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Game 1 - Lions @ Bucs Thread

With that being said, it's a damn shame this game had to come down to the last second.
rewind it and watch the play...fucking lineman spears him with his helmet..
Stafford A-
O Line A+
Receivers A-
Best A-

DBs A+
D Line B+

Special Teams C+

Great win. 1-0
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
[quote="Danny Diggler":pywbuu53]No Kordell Stewart!!!

don't ever say that fucking name on my board again![/quote:pywbuu53]

Hahaha One of the worst moments in Wolverine history huh?
dude, tigers swept the chisox, indians, and twins this week. wolverines won an amazing game, the lions won by a bigger margin than the score showed, and stafford looks awesome! great week!
[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]Almost a 1000 post thread. Outstanding guys.

The funny thing is the Lions could be awful and there would still be this many posts. It's been proven time and time again. Loyalty baby!