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I guess we lost the Afghanistan War

The Afghan men tuned tail so fast after we started to leave it makes you wonder maybe we should have trained the Afghan women to fight ?

20 years and trillions of dollars later It appears the United States has failed at nation building again. I really feel bad for the kids and girls and women especially over there. Fuck the men as they are a bunch of chicken shits they just took the money and have now changed sides again. Sorry I haven?t read the whole thread. This is a Tragedy.
The Afghan men tuned tail so fast after we started to leave it makes you wonder maybe we should have trained the Afghan women to fight ?

20 years and trillions of dollars later It appears the United States has failed at nation building again. I really feel bad for the kids and girls and women especially over there. Fuck the men as they are a bunch of chicken shits they just took the money and have now changed sides again. Sorry I haven?t read the whole thread. This is a Tragedy.

Seems it was mostly younger fighting age men on that cargo plane out leaving their women and children behind? Wtf the exit was a total cluster fuck

The taliban are taunting him with ice cream photos on twitter, our country is completely leaderless right now. Buck Fiden will go down in history as the worst president in history
Seems it was mostly younger fighting age men on that cargo plane out leaving their women and children behind? Wtf the exit was a total cluster fuck

The taliban are taunting him with ice cream photos on twitter, our country is completely leaderless right now. Buck Fiden will go down in history as the worst president in history

oh no! they taunted our president! better bomb them and budget $500 BILLION dollars for stationing a battalion around Kabul airport and line the pockets of Blackwater, Dyncorp, etc for "security"
oh no! they taunted our president! better bomb them and budget $500 BILLION dollars for stationing a battalion around Kabul airport and line the pockets of Blackwater, Dyncorp, etc for "security"

The exit was an unmitigated cluster fuck, Biden is a fool
The exit was an unmitigated cluster fuck, Biden is a fool

Then it was a fitting end. the entire 20 year occupation was an unmitigated clusterfuck.

it's amusing watching how easily you fall for this bullshit. (edit... 9 months) months ago, your hero was pushing for a withdrawal and publicly calling out the generals for being incompetent. Now, Biden is weak for withdrawing and should have listened to them.
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Then it was a fitting end. the entire 20 year occupation was an unmitigated clusterfuck.

it's amusing watching how easily you fall for this bullshit. (edit... 9 months) months ago, your hero was pushing for a withdrawal and publicly calling out the generals for being incompetent. Now, Biden is weak for withdrawing and should have listened to them.

Biden did the right thing withdrawing the way they went about it is a national disgrace Biden is a blithering idiot
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Biden did the right thing withdrawing the way they went about it is a national disgrace Biden is a blithering idiot

The admin told the 10-15k Americans in afghanistan to shelter in place and wait for instructions for extraction - if I'm not mistaken, prior to the Taliban taking Kabul. A week later they're saying "sorry, we can't get you out. You should have left sooner." The admin just doomed upwards of 15k Americans and now are blaming the victims for following their instructions.
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Seems it was mostly younger fighting age men on that cargo plane out leaving their women and children behind? Wtf the exit was a total cluster fuck

The taliban are taunting him with ice cream photos on twitter, our country is completely leaderless right now. Buck Fiden will go down in history as the worst president in history

# 1 Trump #2 Bush


Let?s see. The Republican cluster fucks Cheney and Bush had 8 years in Afghanistan and they didn?t get Bin Laden and left it a mess along with the economy and Iraq. Let?s see. Obama inherited Cheney and Bush?s cluster fuck and didn?t do any better then Bush and Shotgun Dick But at least He got Bin Laden.Trump had 4 years and signed a date to get out and Biden agreed with him and implemented It and your mad at that. Republicans administration had 12 years and democrats had 8 year and neither accomplished much it appears. I am all for beating the Taliban but go it.and do it and stop just handing men money who constantly change sides.
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Then it was a fitting end. the entire 20 year occupation was an unmitigated clusterfuck.

it's amusing watching how easily you fall for this bullshit. (edit... 9 months) months ago, your hero was pushing for a withdrawal and publicly calling out the generals for being incompetent. Now, Biden is weak for withdrawing and should have listened to them.

it's amusing watching how utterly stupid you are. Mud has been calling for an exit from Afghanistan since I've been reading his posts. The biden admin has completely f'd up that withdrawal and they should be held accountable for it and they certainly should be criticized for how badly they f'd it up.
it's amusing watching how utterly stupid you are. Mud has been calling for an exit from Afghanistan since I've been reading his posts. The biden admin has completely f'd up that withdrawal and they should be held accountable for it and they certainly should be criticized for how badly they f'd it up.

Sometimes I honestly think michchsmp just might be a troll.
Everyone knew the date of the withdrawal. This is something the Trump administration signed off on and you Jack asses are blaming Biden for implementing it. Sadly all this money spent by Republican and Democratic administration has been wasted when it could been spent on Americans. To many lives lost for this shit hole country that appears to not want democracy. .What?s weird we are getting out which is what you guys wanted and when a Democratic President had the guts to sign off in the previous administration plan you guys cry foul.
Sometimes I honestly think michchsmp just might be a troll.

