cheeno you're not thinking about this from a business/competition aspect. you never want your competition to know with certainty what you're planning on doing.
if we trot out a big ol sign that says "titus your ass is gone!" then every team has an information advantage on us. they 100% know we will be looking for WR at some point in the draft/FA process. sure, as it stands now its still like a 90% chance he's gone and we have to bring somebody in but that's still not 100% information.
the same concept applies for team's looking to give him a tryout. that list will be short but if you make it known now that you're cutting him they can say okay, we don't need to address that position in FA/draft because we know the Lions are planning on cutting Titus, we can lay back and snap him up when he becomes available, which allows them to formulate a better, more informed game plan.
you basically want the organization to put themselves at an information disadvantage with regards to their competition to pacify you, a fan. not smart.
Mayhew and Schwartz are playing this one fine. Titus keeps running his mouth and they're saying very little, just keeping their hand close to the vest. when the time is right and it won't give anyone an edge they'll very likely cut his ass or move him for bread crumbs and you can scream from the mountain tops good riddance. your day in the sun will come my friend.