Zimmerman, said that approximately 40 witness statements collected by investigators in 2012 indicated there was no evidence to support a civil rights prosecution. ?I was watching the whole case pretty closely for two years, and they didn?t do anything except take those 40 statements,? O?Mara said. The statements ?suggested that George acted in very non-racist ways. He took a black girl to the prom. His best buddy was a black guy. He mentored two black kids. He sought justice for a black homeless man beaten up by a white cop?s son.?

So unless your theory is he recently became a racist because he wanted to be a cop and all cops are racists so he bought a gun and went out hunting black teenagers, then it sounds like your theory is garbage. Or are you saying that in order to believe Zimmerman's side of the story, which no evidence contradicts and is supported by investigations by 4 law enforcement agencies and an acquittal by a jury of his peers, that you must be racist?

No, shithead, the problem in FL was that the cops & DA there were racists, and let him go without doing jack about it until a nationwide protest forced the FL authorities to get off their asses.
No, shithead, the problem in FL was that the cops & DA there were racists, and let him go without doing jack about it until a nationwide protest forced the FL authorities to get off their asses.

You always lump the cops in there. I guess it's a step in the right direction; before you put it all on them. The police recommended manslaughter charges.
No, shithead, the problem in FL was that the cops & DA there were racists, and let him go without doing jack about it until a nationwide protest forced the FL authorities to get off their asses.

So it's the second part, the cops are racist because they chose not to arrest someone after investigating and not finding probable cause? Or because as they often do and prosecutors often prefer, they deferred the decision to arrest him until after the investigation rather than acting in haste and possibly making a mistake that might allow a guilty person to walk on a technicality? Does that make Eric Holder's DOJ also racist since they also investigated it and found no evidence to support any charges? How about the FBI? Racist?

And the fervor over the racial issues was because the cops didn't arrest him - not because a white guy (white hispanic guy) shot a black kid? And all those congressmen, NBA basketball players, etc, etc were wearing hoodies to protest the cops, not George Zimmerman and George Zimmerman was getting all those death threats because people thought the cops were racist. This is such a weak backpedal and is of course, supported by nothing other than you're ridiculous belief that all cops are racist and your widely disproved belief that Zimmerman himself is racist. Do you ever get tired of being so stupid?
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DA McCulloch, who sandbagged his own grand jury investigation to protect wilson was just booted out of office by voters (link)

almost 4 years after Michael Brown being murdered
DA McCulloch, who sandbagged his own grand jury investigation to protect wilson was just booted out of office by voters (link)

almost 4 years after Michael Brown being murdered

murdered? Didn't the separate DOJ investigation and forensic evidence support Wilson's version of the event?