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Houston currently 2nd among NFC cbs in pro bowl


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
nice to see him getting some recognition

Suh leading nfc dt's (lol)

Calvin 3rd overall in pro bowl voting (rodgers, brady)

Stafford 4th among nfc qbs (rodgers, brees, newton)
Hope stafford edges out cameron.. he should in my book
regardless brees or rodgers will be in super bowl so if he finished 4th he'll get picked up to go to it since one of them won't play
thats only 1/3 of the vote.....players and coaches count for 2/3...it'll change.

Pro Bowls a joke anyway..
I hope Houston can play........if not...I might find other plans for Sun eve
No way Cam or Stafford should be ahead of Romo.
Beez said:
No way Cam or Stafford should be ahead of Romo.

single handedly losing games for your team is a good reason why you shouldnt go to the pro bowl. Romo has and has publically admitted it.
mhughes0021 said:
Beez said:
No way Cam or Stafford should be ahead of Romo.

single handedly losing games for your team is a good reason why you shouldnt go to the pro bowl. Romo has and has publically admitted it.

So has Staff....
Can disregard the Aaron Rodgers votes too, becuase he won't be participating.
SLICK said:
mhughes0021 said:
single handedly losing games for your team is a good reason why you shouldnt go to the pro bowl. Romo has and has publically admitted it.

So has Staff....

Personally i dont think staff is a pro bowl qb.
mhughes0021 said:
SLICK said:
So has Staff....

Personally i dont think staff is a pro bowl qb.

we can agree on thing today
SLICK said:
mhughes0021 said:
single handedly losing games for your team is a good reason why you shouldnt go to the pro bowl. Romo has and has publically admitted it.

So has Staff....

It only ocunts when Romo does it...
Staff has lost games this year but never snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Romo has made a career out of it. The only pro that should be associated with Romo is the PGA.
cheeno said:
Staff has lost games this year but never snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Romo has made a career out of it. The only pro that should be associated with Romo is the PGA.

Guess we won't talk about Romo's game winning drives or plays to put his team in position for the win..just the times he's lost cuz that's a lot easier.
Beez said:
cheeno said:
Staff has lost games this year but never snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Romo has made a career out of it. The only pro that should be associated with Romo is the PGA.

Guess we won't talk about Romo's game winning drives or plays to put his team in position for the win..just the times he's lost cuz that's a lot easier.

Yeah that game winning drive against a pathetic Arizona team that Cam Newton put up 400 yards on sure looked awesome. Almost got em there except your genius HC decided to run out the clock and ice your own kicker.
cheeno said:
Beez said:
Guess we won't talk about Romo's game winning drives or plays to put his team in position for the win..just the times he's lost cuz that's a lot easier.

Yeah that game winning drive against a pathetic Arizona team that Cam Newton put up 400 yards on sure looked awesome. Almost got em there except your genius HC decided to run out the clock and ice your own kicker.

Well that should have been his 5th one this year so like I said, go ahead and pretend that the only thing that matters is what helps you tear the cowboys down in an arguement, I'll look the other way.

The Cardinals are an NFL defense, it was in the clutch and he drove them down to be in position to win...what Jason Garrett fucks up isn't on him..he did his job. Take off your Lions tin foil hat and be reasonable.