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Game 10 Packers @ Lions Thread

Lucky he misses again to the other side.

Seriously though, if you try and ice a kicker you absolutely cannot let him get a free kick. The second he starts walking off his steps you call TO. Don't let them snap it.
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I think Logan might cover kicks better than he returns them. anyone else notice that?
When we've had a team pinned deep in their own end this year, have we ever forced them into a 3 and out yet? They seem to always drive down the field everytime.
Fairley sacks him and knocks it lose...GB punt. The ball came right to Avril who was stuck on the ground like a flipped turtle.
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Then Avril follows it up by laying around on the ground with a fumble 2 ft away from him. What was he doing just laying there not even trying to push him off? WTF was that.
I think he is scared to touch it at this point. Fumblitis can be a bitch.

and our coaching staff allows us to have a PR that fails to catch the ball twice resulting in about -30 yards and fumbles a fair catch.