So far, nothing but speculation.
The Freep reports this:
The Free Press has confirmed that Michigan is expected to receive an official notice of allegations from the NCAA soon, charging the program with four Level II violations ? those deemed ?more than a minimal but less than a substantial or extensive recruiting, competitive or other advantage? according to a description adopted in 2019 ? and Harbaugh himself with a Level I violation ? a ?severe breach of conduct? that ?seriously undermine or threaten the integrity of college sports,? per the guidelines.
LOL, what integrity? This is from a group of adults that make money by pushing 18-22 kids around...
No press releases about this yet on the NCAA site, and they do post about recruiting violations elsewhere (recently they've posted allegations about CSUN and Memphis).
People speculating on twitter that the misconduct involved minor stuff... but they have some details: either Harbaugh or one of his assistants bought lunch for recruits on an unplanned visit to Ann Arbor sometime in 2020, and they supposedly invited recruits to workout on zoom chat during the pandemic season, which is or was not allowed.
Whether he lied to the NCAA or not about that stuff... seems absurd, and way out of character. We'll see, I guess.
Fucking ridiculous given there's not a peep about
things like this on the NCAA site. You can embezzle $500,000 from a charity to give to the parents of a recruit, but you can't buy a kid lunch at The Brown Jug... I guess the NCAA is really strict about stuff though.