How do you know that Prince would not have come into ST for the Tigers, being in the same if not even worse physical if not also mental shape than he was @ the start of last season? No one does of course, but it sure doesn't appear from learning about his apparant clubhouse conflicts, dislike of the CoPa environs, and lackadaisical/narcisstic attitude, that he would have any more reason whatsoever to appear in camp more fit, trim and mentally prepared. So stating that this was a win/lose trade is based mostly upon what each player has done in the past, and not so much on the trade's future impact for both teams, both positive and negative, especially in Prince's case the greater potential for further and more rapid regression had he remained with the Tigers. None of the Tigers coaching staff except for Lamont would have any prior experience dealing with Prince, nor would Fielder himself with them. Would a new manager inspire Prince to get his shit together during the off-season? I tend to doubt it. But since being traded to the Rangers, I would think that would provide Prince with more inspiration and motivation to appear at their AZ traning camp in at least better physical condition, coupled with weight loss, b/c IF he doesn't Fielder most certainly will pay the price in that wilting TX heat next summer.