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Internet Censorship.

Wrong on so many levels

The Federal Bureau of Investigations conducted an early-morning raid on Project Veritas founder James O?Keefe?s private residence on Saturday over the stolen diaries of Joe Biden?s daughter Ashley.

Authorities raided O?Keefe?s Westchester County residence in Mamaroneck, just a day after the FBI searched the homes of several Project Veritas reporters

What is wrong about it?

You mentioned "stolen diaries", were any of these people suspected of receiving stolen property? Was that the basis of the search?

And before you ask, no I didn't and wont watch the video you linked, same as all the others you post.
What is wrong about it?

You mentioned "stolen diaries", were any of these people suspected of receiving stolen property? Was that the basis of the search?

And before you ask, no I didn't and wont watch the video you linked, same as all the others you post.

We?ve got nothing to talk about then, go back to sleep
Pretty young Ashley tends to stay out of the limelight.

What kind of stuff from her diary was published?

Was it sex dream stuff?
What is wrong about it?

You mentioned "stolen diaries", were any of these people suspected of receiving stolen property? Was that the basis of the search?

And before you ask, no I didn't and wont watch the video you linked, same as all the others you post.

So if your daughter's diary was stolen, you wouldn?t be at all surprised to hear the fbi was raiding peoples houses looking for it? Move along folks, nothing to see here.
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Seems to me that there?s a somewhat similar storyline about Marilyn Monroe and her diary.
the FBI shouldn't worry so much. like a full 80-90% of the American public isn't capable of reading past a headline, and even if they do, they automatically dismiss anything that challenges their existing political, racial, religious, and cultural biases
Good question. It goes right along with the good question of why the Department of Justice wanted to probe parental behavior at local school board meetings, which at worst should have only interested local law enforcement. Even if said diary belonged to the adult daughter of a presidential candidate, Jonathan Turley wrote yesterday, what federal statute gives the FBI jurisdiction to raid Project Veritas and James O?Keefe?s home over it?


The FBI?s once-stellar reputation has been badly tarnished in recent years, and many millions of Americans now see the Bureau as a politicized agency that has become, in important ways, an arm of the Democratic Party. The Case of the Missing Diary may be trivial in itself, but the fact that the FBI is now executing search warrants on the homes of political opponents of the Biden administration, with no national interest at stake other than the reputation of the Biden family, lends support to that suspicion.

The above paragraphs are snippets from the article
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Looking forward to trumps truth social next spring, although I think that is a dumb name for it. Gab sucks and I refuse to go back to Parler. fk em we'll see if trumps dumb site will be any better or not.


"But the more important point is this: Parler took up this challenge from liberals. They started their own platform to offer greater free speech. Soon as they became the nation's most-downloaded app, Dems demanded its destruction & tech monopolies obeyed:"
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That was after a long hiatus and AWS won't host them they had to go find a Russian provider to host them. Pretty sad. I refuse to use them anymore, it's a trap. Gab is a boring echo chamber. I'll try trumps site when it's ready and see if I like it or not. odds are that will also just be an echo chamber but will give it a try none the less. Our big tech chicom overloads have accomplished nothing but to divide and echo chamber sending everything into the back alleys.
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Might give this one a try also. Gettr, Rogan and Jones recently signed up there I guess as a twitter alternative.


here's the deal though tinsel, you'll note there is an apple and google app still for this one, if it gets too popular though the loony left will demand it be removed from the apple and google store and they will more be more than happy to comply.
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That was after a long hiatus and AWS won't host them they had to go find a Russian provider to host them. Pretty sad. I refuse to use them anymore, it's a trap. Gab is a boring echo chamber. I'll try trumps site when it's ready and see if I like it or not. odds are that will also just be an echo chamber but will give it a try none the less. Our big tech chicom overloads have accomplished nothing but to divide and echo chamber sending everything into the back alleys.

You keep howling about BigTech Chicoms, but the policiticians you support are all opposed to government action to do anything about it. And there's not going to be a "market solution" here: BigTech is big enough to simply buy up competitors, absorb startups, or otherwise block access to the market with gatekeeping mechanisms like refusing to host websites, or blocking payments & transfers.

But of the realistic options of government intervention, nationalizing facebook or google and making them public infrastructure - which would make it a 1st Amendment issue to censor people - but that = socialism, which is BAAAAAAD!!!

And even breaking up facebook or google into smaller components so they can't monopolize social media, search, and own every part of the online advertising process = government action... which is BAAAAAAD!!!

I think at this point, it's clear you retarded babies are just mad you're not the ones getting to do the censoring & blocking of opinions you don't like. You're against any actual reform.
You keep howling about BigTech Chicoms, but the policiticians you support are all opposed to government action to do anything about it. And there's not going to be a "market solution" here: BigTech is big enough to simply buy up competitors, absorb startups, or otherwise block access to the market with gatekeeping mechanisms like refusing to host websites, or blocking payments & transfers.

