doc08 said:I couldn't vote for Bonds since he was the product of roids. I think Henderson was very very good but ended up voting for Yaz. Winning the triple crown, 3000 hits, 400 HR, nuff said.
sorry doc,
Williams missed about 5 years and would have been there with the 3000 and 400, Mantle with all his drinking problems had awful injuries and missed 600 games, and if Kaline didn't miss 400 games with injuries damn near every year from '59 on, he would have too.
yaz was nothing more than a selfish stat seeking over-rated LF. He had yawkey as his owner and had managers fired, players traded with his closed door meetings with the sox owner. He was on the DL once in his career, but if not for yawkey would have been out of bb 3/4 years earlier or at least platooned.
If I come off as bitter so be it, I saw first hand this guy's career, he had some terrible years mixed in during some of his prime years.