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FISA Abuse

Trump's campaign chair: convicted felon
Trump's deputy campaign chair: convicted felon
Trump's foreign policy adviser: convicted felon
Trump's national security adviser: convicted felon
Trump's personal lawyer: convicted felon
Trump's longstanding political adviser: convicted felon

iT's A wItCh hUnT !!

Well...I guess Trump was right about it being a witch hunt. That's a lot of witches.

Isn't this what you would expect a witch hunt to look like? The higher number would be more indicative of it. Also, most of those convictions have nothing to do with his campaign or presidency or Trump himself. And several of those convictions are for crimes far less egregious than the those Comey acknowledged finding but literally let Hillary walk for, which further indicates that it is in fact, a witch hunt.

Since 2016 the Dems have done NOTHING other make stuff up to undo the results of an election they lost fair and square. This whole impeachment charade is just another attempt to accomplish that goal. They can't win on the issues, including the ones they care about. We have:

- record unemployment, particularly for minorities
- rising wages, and rising faster at the lower income levels (decreasing the inequality they care about even though it's not the real issue)
- a booming economy and stock market - I'm not giving Trump credit for that but he certainly can't be attacked on either
- ending involvement in endless wars, bringing home the troops
- prison reform

They know they're going to lose if they try to compete on his record so the only thing to do is throw a tantrum and try to undo a legitimate election. Perhaps the best part of this is they're accusing him of trampling on and abusing the Constitution - and of course their media lap dogs are going along with it. Sadly for them, it doesn't appear to be working.
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We have:

- record unemployment, particularly for minorities
- rising wages, and rising faster at the lower income levels (decreasing the inequality they care about even though it's not the real issue)
- a booming economy and stock market - I'm not giving Trump credit for that but he certainly can't be attacked on either
- ending involvement in endless wars, bringing home the troops
- prison reform

I won't pretend to be a savant when it comes to the economy. But from all of the sources I can find, it seems that most, if not all of the current trends at the moment began before Trump was in offense, whether good or bad. Do you have different citation that shows he's had a larger impact?




@Spartanmack - You also mentioned prison reform. I think that's long overdue. I applauded Trump for and both sides for coming together on the First Step Act. I would like more but absolutely a step in the right direction.
I won't pretend to be a savant when it comes to the economy. But from all of the sources I can find, it seems that most, if not all of the current trends at the moment began before Trump was in offense, whether good or bad. Do you have different citation that shows he's had a larger impact?





your links didn't come through so I'm not commenting on the specifics of that content but I will say yes, the economy has been growing since 2009 but it has continued and accelerated under Trump. And while I don't give Presidents all or even most of the credit for things like the economy or the stock market in particular, there are specific things Trump has done to contribute to the continuation/acceleration, like tax reform (despite idiots like mc telling you it was just a boon to billionaires). It's not an accident that unemployment, particularly for minoritis which stagnated for years increased under Trump, or wages, particularly those for the lower quintile has accelerated - it's not just a natural lag or follow-on effect. Even if you don't give Trump credit for any of the economy, that's not really the point. The point is you definitely can't attack him on the economy or stock market because both are stronger today than they were when he took office.

Under Obama the economy was goosed by artificially low interest rates, and massive bailouts. Asset prices were inflated and the stock market went wild off a low. But economic growth was moderate and job gains were slow and heavily concentrated at the lower end of the skill/comp spectrum.

I'm not putting this all on Obama - it started well before him with the Clinton administration when Alan Greenspan was driving the economy by looking in the rearview mirror and using easy money to encourage spending, discourage saving and inflating asset prices across the board. Then Barney Frank and his pals pushed banks to make cheap loans to people with bad credit creating a giant bubble that blew the whole thing up. Then he blamed Wall St for doing exactly what he wanted them to do (and again idiots like mc ate it up which is why they foolishly trusted those same idiots to fix it again). And despite having a Republican Congress for 2 years, Bush did nothing to stop it, he just spent more.
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I won't pretend to be a savant when it comes to the economy. But from all of the sources I can find, it seems that most, if not all of the current trends at the moment began before Trump was in offense

I?m quite sure this is either an auto correct or voice recognition failure, but it?s funny.

I think we should all start calling the place where the president sits-whomever the president is at the time-the ?Oval Offense.?
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Democrats are cornered like rats this morning. Trump appears to have baited Schiff, Pelosi and company into impeachment and it?s going to be delicious to watch how this plays out. IG report coming on Dec 9, apparently, and Horowitz testifying on the 11th. Trump haters are about to be ?woke,? as they like to say.


He said that on September 9th when they knew about the whistleblower. I will believe all the evidence that showed he held up the aid for Ukraine to investigate the Bidens not what Trump said when he knew the whistleblower said there was a Quid Pro Quo. Plus Sondland earlier said that everyone was in on it and that there was a Quid Pro Quo.
He said that on September 9th when they knew about the whistleblower. I will believe all the evidence that showed he held up the aid for Ukraine to investigate the Bidens not what Trump said when he knew the whistleblower said there was a Quid Pro Quo. Plus Sondland earlier said that everyone was in on it and that there was a Quid Pro Quo.

That?s pretty much what everyone is doing - believing what they want to believe.

I?m with Will Hurd of Texas here, @ 3:18:

Yes, people will still believe what they want, despite the fact that the FBI has been caught having falsified documents for a FISA warrant application. That?s bad, people, it?s bad. And it?s just the opening salvo of what?s to come in December.
Yes, people will still believe what they want, despite the fact that the FBI has been caught having falsified documents for a FISA warrant application. That?s bad, people, it?s bad. And it?s just the opening salvo of what?s to come in December.

But - is it as bad as Watergate?

THAT?S the question everybody wants the answer to.
One of my favorite parts was Jim "I cover up sexual assaults" Jordan asking Sondland if he knew what Quid Pro Quo was.

Asking the guy who donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration and when was then appointed as an ambassador if he knew what Quid Pro Quo is. My kind of humor.
One of my favorite parts was Jim "I cover up sexual assaults" Jordan asking Sondland if he knew what Quid Pro Quo was.

Asking the guy who donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration and when was then appointed as an ambassador if he knew what Quid Pro Quo is. My kind of humor.

Yeah funny.

What?s this about Jim Jordan covering up sexual assault? I haven?t come across anything about that; I don?t really know that much about Jim Jordan. I know he?s been pretty vocal supporter of Trump.
He says we'll know in December, though he didn't mention what year.

JWLCOSU Gave us the answer in January 2018, in post #3 of this thread. The FISA situation is worse than Watergate, and it isn?t even close.

It?s Watergate times 10.