You're not paying attention - Republicans are the ones going after these big tech companies. You're team seems to be fine with them as long as they're censoring the right people.

But of the realistic options of government intervention, nationalizing facebook or google and making them public infrastructure - which would make it a 1st Amendment issue to censor people - but that = socialism, which is BAAAAAAD!!!

LOL - yeah, let's put the government in charge. That should take care of the censorship problem. Again, you're not paying attention - right now the government is telling these companies what is an isn't misinformation and having their opposition banned from these platforms. Giving them direct control would make it so much harder for them to do that - good one. This is a shockingly stupid assertion and a dumber idea.

And even breaking up facebook or google into smaller components so they can't monopolize social media, search, and own every part of the online advertising process = government action... which is BAAAAAAD!!!

I think at this point, it's clear you retarded babies are just mad you're not the ones getting to do the censoring & blocking of opinions you don't like. You're against any actual reform.

You're the one not for actual reform - you're for nationalizing it and having it run by the least competent partisan hacks in the country. More government control isn't reform, it's just a dumb idea that will only make it worse. It's just plain stupid, not to mention it's not even remotely the goal or purpose of government.
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... Republicans are the ones going after these big tech companies. ...

What do you mean by "going after"? Making a speech in congress, then doing nothing?

Where are the bills to counter Big Tech's financial clout / power? Where are the votes.

Lina Khan, the new FTC commissioner, is actually taking steps in this direction (Link - under Khan the FTC held their first open meeting IN DECADES, and some commentary regarding the empty prior attempt by Trump's FTC against facebook - dismissed and never refiled - that you're too dumb & lazy to read), but regarding Khan's filing of the suit against Facebook:
Politically, this complaint reveals the schism among conservatives, and the challenge that creates for Khan. Despite conservative rhetoric about big tech, the Republicans on the commission refused to support the complaint. The vote among the five commissioners at the Federal Trade Commission was 3-2, as both Republican Commissioners, Noah Phillips and Christine Wilson, voted against bringing it.
Fox Business commentary from two days ago:
Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, slammed Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Lina Khan?s "radical agenda" on Tuesday, warning that it will have "far-reaching consequences."

Bradley argued that Khan?s "stated agenda is to change internal structures of what drive our economy."
Bullshit. Right: facebook is bad, but government somehow worse, so there's nothing we can do.

I think other than loudly whining every time Facebook pulls a MAGA page, or twitter deletes an account, they won't do shit to big tech, nor do they actually want to do shit to big tech, because they know their checks from the US Chamber of Commerce will stop.
What do you mean by "going after"? Making a speech in congress, then doing nothing?

Where are the bills to counter Big Tech's financial clout / power? Where are the votes.

Lina Khan, the new FTC commissioner, is actually taking steps in this direction (Link - under Khan the FTC held their first open meeting IN DECADES, and some commentary regarding the empty prior attempt by Trump's FTC against facebook - dismissed and never refiled - that you're too dumb & lazy to read), but regarding Khan's filing of the suit against Facebook:
Politically, this complaint reveals the schism among conservatives, and the challenge that creates for Khan. Despite conservative rhetoric about big tech, the Republicans on the commission refused to support the complaint. The vote among the five commissioners at the Federal Trade Commission was 3-2, as both Republican Commissioners, Noah Phillips and Christine Wilson, voted against bringing it.
Fox Business commentary from two days ago:
Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, slammed Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Lina Khan?s "radical agenda" on Tuesday, warning that it will have "far-reaching consequences."

Bradley argued that Khan?s "stated agenda is to change internal structures of what drive our economy."
Bullshit. Right: facebook is bad, but government somehow worse, so there's nothing we can do.

I think other than loudly whining every time Facebook pulls a MAGA page, or twitter deletes an account, they won't do shit to big tech, nor do they actually want to do shit to big tech, because they know their checks from the US Chamber of Commerce will stop.

This is just all kinds of stupid. If Republicans won't sign onto an antitrust action, that doesn't mean they're doing nothing - apparently you're too thick to understand that. The antitrust suit won't address the first amendment issues which is what Republicans care about, dumbass. How many Dems are onboard with the censorship/1st amendment issue? Zero, I guess that means they don't want to do anything about FB - oh wait, they want to nationalize it so they don't have to count on the people that actually built and own the platform to censor people they don't like.

The issue with FB and social media in general is one of censorship - not something the Government needs to nationalize or break them up over. It's an issue where all the federal government has to do is acknowledge the simple fact that by adding fact checkers (which they hilariously admitted aren't actually fact checks but rather 3rd party opinions) and censoring opinions they don't like, then they're no longer simply a platform and can be held liable for the content on their platform, just like a newspaper.

Once again, the Democrats have it wrong and the fact that Republicans won't go along with making it worse or wasting time taking actions that won't address the problem doesn't mean they don't actually want to do anything. But of course to low IQ morons like you, if Republicans don't get onboard with nationalizing FB then they just don't care.
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