That is pretty funny coming from you. Whatever your just pissed a Democratic President has more balls to do what Trump wanted done then Trump. I?m sure Orange Jesus would set up a rally and sold everyone Trump hats. Trump is a criminal. Worst President ever.
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That is pretty funny coming from you. Whatever your just pissed a Democratic President has more balls to do what Trump wanted done then Trump. I?m sure Orange Jesus would set up a rally and sold everyone Trump hats. Trump is a criminal. Worst President ever.

No I was given the attention whore label recently and worst president ever will be the result of not just the exit from Afghanistan but the border and everything that goes with he?s an old fool that doesn?t even know where he?s at half his waking hours

And for the record I?m supporting desantas over trump for 2024
Everyone knew the date of the withdrawal. This is something the Trump administration signed off on and you Jack asses are blaming Biden for implementing it. Sadly all this money spent by Republican and Democratic administration has been wasted when it could been spent on Americans. To many lives lost for this shit hole country that appears to not want democracy. .What?s weird we are getting out which is what you guys wanted and when a Democratic President had the guts to sign off in the previous administration plan you guys cry foul.

The Trump administration at least had conditions tied to the withdrawal like the Taliban not taking over large swaths of the country or we'd stick around. This aggression is new, since Trump left office. There hadn't been an American military servicemember killed in action in Afghanistan since January of 2020. Since milquetoast Biden took office and decided to keep the exit deadline but remove the conditions, the Taliban have been emboldened and because of that, the exit has been an unmitigated disaster. That's not Bush or Cheney's fault, it's not even Trump's fault - it's 100% on Biden that there are over 10k Americans stranded in Afghanistan with no way out currently and no promise from the administration to help them - in fact it's just the opposite, the Biden admin has made it clear they're on their own. Whether you agree with the decision or not, it's painfully obvious this administration has completely screwed up the withdrawal and to say no one would have done it better is nonsense.

go back to bed bob.
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The Trump administration at least had conditions tied to the withdrawal like the Taliban not taking over large swaths of the country or we'd stick around. This aggression is new, since Trump left office. There hadn't been an American military servicemember killed in action in Afghanistan since January of 2020. Since milquetoast Biden took office and decided to keep the exit deadline but remove the conditions, the Taliban have been emboldened and because of that, the exit has been an unmitigated disaster. That's not Bush or Cheney's fault, it's not even Trump's fault - it's 100% on Biden that there are over 10k Americans stranded in Afghanistan with no way out currently and no promise from the administration to help them - in fact it's just the opposite, the Biden admin has made it clear they're on their own. Whether you agree with the decision or not, it's painfully obvious this administration has completely screwed up the withdrawal and to say no one would have done it better is nonsense.

go back to bed bob.

It?s painfully obvious both you and Tiger think no Republicans do anything wrong. So neither one of you are credible ever on this board. That Florida governor is another Trump fuck up clone. But I guess his over crowding hospitals mean Jack to that rich asshole.

It?s painful obvious that Afghanistan is an always was a cluster fuck that we never should been involved with. I feel bad for anyone stuck over there but everyone knew the date of the withdrawal. Seems like senate Democrats are not happy and will be probing Biden administration on this. So if he fucked up I?m sure there will be investigating unlike Republicans who cover for criminals like Trump. The whole Afghanistan plan was flawed from the start.

Hey Hack why don?t you leave the board ? Isn?t that right wing board Parler available anymore?
It?s painfully obvious both you and Tiger think no Republicans do anything wrong. So neither one of you are credible ever on this board. That Florida governor is another Trump fuck up clone. But I guess his over crowding hospitals mean Jack to that rich asshole.

How is that painfully obvious? All I've said was that Biden has completely screwed up this withdrawal, which is objectively true. What's painfully obvious is you have the least amount of credibility on this board - and it's not even close, which says a lot considering how little credibility MC has.

It?s painful obvious that Afghanistan is an always was a cluster fuck that we never should been involved with. I feel bad for anyone stuck over there but everyone knew the date of the withdrawal. Seems like senate Democrats are not happy and will be probing Biden administration on this. So if he fucked up I?m sure there will be investigating unlike Republicans who cover for criminals like Trump. The whole Afghanistan plan was flawed from the start.

Hey Hack why don?t you leave the board ? Isn?t that right wing board Parler available anymore?

Also not clear let alone painfully obvious but also not the point - no one is talking about whether or not we should have left, just that how we left was a complete disaster. Like I said before, why don't you go back to bed - no one missed your inane, nonsensical rants where you go off about points no one has made, then end it with the GOP is the most corrupt party ever and it's not even close and how you claim to criticized politicians on both sides so somehow that makes you credible or less stupid.

What happened Bob, did you stop taking your meds and suddenly decide it was time to remind everyone how out of your mind you are?